search for: login_process_per_connection

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 304 matches for "login_process_per_connection".

2006 May 27
Effect of "login_process_per_connection = no"?
Using dovecot version v1.0.beta8 on FreeBSD 6.1_RELEASE with login_process_per_connection = no in the dovecot.conf file, I still get a new imap process for each IMAP login. That is, if a single user logs in five times, five imap processes are created. The difference appears to be that with a "yes" setting each user login causes a new copy of the imap-login processes to be f...
2006 Jan 17
SSL and login_process_per_connection = no
Just thought I'd check, but is the combination of SSL and "login_process_per_connection = no" expected? I'm wondering, because imap_login is doing the SSL-proxying, and in our live Dovecot instance we have "login_process_per_connection = no" (we had problems with authentication and running out of file descriptors early on, now fixed by using userdb = passwd-file ra...
2009 Dec 18
imap-login crashes after upgrade to Dovecot 1.2.8 Linux 64-bit
...8 in io_loop_handler_run (ioloop=<value optimized out>) at ioloop-epoll.c:208 > #12 0x0000000000413b9d in io_loop_run (ioloop=0x6552b0) at ioloop.c:335 > #13 0x0000000000408e81 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fff57100c58, envp=0x7fff57100c70) at main.c:494 Up until this afternoon we had "login_process_per_connection = yes", and login_max_connections at the default (256). This evening I tried with "login_process_per_connection = no" with no problems, except more CPU load and needing to increase login_max_processes_count (and strictly speaking the max fds set with ulimit -n would need to be incre...
2006 Aug 03
Dovecot proxy: Too many open files
It appears that when running Dovecot as a proxy-only box with "login_process_per_connection = no", it ignores the value of login_max_logging_users. And in Linux, since each socket requires a file descriptor, if you don't increase the maximum number of open files that each process is allowed to have open, imap-login will reach the 1024 open file limit and start logging the follow...
2006 Jun 06
Strange Error after some hour of inactivity.
...greSQL server. Everything working fine except some issues. After some hour of inactivity (POP3 or IMAP) then connecting to check e-mail got this error: invalid I/O fd 8, callback 0x8064d30. Next connection without service restart working fine again but only when in dovecot.conf exsist this option: login_process_per_connection = yes. When "login_process_per_connection = no" , always got "invalid I/O fd 8, callback 0x8064d30" error. from log file ( in dovecot.conf login_process_per_connection = yes): ... Jun 2 08:34:31 srv1 dovecot: auth(default): sql(ramas, Password query failed: Jun 2...
2011 Dec 16
Tuning Login processes for High-performance Mode
...busy cluster of dovecot servers. Heach server as 4 core, 8GB of RAM and provide POP3 and IMAP access to mailbox. OS is Debian 6.0 and dovecot version is 1.2.15. I am unsure how to set "login_max_processes_count" and "login_max_connections" for reach the best situation when login_process_per_connection is set to no. I don't know what value to set login_max_processes_count. For example is better the first or the second configuration? login_process_per_connection=no login_processes_count=4 login_max_processes_count=8 login_max_connections=512 login_process_size=128 login_process_per_connect...
2008 Nov 07
Cannot get the libwrap patch work
Hello there, I have been trying to make the patch work for libwrap(TCP Wrappers) posted on <> Patch of 1.1 but could not get it work. Any help will be highly appreciated. After compiling and running it I get error "Error: login_tcp_wrappers can't be used because Dovecot wasn't built with
2006 Sep 29
SSL errors
I have a Dovecot server set up as a proxy and getting a ton of these errors, but I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting it. I'm hearing frequently that Outlook users who use IMAP with SSL are getting disconnected often as a result. Any suggestions?... Sep 29 11:12:07 director4 dovecot: imap-login: SSL_accept() failed: error:1409C041:SSL routines:SSL3_SETUP_BUFFERS:malloc failure
2006 Sep 04
configuration guidelines.
...ix/Linux: evolution, thunderbird, pine, mutt Web: squirrelmail Apart from the example configuration file, I can't find any guides for optimal values to use for dovecot's many configuration options. A few that look like they might need changing are: login_process_size = 32 login_process_per_connection = yes login_processes_count = 3 mbox_dotlock_change_timeout = 30 auth_count = 1 client_workarounds = Does anyone have any pointers to reasonable values for those or other settings? Thanks -- Ian
2006 Nov 20
rc14 and rc15 performance issues keep up with imap connections on my (slow old) system. I have the problem where if a lot of people check their email at once (like at the top of the hour) then my load goes way up and things slow to a crawl. My setup: Solaris 10 on an E220R, mbox format, imap and imaps only. I also use "login_process_per_connection = no". Any suggestions? Jeff Earickson Colby College
2005 Oct 23
1.0.alpha4 process creation wierdness
Hi list! I'm a little confused. I have set "login_process_per_connection = yes" and "login_processes_count = 1", and this is how my pstree looks when nobody is connected: dovecot -,- dovecot-auth `- imap-login However, when I connect with a client it looks like this: dovecot -,- dovecot-auth |- imap `- 2*[...
