search for: location_names

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "location_names".

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2013 Apr 20
Reshape or Plyr?
H all, I have relative abundance data from >100 sites. This is from acoustic monitoring and usually the data is for 2-3 nights but in some cases my be longer like months or years for each location.. The data output from my management data base is proved by species by night for each location so data frame would look like this below. What I need to do is sum the Survey_time by Spec_Code for
2007 Aug 07
Varying case sensitivity
Hi all, I''m using ferret 11.4 together with acts_as_ferret and I''ve indexed the country files. These files contain worldwide locations in UTF-8 with all their different spellings each. Model definition is like this: class location acts_as_ferret :fields => {:location_names => {}}, :single_index => true ... end The instance method location_names returns a string containing all the different, UTF-8 coded spellings for this location. Problem: Sometimes the search is case sensitive and sometimes not. E.g. it finds "stuttgart" and "Stuttgart&quo...
2006 Aug 10
RJS in Internet Explorer to update a list box
Hi, I''m trying some RJS to update a series of list boxes in which the user selects a state, and the following list gets updated with a list of counties, and the same for the next list of areas. My code works perfectly (albeit a bit slow) on Firefox, but on Internet Explorer it clears the list box (instead of filling it) and Netscape shows all the counties cramped together on one
2007 May 20
Running an R script without running R
Is there any way to run an R script without running R? As an example, suppose I have a tcl/tk interface that asks for a number (in a GUI) and displays its factorial. Is there a way to invoke this script without invoking R? I'm using R 2.4.1 in GNU/Linux Fedora Core 4. Alberto Monteiro