Displaying 20 results from an estimated 91 matches for "log1p".
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2003 Aug 25
Re: R 1.7.x and inaccurate log1p() on OpenBSD 3.2 and NetBSD 1.6 (PR#3979)
>> I have come across your reported log1p error (#2837) on a NetBSD (1.6W)
>> system.
I've just made further experiments on the deficient log1p() function
on OpenBSD 3.2 and NetBSD 1.6 with this test program:
% cat bug-log1p.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
main(int argc, char* a...
2003 Aug 25
(PR#3979) Re: Re: R 1.7.x and inaccurate log1p() on OpenBSD
Brian Ripley writes today:
>> There is already a usable log1p implementation in src/nmath/log1p, for
>> platforms without it. All we need to do is to arrange to use it on those
>> systems with broken versions. That's not easy without access to such a
>> platform to test it, though.
I need the same kind of test in my own software, s...
2003 Aug 25
Re: R 1.7.x and inaccurate log1p() on OpenBSD 3.2 and NetBSD 1.6 (PR#3982)
Ray Brownrigg <ray@mcs.vuw.ac.nz> writes today about the inaccurate
log1p() on NetBSD 1.6 and OpenBSD 3.2:
>> Well, the source which I have access to doesn't bear that out.
Interesting. Our NetBSD installation is pretty recent:
% uname -a
NetBSD netbsd.vm.math.utah.edu 1.6 NetBSD 1.6 (GENERIC) #0: Sun Sep 8
19:43:40 UTC 2002 autobuild@tgm.daemon.org...
2013 Nov 09
typo in help page for log1p
There is a small typo in the Source section of the help page
for log1p:
'log1p' and 'expm1' may be taken from the operating system, but if
not available there are based on the Fortran subroutine 'dlnrel'
there -> they
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
2011 Apr 11
Question about GAM (mgcv)
Dear list,
i'm using the GAM function from mgcv package. I'm using this syntax:
and I'm sequentially dropping the single term with the highest
non-significant p-value from the model and re-fitting until all term are
significant. Now I have:
2003 Aug 26
Re: R 1.7.x and inaccurate log1p() on OpenBSD 3.2 and NetBSD 1.6 (PR#3984)
Ray Brownrigg <ray@mcs.vuw.ac.nz> writes today about the log1p()
problems on NetBSD 1.6 and OpenBSD 3.2:
>> Indeed, but since I have acess to a NetBSD developer, this is an
>> opportunity to get it fixed for everyone.
That's a start, but the reality is that it isn't enough. There will
be many sites that don't upgrade O/S versions exc...
2002 Feb 28
pexp.c (PR#1335)
Full_Name: M Welinder
Version: 1.4
OS: (src)
Submission from: (NULL) (
It seems to me that pexp can be improved in the lower_tail=TRUE and log_p=FALSE
case by using expm1. Something like
-expm1 (-x / scale);
I think.
r-devel mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
2002 Nov 15
Scaling part of a data frame
I have a 30 x 27 data frame, which I'm trying to scale and transform.
Only I want to scale certain all variables except one (the dependent,
which I want to log+1 transform). I can use split() and then scale() and
log1p(), but I'm wondering if I can do this in one call.
I tried apply(), but I could only get the whole data frame, not a part
of it:
> test <- apply(chin.sub, 2, log1p) is fine, but when I try to get only one column transformed
> test <- apply(chin.sub, chin.sub$density, log1p)
2020 May 22
pbirthday() for larger number of classes
...rts to issue warnings (see (*) below)
for larger number of classes (R 4.0.0, R-devel
The default coincident = 2 is computed as 1 - prod((c:(c - n +
1))/rep(c, n)) where c = classes.
Using exp(log(...)), one can derive the return value if(n > 0) 1 -
exp(sum(log1p(-(0:(n-1))/c))) else 0.
Simplifying this a bit further one obtains if(n >= 2) 1 -
exp(sum(log1p(-(1:(n-1))/c))) else 0.
For large c, sum(log1p(-(1:(n-1))/c)) is close to 0, so a more robust
version would be
to return if(n >= 2) -expm1(sum(log1p(-(1:(n-1))/c))) else 0 in the
default case '...
2012 Feb 10
Formatting Y axis.
...-5 to display actual values so that way when reading
it I know where my potential problems are. Would just save a lot of time and
be an easier more understandable read. Here's sample code to plug in and
x <- rlnorm(400, 2.3, .8)
y <- rlnorm(400, 3, 1.6)
q1 <- qqnorm(log1p(y))
q2 <- qqnorm(log1p(x))
points( q1, col = "red")
points( q2, col = "blue")
abline( qqline(log1p(y), col = "red") )
abline( qqline(log1p(x), col = "blue") )
legend( "bottomright", inset = 0.02, title = "Loc_ID", c("Say...
2009 Apr 27
Patch proposal for logspace_sub
...re (very) small or the difference between the arguments are
vary small. The logic behind logspace_sup, when called with arguments
lx and ly, is:
log( exp(lx) - exp(ly) ) = log( exp(lx) * ( 1 - exp(ly - lx) ) )
= lx + log( 1 - exp(ly - lx) )
= lx + log1p( - exp(ly - lx) )
and it is the last expression that is evaluated by logspace_sub.
