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2005 May 16
Mann-Whitney & Wilcoxon Rank Sum
...f <- c(1.8938,1.9709,1.8613,2.0836,1.9485,2.0630,1.9143) and the wilcox.test command as below: wilcox.test(m,f, paired = FALSE, alternative = c("two.sided")) I get a test statistic (W) of 30. When I perform this test by hand utilizing the methodology laid out in Ch. 6 of Ott & Longnecker I get a value of 45. Any insight or good reference(s) as to the algorithm R is using or this issue in general would be most appreciated. Thanks....
2005 Jul 25
trend estimation for cohort study
Hi R Users, I wish to estimate if there is a trend in my relative risk obtained by coxph. The best i've found is a method from Greenland and Longnecker ( Am J Epidemiology 1992 vol 135 (11) - p 1301-9 ). But all I have is my relative risk and their std error. Is there a command in R that can do this ? If there is someone with a better method ? Thanking you in advance, I look forward your reply. Claude [[alternative HTML version deleted]]