Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "lnked".
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2016 Feb 08
--link-dest not working on remote server (running daemon)
...e. That worked fine and my original plan
was to just run the same rsync with -H after the daily backup was complete
to keep both in sync. But that turned out to be very slow building the
incremental file list as I'm guessing it scanned all files for each daily
backup (even though they were hard lnked).
So my next plan was to just sync that latest daily backup from server 1 to
server 2 and use the --link-dest option on server 2 to link it to the
previous day.
*The Problem*
This is the command I'm troubleshooting right now
rsync -a -v -n -i --delete --link-dest=/backup-2016-02-01-0100
2003 Oct 22
FW: smbsh problem - please help
currently I am running Solaris 8 and I am trying to install Samba so
that I can run smbsh to access a Windows server. I do the following:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/samba --with-smbwrapper
make install
All the documentation I have seen says what I am doing is correct.
Neither the configure nor any of the make commands fail. And once the
installation is complete everything else
2007 Aug 20
Q: combine 2 data frames with missing values
Een ingesloten tekst met niet-gespecificeerde tekenset is
van het bericht gescrubt ...
Naam: niet beschikbaar
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20070820/920567a6/attachment.pl
2007 Aug 21
Partial comparison in string vector
...14 10 na na
6 20 15 17 15 ..
What i would like to do for data exploration, is to compare each possible
pair of variables, get their correlation coefficient, the intercept and
the slope of regression line. yet for every variable the messurements are
lnked thruogh theyr case. it is the same sample just a diferent test.
Now i select a subsets of variables out of the original dataset, and use
value_x1 = subset(dataset_1,select=lg_value)
value_y1 =subset(dataset_2,select=lg_value)
Then i to mold an lm model, inorder to get e...