Displaying 20 results from an estimated 68 matches for "loglinear".
2009 Apr 20
automatic exploration of all possible loglinear models?
Is there a way to automate fitting and assessing loglinear models for
several nominal variables . . . something akin to step or drop1 or add1
for linear or logistic regression?
Christopher W. Ryan, MD
SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Campus at Binghamton
40 Arch Street, Johnson City, NY 13790
2012 Jun 08
Fwd: How to best analyze dataset with zero-inflated loglinear dependent variable?
...statisticians in
the list and I would like to hear from them. Any function/package in R
would be able to deal with the problem from this researcher?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heidi Bertels
Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:31 PM
Subject: How to best analyze dataset with zero-inflated loglinear
dependent variable?
To: RMNET <rmnet at listserv.unc.edu>
Dear colleagues,
I have what I think is an interesting dataset, but I have never
analyzed anything alike. As background: over a 12 week period,
employees developed a business plan and attempted to obtain funding
for their project i...
2004 Jan 29
Loglienar models
I'm planning to start using R. Before getting into it, I'd like to
ask a couple of questions. Does R carry out loglinear model analysis?
That is, will it provide the chi-squared goodness of fit test statistic
for a given hierarchical loglinear model? Maybe even do a model
selection procedure (like Brown's two-step procedure, or
forward/backward selection)? Thanks for your help.
---Harry Khamis
2011 Jan 19
question about result of loglinear analysis
Hi all:
Here's a question about result of loglinear analysis.
There're 2 factors:area and nation.The raw data is in the attachment.
I fit the saturated model of loglinear with the command:
glm_sat<-glm(fre~area*nation, family=poisson, data=data_Analysis)
After that,I extract the coefficients:
2009 May 19
loglinear analysis
Dear R Users,
A would like to fit a loglinear analysis to a three dimensional contingency
table. But I Don't want to run a full saturated modell. Is there any package
in R that could handle somekind of stepwise search to choose out the best
soultion? And how can I fit a non fully saturated modell, which only use the
important interactions?...
2005 Aug 30
loglinear model selection
...27 61.573
[6,] 0.851 26.284 12.189 35.587 80.876 NA 57.346 0.741 49.738
[7,] 2.955 8.580 19.811 22.401 54.954 57.346 NA 1.520 80.615
[8,] 1.188 3.608 0.192 1.950 0.127 0.741 1.520 NA 0.311
[9,] 1.975 6.574 11.744 26.631 61.573 49.738 80.615 0.311 NA
Now I need fit a loglinear model with this variables, but I need know have
a command with generate ALL models with the set this 8 vairables (ALL minus
[,8]) incluindind the interactions.
Can Anyone Help me?
Thanks in advance
Bernardo Rangel Tura, MD, MSc
National Institute of Cardiology Laranjeiras
Rio de Janeiro Braz...
2002 Oct 23
loglinear models
I am using the loglin function of the base package to fit log-linear models.
I am interested in obtaining the parameter values and their standard errors.
Parameters are easily obtained, but I haven't found the way of obtaining
their standad errors. Is this possible with the loglin function? If not, is
there any other function to get them?
Many thanks,
Vicente Piorno
Departamento de Ecolox?a
2013 Jul 06
fitting the null loglinear model with MASS::loglm??
The null loglinear model is an intercept-only model for log frequency,
log(f) = \mu
For a one-way table the test of the null model is the same as the
This can be fit using loglin(), but I don't think there is any way to
specify this using MASS::loglm
> t1<- margin.table(Titanic,1)
> t1...
2010 Apr 14
Sig differences in Loglinear Models for Three-Way Tables
Hi all,
I've been running loglinear models for three-way tables: one of the
variables having three levels, and the other two having two levels each.
An example looks like below:
> yes.no <- c("Yes","No")
> switch <- c("On","Off")
> att <- c("BB","AA",&q...
2000 Oct 06
quasi-symmetry loglinear models
Hi All,
I'm trying to implement a quasi symmetry model for data on twin
pairs. A crosstabulation of twin 1 by twin 2 (assumed symmetrical)
stratified by another variable. There is a good paper on this by
Phil (?) McCloud and Darroch in Biometrika (1995) which explains the
method, but I've not done this before so am not clear how to code
these models.
