search for: logonpath

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "logonpath".

2012 Oct 30
Disabling Roaming Profile Support
...In smb.conf Affect the following settings and ALL clients will be forced to use a local profile: logon home = <>and logon path = <> The arguments to these parameters must be left blank. It is necessary to include the = sign to specifically assign the empty value. This apparently no longer works, or at least it doesn't work properly with an LDAP server. Can anyone comment on why? I'm running Samba 3.6.3-2 on Ubun...
2006 Aug 18
share write access
...= cups passdbbackend = tdbsam guestaccount = testguest printing = cups cupsoptions = raw logondrive = P: addusertogroupscript = /usr/sbin/groupmod -m "%u" "%g" logonpath = \\%L\profiles\.msprofile printcapcachetime = 750 workgroup = SAMBA_TEST security = share domainmaster = false ## Section - [users] [users] readonly = No comment...
2003 Dec 03
logon path question
This link: States that: "Windows clients can sometimes maintain a connection to the [homes] share, even though there is no user logged in. Therefore, it is vital that the logon path does not include a reference to the homes share (i.e. setting this parameter to \%N\%U\profile_path will cause problem...
2004 Aug 20
Domain membership problem: PLEASE HELP!!!
...s = yes null passwords = yes passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost # add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -c Machine -d /var/lib/nobody -s /bin/false %m$ domain master = yes domain logons = yes local master = yes preferred master = yes os level = 85 loglevel = 1 logonpath = \\%N\profiles\%U logondrive = U: logon script = LOGON.BAT browseable = yes # wins server = wins support = yes socket options = TCP_NODELAY ldap admin dn = cn=root,dc=juwimm,dc=local ldap suffix = ou=sso,dc=juwimm,dc=local ldap user suffix = ou=users ldap...
2006 Jul 20
guest ok
...= cups passdbbackend = tdbsam guestaccount = testguest printing = cups cupsoptions = raw logondrive = P: addusertogroupscript = /usr/sbin/groupmod -m "%u" "%g" logonpath = \\%L\profiles\.msprofile printcapcachetime = 750 workgroup = SAMBA_TEST security = user domainmaster = yes ## Section - [users] [users] readonly = No comment...
2003 Oct 24
Samba PDC+Domain Admin Group
hi all. recectly i made the migration from samba 2.2.8 to 3.0. everything is working fine, except that i dont know how to grant administrator privileges in win 2000 clients. with 2.2.8, i used DOMAIN ADMIN GROUP parameter ( domain admin group = @adm) but its been removed in samba 3.0, and i dont know what to do. any help will be apreciated thanks in advance sebastian ------------ Internet GRATIS
2019 Jul 14
Build error due to Waf task dependency cycle in run_after
Dear all, trying to build some Heimdal-based packages for Samba AD DC under openSUSE I am facing some difficulties with the build system: During the installation which is triggered by "make install" waf complains about some task dependency cycle after leaving folder bin/default. Full log including config options can be seen unter
2019 Aug 01
Build error due to Waf task dependency cycle in run_after,ldapssl.xml,ldapsslads.xml,ldapsuffix.xml,ldaptimeout.xml,ldapusersuffix.xml,level2oplocks.xml,lmannounce.xml,lminterval.xml,loadprinters.xml,localmaster.xml,lockdirectory.xml,locking.xml,lockspintime.xml,logfile.xml,logging.xml,loglevel.xml,lognttokencommand.xml,logondrive.xml,logonhome.xml,logonpath.xml,logonscript.xml,logwriteablefilesonexit.xml,lppausecommand.xml,lpqcachetime.xml,lpqcommand.xml,lpresumecommand.xml,lprmcommand.xml,lsaovernetlogon.xml,machinepasswordtimeout.xml,magicoutput.xml,magicscript.xml,manglednames.xml,mangleprefix.xml,manglingchar.xml,manglingmethod.xml,mapaclinherit.x...
2003 Nov 16
Can not add users to samba 3.0
Hello, I can not seem to get smbpsswd to add any users to samba. No matter if I use the CLI, the Webmin module or SWAT I always get this response when trying to add any user [root@matrix1 samba]# smbpasswd -m -a gerard Failed initialise SAM_ACCOUNT for user gerard$. Failed to modify password entry for user gerard$ I take it this has somehting to do with PAM & or shadow passwords, & I
2019 Mar 20
build problem with 4.10.0,ldapssl.xml,ldapsslads.xml,ldapsuffix.xml,ldaptimeout.xml,ldapusersuffix.xml,level2oplocks.xml,lmannounce.xml,lminterval.xml,loadprinters.xml,localmaster.xml,lockdirectory.xml,locking.xml,lockspintime.xml,logfile.xml,logging.xml,loglevel.xml,lognttokencommand.xml,logondrive.xml,logonhome.xml,logonpath.xml,logonscript.xml,logwriteablefilesonexit.xml,lppausecommand.xml,lpqcachetime.xml,lpqcommand.xml,lpresumecommand.xml,lprmcommand.xml,lsaovernetlogon.xml,machinepasswordtimeout.xml,magicoutput.xml,magicscript.xml,manglednames.xml,mangleprefix.xml,manglingchar.xml,manglingmethod.xml,mapaclinherit.x...
2005 Oct 20
usrmgr: group not found.
...oglevel = 5 adduserscript = /usr/sbin/useradd -m -s /bin/false '%u' dnsproxy = no hidedotfiles = yes setprimarygroupscript = /usr/sbin/usermod -g '%g' '%u' deletegroupscript = /usr/sbin/groupdel '%g' loadprinters = yes cupsoptions = "raw" nullpasswords = no logonpath = \\%L\Profiles\%U <file://%25L/Profiles/%25U> changesharecommand = /etc/samba/scripts/ serverstring = Samba Server %v encryptpasswords = yes ## Section - [printers] [printers] createmode = 0700 browseable = no printable = yes writable = no path = /var/spool/samba guest...
2004 Jul 06
Moving Profiles
Hi everyone, I'm about to install a Samba PDC in a network that previously was working as a workgroup. All the users have been logging into their local machines as "administrator" and all with the same password. What I would really like to do is to move their profiles with them, but as they are all using the same username and the like I can see this is going to cause problems. So
2003 Dec 01
No subject
...had similar problems. this is more than 2 years ago and i never tried the described procedure for roming profiles again. so here is mine solution: make the [profiles] share browseable again and change it to [profiles$] (don't make such share 'guest ok=yes' (smb.conf.html#SECURITY / #LOGONPATH)) change the other depending values in smb.conf to the new sharename. Note: don't map Z: to anything in Windows because it is used for NETLOGON and PROFILES ! it is possible that you have to install the vredrupd.exe from MS (Knowledge Base Q148367), too. > .. > (3) If I am logged int...