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2004 Aug 26
labels on secondary y axis
...s(4) However, if I put a label in the 2nd ylab='' it is placed over the 1st ylab, on the left hand side. Clearly label in the axis command is not what I want as that erases my tick marks, and ylab generates errors here! Please can someone give me a pointer on what I should be using. Thanks Louize PS - how long do postings take to get in the archives - I remember seeing something about scale values (pure numeric?) this week, I erased it and now I discover I need to follow the advice!
2004 Aug 19
column names in data.frame
...t;, av_tl) > d2<- data.frame (x="year", av_tl, check.names = TRUE) > d2<- data.frame (year, av_tl) as well as several combinations with cbind, as.matrix, etc... I cannot relate the examples given in ?data.frame with my problem or find a similar problem in the archives. Thanks Louize
2004 Jun 25
trouble using boot package
...R = 999) Bootstrap Statistics : original bias std. error t1* 3.365 0 0 Firstly - shouldn't the bias and std error be something other than 0? Furthermore, I would like to know if there is a way (function?) I can use that would automate this? Thank you for your help Louize Hill
2004 Mar 22
beginners question - kmeans
...entered the following: cl <- kmeans(dat, 3, 10) plot(dat, col = cl$cluster) points(cl$centers, col = 1:2, pch = 8) the output is 17*17 graphs ... this is not what I was anticipating - I was hoping to get one graph with 17 points in 3 clusters! can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks Louize Hill [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Jul 26
group definition for a bootstrap
...split function, or should I use some variant of [d$age == "1" & d$quarter =="1"] in the sample definition? Please don't think I am looking for an easy answer - I have been puzzling for this for over a week already :( (I am using R1.9 under MS W2000) Thank you in advance Louize
2004 Jun 18
set working directory
I have just upgraded from rw1081 to rw1090 (using Windows 2000). Now when I type the command: > setwd('d:/folder_name) I get the following error message: Error in setwd(dir) : cannot change working directory If I use the "change dir" tab in the file menu i can sucessfully change working directories, but this is not so convenient as i have my whole model stored as a text file