Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "londonmet".
2008 May 20
"NOTE" warning
...le binding for global variable
make.link.gamlss : mu.eta: no visible binding for global variable
make.link.gamlss : valideta: no visible binding for global variable
Mikis Stasinopoulos
Companies Act 2006 : http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/companyinfo
2012 Feb 22
gamlss results for EXP and LNO seem to have reversed AIC scores
I'm a bit puzzled by the gamlss fitting of exponential and lognormal data.
Gamlss seems to think that exponentially distributed data fits better with a
lognormal distribution, and vice versa.
For example,
X <- rexp(1000)
Gexp <- gamlss(X~1,family=EXP) # X~1 is X tilde 1
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 2037.825
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 2037.825
2008 Mar 25
gamlss and glm binomial family
Dear all and Mikis
I have the opportunity to compare fits with the 'classical' glm and
gamlss and no smoother of any kind just the same model formula (both
with the binomial family). I get exactly the same coefficients but
very different residuals, gamlss giving residuals which are extremely
close to 'normal' and glm very far...
How can this be ?
Thanks in advance for
2018 Mar 12
Package gamlss used inside foreach() and %dopar% fails to find an object
From: Dimitrios Stasinopoulos <dmh.stasinopoulos at gmail.com>
To: r-help at r-project.org
Cc: Nik ntuzov.com>
Subject: [R] . Package gamlss used inside foreach() and %dopar% fails
to find an object (Nik Tuzov)
<424DC535-4CAF-4DD5-8BD5-EB19BF6F7247 at staff.londonmet.ac.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Dear Nik
Try the following code
loo_predict.mu <- function(model.obj, input.data) {
yhat <- foreach(i = 1 : nrow(input.data), .packages="gamlss", .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
updated.model.obj <- update(mode...
2018 Mar 10
. Package gamlss used inside foreach() and %dopar% fails to find an object (Nik Tuzov)
...= input.data[i,], type = "response")
return(data.frame(result = yhat[, 1], row.names = NULL))
par.run <- loo_predict.mu(model3, input.processed.cut)
The predict command in this case also need the old data.
Prof Dimitrios Mikis Stasinopoulos
stasinom at staff.londonmet.ac.uk
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Apr 20
Creating a package in R 1.9.0
Dear all
I am trying to create a package in R 1.9.0 and I a getting an
error message which I do not understand. (I am using R in Windows
XP and 2000)
For example the following works well in 1.8.1
C:\Program Files\R\rw1081\src\gnuwin32>make pkg-gamlss
---------- Making package gamlss ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing inst files
installing indices
not zipping
2013 Oct 27
R-help Digest, Vol 128, Issue 29
> PLEASE do read the posting guide
> http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
> and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> End of R-help Digest, Vol 128, Issue 29
> ***************************************
Companies Act 2006 : http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/companyinfo
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Nov 06
Nonnormal Residuals and GAMs
Greetings, My question is more algorithmic than prectical. What I am
trying to determine is, are the GAM algorithms used in the mgcv package
affected by nonnormally-distributed residuals?
As I understand the theory of linear models the Gauss-Markov theorem
guarantees that least-squares regression is optimal over all unbiased
estimators iff the data meet the conditions linearity,
2013 Oct 27
Heteroscedasticity and mgcv.
I have a two part question one about statistical theory and the other
about implementations in R. Thank you for all help in advance.
(1) Am I correct in understanding that Heteroscedasticity is a problem for
Generalized Additive Models as it is for standard linear models? I am
asking particularly about the GAMs as implemented in the mgcv package.
Based upon my online search it seems that some
2004 Oct 31
Problem in building a package in R 2.0.0
Dear all
I am trying to build a package in Windows.
I use the following command (which it used to work with previous
versions ) and I am getting the following error
C:\PROGRA~1\R\rw2000\bin>Rcmd build --binary --use-zip
* checking for