Displaying 20 results from an estimated 162 matches for "loglikelihood".
2011 May 12
Maximization of a loglikelihood function with double sums
Dear R experts,
Attached you can find the expression of a loglikelihood function which I
would like to maximize in R.
So far, I have done maximization with the combined use of the
mathematical programming language AMPL (www.ampl.com) and the solver
SNOPT (http://www.sbsi-sol-optimize.com/manuals/SNOPT%20Manual.pdf).
With these tools, maximization is carried out in a fe...
2011 Apr 15
GLM output for deviance and loglikelihood
It has always been my understanding that deviance for GLMs is defined
D = -2(loglikelihood(model) - loglikelihood(saturated model))
and this can be calculated by (or at least usually is);
D = -2(loglikelihood(model))
As is done so in the code for 'polr' by Brian Ripley (in the package
'MASS') where the -loglikehood is minimised using optim;
res <- optim...
2008 Jul 09
Loglikelihood for x factorial?
Hi Rers,
I have a silly question. I don't know how to express the loglikelihood
function of
1/(x!) where x=x1,x2,....xn in R.
Could anyone give me a hint?
Thank you in advance.
Chunhao Tu
2011 Mar 14
nlysystemfit and loglikelihood values
Dear R-help,
The documentation for systemfit shows that logLik() can be used to
obtain loglikelihood values from linear systems estimated by
It seems to me that logLik() cannot be used for nlsystemfit(). Does
anyone know of any other packages that might let me obtain the
loglikelihood of a model estimated with nlsystemfit()?
Kind regards,
Alex Olssen
2010 Dec 07
Using nlminb for maximum likelihood estimation
I'm trying to estimate the parameters for GARCH(1,1) process.
Here's my code:
loglikelihood <-function(theta) {
for (t in 2:length(r)) {
Then I use nlminb to minimize the function loglikelihood:
nlminb( c(0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001),...
2006 Mar 31
loglikelihood and lmer
Dear R users,
I am estimating Poisson mixed models using glmmPQL
(MASS) and lmer (lme4). We know that glmmPQL do not
provide the correct loglikelihood for such models (it
gives the loglike of a 'pseudo' or working linear
mixed model). I would like to know how the loglike is
calculated by lmer.
A minor question is: why do glmmPQL and lmer give
different degrees-of-freedom for the same estimated
model? Does glmmPQL consider the scale parame...
2011 Jun 08
Results of CFA with Lavaan
...nction Chi-square 918.852
Degrees of freedom 36
P-value 0.000
Full model versus baseline model:
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) 0.931
Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) 0.896
Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:
Loglikelihood user model (H0) -3737.745
Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1) -3695.092
Number of free parameters 21
Akaike (AIC) 7517.490
Bayesian (BIC) 7595....
2012 Nov 30
NA return to NLM routine
I am trying to understand a small quirk I came across in R. The
following code results in an error:
k <- c(2, 1, 1, 5, 5)
f <- c(1, 1, 1, 3, 2)
loglikelihood <- function(theta,k,f){
if( theta<1 && theta>0 )
nlm(loglikelihood ,0.5, k, f )
Running this code results in:
Error in nlm(logliklihood, 0.5, k, f) :
invalid function value in 'nlm&...
2007 May 24
Problem with numerical integration and optimization with BFGS
...thods (Nelder-Mead and BFGS) will need to evaluate
the integrals, my second question is: why this difference?
Below, I am providing the code that I use. Any help will be greatly
************ CODE START *******************
LLK <- function(alpha, y) {
n <- length(y)
lambda <- numeric(n-1) # GENERATING *lstar*
for (i in 1:(n-1)) { # TO USE IN THE...
2009 Jun 06
loglikelihood and AIC
I tried fitting loglinear model using the glm(catspec). The data used is FHtab. . An independence model was fitted. Here summary() and fitmacro( ) give different values for AIC.
I understand that fitmacro( ) takes the likelilhood ratio L2(deviance) to calculate AIC and uses the formula AIC= L2- d.f(deviance)*2 and this AIC is used for comparison of nested models. (Am I right?)
The value
2008 May 22
Computing Maximum Loglikelihood With "nlm" Problem
I tried to compute maximum likelihood under gamma distribution,
using nlm function. The code is this:
vsamples<- c(103.9, 88.5, 242.9, 206.6, 175.7, 164.4)
mlogl <- function(alpha, x) {
if (length(alpha) > 1) stop("alpha must be scalar")
if (alpha <= 0) stop("alpha must be positive")
return(- sum(dgamma(x, shape = alpha, log = TRUE)))
2008 Jul 17
How to compute loglikelihood of Lognormal distribution
I am trying to learn lognormal mixture models with EM.
