search for: louiswalch

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "louiswalch".

2006 Jun 25
urgent help with effects.
Ahhhh.. Ok can someone please help me out. Prolly easy for someone else. Here is the page in question: Can you please tell me why when I tell it to show ONE of the divs, it shows them ALL?! I just want a simple nav where when you click the button, it hides the current ‘tab’ and shows the one one requested. But i would like to make it not play the show amimation if you click the...
2008 Jun 18
Form submit listener not catching form.submit();
Event listener for a form being submitted is not catching an A tag with a submit in it. Example JS: $(form).observe(''submit'', function(e) { e.stop(); // Something }); Example HTML: <a href="#" onClick="myForm.submit();">Submit form</a> Any idea how to fix this without added more js to button?
2005 Dec 30
scriptilicious autocomplete
Hello I found this list on the scriptilicious website. I am looking for some help with the Autocomplete.Local, the only examples I can find are using it with Ruby, can this be used without Ruby with just plain Javascript? Any help would be great, thanks! --louis
2006 Jan 25
RE: Make all LI items draggable
If you want the whole list draggable as one entity, you make one draggable. If you want each item draggable on their own, you need to make each one a new draggable. -----Original Message----- From: rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ [mailto:rails-spinoffs-bounces-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/] On Behalf Of
2006 Feb 23
reloading fragments of pages
Hello, I have a treeview, that works with scriptaculous in order to load the nodes dynamically. I also have in the main part of the page, a table with the list of elements. The lists of elements can be drag-dropped on the treeview in order to move them around (they are also draggable on other parts of the page) I need though, to refresh the treeview to reflect changes when a folder was moved
2008 Jun 16
Selecting radio group from element
I have a single radio button element (which is passed in via an Observer) and I want to detect if ANY of the radio buttons in it''s group are checked. How can I query all the radio buttons on the page in it''s group with just the element? Thanks. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups