search for: login_a

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "login_a".

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2008 Jan 21
DRY act_as_authenticated functional testing
I''m using the acts_as_authenticated plug-in for my app. Now I need to get my functional tests to work properly. I have not written functional tests before so I''m unsure how to utilize setup so that all of my tests can use the login. My tests pass if I put login_as :user inside of each test, but that''s clearly not DRY. Can I add something to my test_helper.rb file or create a def set in each functional test? Any direction for this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~-----------...
2006 Dec 24
What do you think of this controller spec?
Here''s a controller spec I wrote, it''s for a very simple RESTful controller (well, aren''t all RESTful controllers simple? :) I''ve created a couple spec helper methods to refactor some of the common code...for example, require_login_and_correct_user creates two specifications: one for when the user isn''t logged in, and one when the user is logged in but requests someone else''s book. do_request automatically calls do_get/post/put/delete depending on what''s implemented. Here''s all the code: b...
2007 Feb 28
acts_as_authenticated error with Object#id
...when I run my Rails controller specs. <projectroot>/config/../lib/authenticated_system.rb:16: warning: Object#id will be deprecated; use Object#object_id I added "include AuthenticatedTestHelper" to /spec/spec_helper.rb so that my controller tests^H^H^H^H^Hspecs can use the "login_as" helper method. Anyone know how to fix this? -- Cheers, Kevin Williams "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic." - Arthur C. Clarke
2007 Jun 25
Functional tests and active scaffold: unexpected assertion failure.
Hello, I''m writing a functional test for a controller that uses active scaffold. def test_presence_of_field login_as(:peter) profile = Profile.find :first get :edit, {:id =>} assert_response 200 assert_select "textarea#record_free_text_ec" end I was expecting the first ''assert 200'' to give me a green bar, but added it for confirmation, and indeed it gives me te...
2007 Sep 13
Authenticating before tests
Hi all, I''m using Goldberg, an engine that provides roles based access control for my app. I need to login before I can do controller tests, but I can''t find any examples of people doing this. Could someone point me in the right direction? I thought the simplest way would be to either call the login action from my other tests before(:all), but I can''t seem to
2007 Oct 11
Login testing ideas
I''ve been going through Pat''s example story and noticed that there was no checking for a bad login. I assume this is because that would have made the article bigger and more complicated than it needed to be. So the question that comes of of this is: How do folks normally handle the negative case? My plan was to just use another scenario, but as a new person to BDD/TDD,
2008 Mar 20
sharing story steps
...t all my stories share? i.e. My stories often start out looking like this: Given a user Joe Given a user Jordan then: Given("a user $username") do |username| @users ||= {} @user_sessions ||= {} @users[username] = create_user(:username => username) @user_sessions[username] = login_as(@users[username]) end I want to share that Given with all my stories. Or is there a better way to do it? Joe
2006 Nov 08
controller.session not same as session?
> context "A user logging out" do > fixtures :users > controller_name :account > > setup do > login_as :quentin > users(:quentin).remember_me > request.cookies["auth_token"] = cookie_for(:quentin) > end > > def logout > get :logout > end > > specify "should unset :user in session" do > logout > controller.sess...
2007 Oct 26
Examples of writing controller specs that use authentication
Hello, I''m working on specs for a controller that handles authentication using the restful_authentication plugin. I''m trying to find a resource (tutorial or examples, if possible) about the best way to go about writing mocks and specs to make sure that things like my before_filters are working correctly. Does anyone know of any good resources for this? Thanks, Les
2007 Sep 30
Problems with testing nested routes using mocking"virtual_hosts") @virtual_host = mock("virtual_host") Domain.should_receive(:find).with("1").and_return(@domain) @domain.should_receive(:virtual_hosts).and_return(@virtual_hosts) @virtual_hosts.should_receive(:find).and_return(@virtual_host) login_as :admin end def do_get get :show, :id => "1", :domain_id => "1" end it "should render show template" do do_get response.should render_template(''show'') end it "should find the virtual_host requested" do #...