2009 Jan 14
imap-login: memory corruption
>From my logs (dovecot-1.1.8) Jan 14 08:42:52 postamt dovecot: imap-login: *** glibc detected *** imap-login: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0844e778 *** Jan 14 08:42:52 postamt dovecot: child 15380 (login) killed with signal 6 Jan 14 10:06:42 postamt dovecot: Panic: imap-login: file ioloop.c: line 71 (io_remove_full): assertion failed: (io->callback != NULL) Jan 14 10:06:42 postamt
2008 Nov 08
dovecot Digest, Vol 67, Issue 19
...+ dovecot-example.conf 2008-07-07 18:57:31.000000000 +0200 @@ -171,6 +171,11 @@ # Greeting message for clients. #login_greeting = Dovecot ready. +# Use TCP wrappers for incoming connection access checks. This requires that +# Dovecot was compiled with libwrap. Note that this setting requires +# login_process_per_connection=yes. +#login_tcp_wrappers = no + # Space-separated list of elements we want to log. The elements which have # a non-empty variable value are joined together to form a comma-separated # string. --- src/imap-login/ 2008-06-12 08:45:10.000000000 +0200 +++ src/imap-login/
2008 Jun 23
Maildir and Invalid data in file
...y each one of them. Config: root at warsaw Maildir # dovecot -n # 1.0.13: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log info_log_path: /var/log/dovecot.log log_timestamp: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ssl_listen: * login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login login_executable: /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login login_process_per_connection: no login_processes_count: 15 login_max_processes_count: 512 max_mail_processes: 4096 mail_privileged_group: mail mail_location: maildir:/var/mail/Maildir/%u maildir_copy_with_hardlinks: yes auth default: worker_max_count: 100 passdb: driver: pam args: cache_key=%u dovecot userdb...
2007 Mar 28
imaptest10 and stalled messages
Greetings - I've now got as far as playing with the imaptest10 test utility to see if I can stress-test our development server. imaptest10 is built against dovecot-1.0rc28 It may just be that I'm excessively heavy handed, but when I let imaptest10 rip with the command... ./imaptest10 user=test%03d clients=50 mbox=./dovecot.mbox msgs=1000 secs=30
2006 Aug 06
1.0 RC6 released
...INBOX." prefix. I couldn't really figure out what causes those errors. Could someone show me what commands the client tries to use which causes it? * Removed login_max_logging_users setting since it was somewhat weird in how it worked. Added login_max_connections to replace it with login_process_per_connection=no, and with =yes its functionality is now within login_max_processes_count. + Added --with-linux-quota configure option to specify which Linux quota version to use, in case it's not correct in sys/quota.h. Usually used as --with-linux-quota=2 + acl plugins: If .DEFAULT file exists...
2005 Sep 06
buglet in dovecot.conf, 1.0alpha1
Timo, The dovecot.conf file comments talk about login_process_per_user but this variable does not appear in the file. Do you mean login_process_per_connection instead? Jeff Earickson Colby College
2005 Sep 23
login_process_per_user referred to but not present in dovecot.conf?
Hi, I find login_process_per_user referred to in the comments in dovecot.conf, but never set. Is this a typo and should it be login_process_per_connection or what? Thanks, Rob
2006 Apr 25
login_process_per_user I cant find this???'s been a change in the app. In the dovecot.conf and on I see "Number of login processes to create. If login_process_per_user is yes, this is the number of extra processes waiting for users to log in." but as a config option I only see "login_process_per_connection = yes" Has "login_process_per_user" been changed to "login_process_per_connection = yes"? Thanks Max
2006 Aug 06
1.0 RC6 released
...INBOX." prefix. I couldn't really figure out what causes those errors. Could someone show me what commands the client tries to use which causes it? * Removed login_max_logging_users setting since it was somewhat weird in how it worked. Added login_max_connections to replace it with login_process_per_connection=no, and with =yes its functionality is now within login_max_processes_count. + Added --with-linux-quota configure option to specify which Linux quota version to use, in case it's not correct in sys/quota.h. Usually used as --with-linux-quota=2 + acl plugins: If .DEFAULT file exists...