Any help would be greatly
2005 Apr 30
lmer for mixed effects modeling of a loglinear model
I have a dataset with 25 subjects and 25 items. For each subject-item
combination, there's a 0/1 score for two parts, A and B. I'm thinking
of this as a set of 2 x 2 tables, 25 x 25 of them. I'd like to fit a
log-linear model to this data to test the independence of the A and B
If I ignore the subject and item parts, the following works just fine:
glm(count ~ A * B,
2000 Jul 25
glm and capture-recapture
...each list, patients already known in all other list. The aim is to use capture-recapture models for estimating the number of patients unknow of all the sources.
Because no order in sources, one cannot use classical models for closed animal populations (models M(bht) of Otis ) so I use hierarchical loglinear model, moreover for controlling interactions (dependence) between sources. For me it sound a little strange when I read in papers that authors use 'glm' and 'predict' for this problem even if I know that loglinear are in generalized linear model.
Why don't use 'loglin'?...
2009 Oct 20
2x2 Contingency table with much sampling zeroes
However, my problem is that several cells have sampling zeroes. My
experiments can't be done again to fill these cells. Thus Chi-square
requirements are not fulfilled and I have to find another statistical
After spending hours searching for a solution, I thought I could use
loglinear model to answer my questions, but :
- I'm not sure I can use loglinear model = do I fulfill the required
conditions ?
- would this method answer to my hypothesis ?
- I not sure to really understand how I have to use loglin()?
Here is the data frame of my results.
2008 Jun 24
How to solve empty cells in the contingency table?
Hi,Dear all R experts,
I am trying to do the 2-way contingency table analysis by fitting the loglinear models. However, I found my table has several empty cells which are theoretically missing values.I have no idea of how to solve them coz we cannot compute the simulated p-value with zero marginals.Does someone have some suggestions? Please help me out, thanks a lot!
2012 Apr 02
linear-by-linear association model in R?
Dear all, can somebody give me some pointer how I can fit a
"linear-by-linear association model" (i.e. loglinear model for the
ordinal variables) in R? A brief description can be found here
Thanks for your help
2011 Mar 10
identical values not so identical? newbie help please!
...com/u/10364753/test.RData link to dropbox file
(I hope this is acceptable mailing list etiquette!)
Here's what happens:
> obs[1, 1]
[1] 118
> exp[1, 1]
[1] 118
> obs[1, 1]-exp[1, 1]
[1] 2.842171e-14
Problem is, both obs and exp should be identical. They are the result of a
saturated loglinear model, and I've run the same code across about 400
tables, all of which result in sum(obs-exp)=0, except for this one. I can't
figure it out?
Anyway, I need help understanding why 118 and 118 are not really the same. I
appreciate some may be wary of downloading my .Rdata file (I'm on u...
2013 Apr 24
Regression on stratified count data
...2 1 7
2 2 2 95
1:use drug
2:not use drug
My purpose:
Anaysis whether case and oc are correlated, and age is a stratified variable.
My solution:
1,Mantel-Haenszel test by using function "mantelhaen.test"
2,loglinear regression by using function glm(count~case*oc,family=poisson).But I don't know how to handle variable "age",which is the stratified variable.
Many thanks for your help.
My best.
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2003 Feb 12
models for square tables
I've posted a sample file for estimating loglinear models for square
tables (mobility models) at http://www.xs4all.nl/~jhckx/mcl/R/
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
John Hendrickx
2003 Oct 13
contigency tables
Hello everybody,
Can anyone tell me how I could analyze data that are at a contigency table form? I already found function cfa in the cfa package but I still don't understand how I could use this function in order to elaborate a contigency table. Every answer is welcome!
ÁðïêôÞóôå ôçí äùñåÜí óáò@yahoo.gr
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2007 May 02
Log-likelihood function
I've computed a loglinear model on a categorical dataset. I would like to
test whether an interaction can be dropped by comparing the log-likelihoods
from two models(the model with the interaction vs. the model without).
Since R does not immediately print the log-likelihood when I use the "glm"
function, I used...