2007 May 30
authentication mocks
hi I''m using restful_authentication and have controller specs working using users fixtures (and login_as) however i''ve been trying for hours without success to do it without fixtures, using mocks and stubs instead. anyone here done this? got code? :) thanks
2007 Aug 11
Rspec and acl_system2 plugin
...; <li> /users Users management </li> </ul> <% end -%> Then in my spec file ''spec/views/layout/admin.rhtml_spec.rb'' : describe "Layout Admin if admin user" do include UserMockViewHelper it "should display the admin tabs" do login_as :admin render ''layouts/admin'' response.should have_tag("ul#admin-tabs") end end the UserMockViewHelper module handle the mocking of the current user : module UserMockViewHelper def login_as(user) @current_user = mock_model(User) @role = mock_model(...
2007 Dec 30
Restful-Authentication Rspec Failure Rails 2.0.2
I am trying the Restful-Authentication (latest version, downloaded today) and upon running the generator, doing the migration, prepping the test system and putting the resources in routes.rb I get a Rspec test failure: ''SessionsController logins and redirects'' FAILED expected not nil, got nil routes.rb has: map.resources :users map.resources :sessions nothing else was
2010 Jan 12
tips on how to write a controller test for models associated with currently logged in user
I have a controller test here:, which works fine when account is an independent model, however I want: an account to be a property of user, ( and created and associated when a user is) when the user goes to /account/edit it should on edit the account of the logged in user - I can make rails do this, but I''m utterly baffled how I should alter this test to
2007 Jun 22
assert_select trying to verify the presence of a textarea
Hello, One of my functional tests looks like this: def test_presence_of_free_text profile = Profile.find :first post :edit, {:id =>} assert_select "textarea", :name => "record[free_text_ec]" end The test results in a failure, because the element cannot be found. I''m pretty sure the element should be there, and I''ve tried
2007 Nov 02
DATE_FORMATS and functional tests fails with something like: ActionView::TemplateError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) On line #20 of app/views/admin/invitation_requests.rhtml 20: <td><%= invite.created_at.to_s(:msc_short) %></td> My functional test method is: def test_invitation_requests login_as :quentin get :invitation_requests # <--- Fails here assert_response :success assert assigns(:invites) end My test_helper.rb file has the following at the the top: ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../conf...
2007 Oct 16
Scenarios Plugin Pre-Announcement
This is sort of a pre-announcement for a Rails plugin my friend Adam Williams and I are working on. We''re in the process of extracting it from a project we are working on so that it can be generally useful to the Rails community. We are calling it "Scenarios". It is a drop in replacement for Rails fixtures:
2009 Apr 06
After Rails 2.3.2 upgrade: superclass mismatch for class TestCase (TypeError)
I upgraded a working app from rails 2.1 to 2.3.2. Now when I run rake test:units I get this error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/test_case.rb:17: superclass mismatch for class TestCase (TypeError) I generated a new test app and all tests run OK. For the upgrade I ran rake:update and renamed the class in test_helper to ActiveSupport::TestCase. Also renamed
2007 Dec 07
strange error on mock proxy
...hing is that I don''t get the error when I run the spec file by itself. Here is the spec (I know, fixtures are the devil): describe "/units/new.html.erb here" do fixtures :units, :accounts, :groups it_should_behave_like ''/units/_form'' before do login_as :cathy assigns[:unit] = @unit = @groups = accounts(:dawson).groups render "/units/new.html" end it "should render new form" do response.should have_tag("form[action=?][method=post]", units_path) end end And the error: 4) Actio...
2007 May 17
Stubbing authentication across multiple controllers
...ost/sessions/create") and to a relative path ("/sessions/create"), but that doesn''t seem to work either. Perhaps I''m going about this the wrong way, so if anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated. #Helper method that is included in controller specs def login_as(username, password = "foo", id = "1") user = mock(username) user.stub!(:id).and_return(id) user.stub!(:to_param).and_return(id) User.should_receive(:authenticate).with(username, password).and_return(true) #Here it fails if included in a controller that isn''t...