search for: lp25

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "lp25".

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2009 Aug 25
R command line behaving funny
...e:timeSeries : colMeans, colSums The following object(s) are masked from package:base : colMeans, colSums, rowMeans, rowSums Using the GLPK callable library version 4.37 Loading required package: Rsymphony SBI SPI SII LP25 LP40 SBI 1.685150e-06 -4.146820e-06 1.353892e-07 -1.075973e-07 -9.441923e-07 SPI -4.146820e-06 1.175681e-04 6.599240e-07 2.203762e-05 3.616704e-05 SII 1.353892e-07 6.599240e-07 9.032237e-06 2.706275e-07 4.108008e-07 LP25 -1.075973e-07 2.203762e-05 2.706275e-07 6.463869e-06 9....
2009 Aug 25
Clarifications please.
...ECT(e = lang2(install("colMeans"), install("SWX.RET"))); val = (R_tryEval(e, NULL, &errorOccurred)); Rf_PrintValue(val); return 0; } When I tried : >mean(SWX.RET) in the R prompt I got the following output: SBI SPI SII LP25 LP40 LP60 4.660521e-06 2.153198e-04 2.033869e-04 1.388886e-04 1.349041e-04 1.226859e-04 However when I replaced colMeans with mean in the C code above I got a mean of the means (0.0001366410) of all the columns when Rf_PrintValue was called. Using colMeans gave me the output as shown abov...