However the use of log1p for additional precision is appropriate if
exp(ly-lx) is small, i.e. when lx >> ly. If |ly-lx| << 1, then
exp(ly-lx) is close to one; if this term becomes numerically one, then...
2002 Jan 14
trouble using R Mathlib as standalone
...e cannot be reproduced without all my files,
but I am hoping these errors have nothing to do with my code and that the
answer will be obvious to those in the know.
I get two different errors.
The first one I am completely mystified by. It seems to have something to
do with a double declaration of log1p which I have not used and not
knowingly declared twice in any way. Neither lattice.hh nor mh.hh contain
any math headers.
The second one clearly has to do with the usage of GetRNGstate() and
PutRNGstate() which are correct for use as entry points into the R
executable but no longer correct for sta...
2017 Feb 17
Wish List: Extensions to the derivatives table
...s written in the S language. R is faster but less flexible, since that table is programmed in C. It would be useful if R provided a mechanism for extending the derivative table, or barring that, provided a broader table. Currently unsupported mathematical functions of one argument include expm1, log1p, log2, log10, cospi, sinpi, and tanpi.
While manual differentiation of these proposed additions is straight-forward, their absence complicates what otherwise could be much simpler, such as using deriv() or deriv3() to generate functions, for example to use as an nls model.
2002 Jul 25
src/nmath/pgeom.c (PR#1834)
Full_Name: Morten Welinder
Version: 1.5.1
OS: Solaris/Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
The line
return log(1 - p) * (x + 1);
looks like it has problems for p near 1. I would suggest rewriting it to
return log1p (-p) * (x + 1);
r-devel mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe"
(in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-de...
2004 Jun 21
Cross build Makefile
...to use Yan and Rossini's Makefile for cross building Windows
versions of R packages in Linux with R 1.9.0. When compiling R with the
mingw tools I get an error about expm1 being undeclared when first found
at src/main/arithmetic.c:1019
If I fiddle a bit with it later on I also get errors about log1p bein
Any idea what should I look for?
I am using R 1.9.0 in Debian, with R-mathlib avaliable, and gcc 3.3.
2004 Jun 21
Cross build Makefile
...to use Yan and Rossini's Makefile for cross building Windows
versions of R packages in Linux with R 1.9.0. When compiling R with the
mingw tools I get an error about expm1 being undeclared when first found
at src/main/arithmetic.c:1019
If I fiddle a bit with it later on I also get errors about log1p bein
Any idea what should I look for?
I am using R 1.9.0 in Debian, with R-mathlib avaliable, and gcc 3.3.
2009 Sep 06
question about ... passed to two different functions
...aluates the log unnormalized density of the
### Markov chain we want to run (log likelihood + log prior)
ludfun <- function(beta) {
stopifnot(length(beta) == ncol(modmat))
eta <- as.numeric(modmat %*% beta)
logp <- ifelse(eta < 0, eta - log1p(exp(eta)), - log1p(exp(- eta)))
logq <- ifelse(eta < 0, - log1p(exp(eta)), - eta - log1p(exp(- eta)))
logl <- sum(logp[y == 1]) + sum(logq[y == 0])
val <- logl - sum(beta^2) / 2
beta.initial <- as.vector(out$coefficients)
out <- metrop(ludfun...
2017 Feb 17
Wish List: Extensions to the derivatives table
...ative of more flexible differentiation does not seem to be a difficult addition to R. In S+ (which does not have deriv3) it would simply involve adding the following lines to the switch statement in D
expm1 = make.call("*", make.call("exp", expr[[2]]), D(expr[[2]], name)),
log1p = make.call("/", D(expr[[2]], name), make.call("+", 1., expr[[2]])),
log2 = make.call("/", make.call("/", D(expr[[2]], name), expr[[2]]), quote(log(2)) ),
log10 = make.call("/", make.call("/", D(expr[[2]], name), expr[[2]]), quote(log(...
2011 Feb 09
Problem installing MCMCpack on SPARC Solaris 10
...opt/csw/include -KPIC -g -c MCMCSVDreg.cc -o MCMCSVDreg.o
"error.h", line 598: Error: The function "abort" must have a prototype.
"distributions.h", line 550: Error: The function "trunc" must have a prototype.
"distributions.h", line 550: Error: log1p is not a member of file level.
"distributions.h", line 566: Error: The function "trunc" must have a prototype.
"distributions.h", line 566: Error: log1p is not a member of file level.
"distributions.h", line 2177: Error: sqrt is not a member of file level.
2003 May 04
R-1.7.0 build feedback: NetBSD 1.6 (PR#2837): final report
...incomplete gamma function
tests pass.
The tests reveal that OpenBSD has these anomalies: exp(-Inf) -> NaN,
exp(Inf) -> Inf, but exp(-MAXNORMAL) -> 0 and exp(MAXNORMAL) -> +Inf,
as expected.
Examination of the R-1.7.0/src/nmath/pweibull.c file shows that
pweibull() calls pow(), log(), log1p(), and R_D_exp(), and the latter
is defined in ./src/nmath/dpq.h as
#define R_D_exp(x) (log_p ? (x) : exp(x)) /* exp(x) */
I therefore tried some experiments with hoc, using log1p() as the most
likely candidate for errors, since it is quite new, and much less used
than exp() and lo...