Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "logfun".
2010 Sep 29
sample exponential r.v. by MCMC
Dear R users,
I am leaning MCMC sampling, and have a problem while trying to sample
exponential r.v.'s via the following code:
samp <- MCMCmetrop1R(dexp, theta.init=1, rate=2,
mcmc=5000, burnin=500,
thin=10, verbose=500, logfun=FALSE)
I tried other distribtions such as Normal, Gamma with shape>1, it works
perfectly fine. Can someon tell me why?
Thank you for your help.
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2008 Oct 19
MCMClogit: using weights
...control = glm.control(...), model = TRUE,
method = "glm.fit", x = FALSE, y = TRUE, contrasts = NULL, ...)
MCMClogit(formula, data = parent.frame(), burnin = 1000, mcmc = 10000,
thin=1, tune=1.1, verbose = 0, seed = NA, beta.start = NA,
b0 = 0, B0 = 0, user.prior.density=NULL, logfun=TRUE,
marginal.likelihood=c("none", "Laplace"), ...)
2012 Aug 05
Possible bug with MCMCpack metropolis sampler
...hat basically looks like this:
posterior.sampler <- function(data, prior.mu){
log.posterior <- function(theta) log.likelihood(data, theta) +
log.prior(prior.mu, theta)
post.samples <- MCMCmetrop1R(log.posterior, theta.init=prior.mu,
burnin=100, mcmc=1000, thin=40, tune=1, verbose=0, logfun=T,
x <- c(1,1,1)
posterior.sampler(mydata, x)
After calling posterior.sampler, the value for x is different from what I
started with. Perhaps even more interesting, is that if I create a copy of
x, say x2, before running posterior.sample...
2007 Mar 09
MCMC logit
...p(0, 4)))
> burnin.cycles = 1000
> mcmc.cycles = 25000
> # three chains
> post.list <- lapply(beta.init, function(vec)
+ {
+ posterior <- MCMClogit(y~x1+x2+x3+x4, data=c.df, burnin=burnin.cycles, mcmc=mcmc.cycles,
+ thin=5, tune=0.5, beta.start=vec, user.prior.density=logpriorfun, logfun=TRUE,
+ mu=mu0, gshape=a0, grate=b0)
+ return(posterior)
+ })
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object "x1" not found
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
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2013 Jul 23
Coxme Package Error Message Help
...05330567 9.2 0
Random effects
Group Variable Std Dev Variance
ID Intercept 2e-02 4e-04
However, when I include a second variable the following error message
> mcc.risk_time<-coxme(Surv(faketime,Used)~ kauf_avg + Dummy_Time +
Error in logfun(as.numeric(testvals[i, ]), varlist, vparm, kfun, ntheta, :
NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 2)
I have removed all NA values from kauf_avg and neither Time or Age have NA
The only information I can seem to find relevant to this error message is
the following (I have contacted th...