I was wondering how does one compute the log likelihood.
The current implementation I have is as follows,
which perform really bad in learning the mixture models.
# compute probably density of lognormal.
dens <- function(lambda, theta, k){
2009 Oct 27
Poisson dpois value is too small for double precision thus corrupts loglikelihood
Hi - I have a likelihood function that involves sums of two possions:
L = a*dpois(Xi,theta1)*dpois(Yi,theta2)+b*(1-c)*a*dpois(Xi,theta1+theta3)*dpois(Yi,theta2)
where a,b,c,theta1,theta2,theta3 are parameters to be estimated.
(Xi,Yi) are observations. However, Xi and Yi are usually big (>
20000). This causes dpois to returns 0 depending on values of theta1,
theta2 and theta3.
My first
2008 Apr 18
rzinb (VGAM) and dnbinom in optim
...lem without VGAM, using dnbinom in the wrapper instead.
phi <- 0.09
size <- 0.7
munb <- 72
x <- rzinb(200, phi=phi, size=size, munb=munb)
#VGAM can fit using vglm... but I'd like to try optim
> fit <- vglm(x~1, zinegbinomial,trace=TRUE)
VGLM linear loop 1 : loglikelihood = -964.1915
VGLM linear loop 2 : loglikelihood = -964.1392
VGLM linear loop 3 : loglikelihood = -964.1392
> Coef(fit)
phi munb k
0.1200317 62.8882874 0.8179183
> #build my wrapper function for dzinb
> fncZiNB <- function(phi, size, munb){
+ -...
2011 Apr 10
MLE where loglikelihood function is a function of numerical solutions
Hi there,
I'm trying to solve a ML problem where the likelihood function is a function
of two numerical procedures and I'm having some problems figuring out how to
do this.
The log-likelihood function is of the form L(c,psi) = 1/T sum [log (f(c,
psi)) - log(g(c,psi))], where c is a 2xT matrix of data and psi is the
parameter vector. f(c, psi) is the transition density which can be
2001 Aug 01
glm() with non-integer responses
A question about the inner workings of glm() and dpois():
Suppose I call
glm(y ~ x, family=poisson, weights = w)
where y contains NON-INTEGER (but still nonnegative) values.
(a) Does glm() still correctly maximise
the weighted Poisson loglikelihood ?
(i.e. the function given by the same formal expression as the
weighted loglikelihood of independent Poisson variables Y_i
except that the y_i are now nonnegative real numbers)
(b) is this likely to change in future versions of R?
In R version 1.3.0, glm() gives a warning that the responses...
2003 May 25
assign() won't work
...led each one of the outputs by using the assign and paste statements, i.e. assign(paste("group","subgroup",i),arima(...)). Works great, but here's what I need...
I want to create a tables by group, and refer to particular information from each arima fit, such as AIC value, loglikelihood value, etc.
My best guess is,
This won't work, due to the restrictions of my the assign function. If you can't understand this from the code, here it is verbally:
I've got a bunch...
2010 Jul 08
Using nlm or optim
I am trying to use nlm to estimate the parameters that minimize the
following function:
+ v = c*M^z
+ return(v)
+ }
M is a variable and c and z are parameters to be estimated.
I then write the negative loglikelihood function assuming normal errors:
logl<- -.5*n*log(2*pi) -.5*n*log(s) - (1/(2*s))*sum((V-Predict(Mean,c,z))^2)
When I put the Mean and Variance (variables with 136 observations) into this
function, and estimates for c,z, and s, it...
2007 Mar 15
expm() within the Matrix package
Could anybody give me a bit of advice on some code I'm having trouble with?
I've been trying to calculate the loglikelihood of a function iterated over
a data of time values and I seem to be experiencing difficulty when I use
the function expm(). Here's an example of what I am trying to do
y<-c(5,10) #vector of 2 survival times
p<-Matrix(c(1,0),1,2) #1x2 matrix
Q<-Matrix(c(1,2,3,4),2,2) #2x2 ma...
2011 Nov 16
Maximum likelihood for censored geometric distribution
my two treatment groups (p1 and p2), and then see whether the treatment
affects p (i.e. whether p1 and p2 differ).
# A subsample of the data, where 11 represent no response to 10 stimulations
# create the geometric likelihood function
geometric.loglikelihood <- function(pi, y, n) {
loglikelihood <- n*log(pi)-n*log(1-pi)+log(1-pi)*sum(y)
# optimise the likelihood function
# print par...