search for: lmtests

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 174 matches for "lmtests".

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2011 Nov 20
I'm writing this letter to enquire where can I download the package of "lmtest".
Dear editor: I'm writing this letter to enquire where can I download the package of "lmtest". Can you send me this package? THanks a lot. Best regards, Shu-Fei Wu
2006 Mar 02
How can I use r-cran-lmtest?
Hi, I installed the package r-cran-lmtest in a Debian Sid but I can't use it. I typed "lmtest" but nothing occur. Any help? Thanks. -- S?vio Martins Ramos - Arquiteto Rio de Janeiro ICQ 174972645 Pirataria n?o! Seja livre: Linux
2002 Jul 12
lmtest build fails, readline problem
Hi everyone, I've downloaded the lmtest package, but I'm having trouble building it. Here's the output: copland:/home/wilson/tmp# R CMD INSTALL -l /usr/lib/R/library lmtest_0.9-0.tar.gz * Installing *source* package 'lmtest' ... ** libs g77 -fPIC -g -O2 -c pan.f -o pan.o gcc -shared -o pan.o -L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/2.95.4 -lreadline -ldl -lncurses
2007 May 22
data in lmtest
Hi everyone! I am beginner in using R, so please excuse easy questions in advance. I want to reproduce results from the data available in the lmtest-package. That?s the failure code I get: > data(bondyield) Warning message: file 'bondyield.rda' has magic number 'RDX1' Use of save versions prior to 2 is deprecated Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance! Henning -- View
2008 Oct 09
adjusted t-test with unequal variance
Hi all, right now i am simply comparing means. obviously this can be done by the simple t.test respectively the welch test, if var.equal is set to FALSE. just like this t.test( Y ~ group) t.test( Y ~ group, var.equal = FALSE) now that i need to compare weighted means i am using the lm function as an adjusted t-test: like lmtest <- ( Y ~ group ) anova(lmtest)
2012 Jan 10
importing S3 methods with importFrom
In my own package, I want to use the default S3 method of the generic function lrtest() from the lmtest package. Since I need only one function from lmtest, I tried to use importFrom in my NAMESPACE: importFrom(lmtest, lrtest) However, this fails R CMD check in the examples: Error in UseMethod("lrtest") : no applicable method for 'lrtest' applied to an object of class
2002 Apr 19
Durbin-Watson test in packages "car" and "lmtest"
Hi, P-values in Durbin-Watson test obtained through the use of functions available in packages "lmtest" and "car" are different. The difference is quite significant. function "dwtest" in "lmtest" is much faster than "burbinwatson" in "car". Actually, you can take a nap while the latter trying to calculated Durbin-Watson test. My question
2002 Oct 29
updated package "lmtest" 0.9-2
Dear R users, there is a new version of the package `lmtest' for testing linear regression models on CRAN. Except for a couple of minor bug fixes, there are essentially these new features: o added Breusch-Godfrey test for serial correlation (thanks to David M. Mitchell who provided the initial version of the code for bgtest) o new data sets: mandible measurements in fetuses,
2010 Sep 24
Hi I'm very new to R but have plenty of experience with statistics and other packages like SPSS, SAS etc. I have a dataset of around 20 columns and 200 rows. I'm trying to fit a very simple linear model between two variables. Having done so, I want to test the model for heteroscedasticity using the Breusch-Pagan test. Apparently this is easy in R by simply doing bptest(modelCH,
2011 Feb 25
Question about foreach (with doSNOW), is that a bug?
Hi all, Within a foreach loop with doSNOW, we cant call functions which come from the non-default package. We need to load(require/library) the package once more within the foreach loop. Anyone knows why would happen like this? Is it caused by the snow package and something happened when "snow" parallelize the job? Other than load the package once more with in the foreach loop, is
2012 Jun 19
Possible bug when using encomptest
Hello R-Help, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issues (there are 2): 1) Possible bug when using lmtest::encomptest() with a linear model created using nlme::lmList() 2) Possible modification to lmtest::encomptest() to fix confusing fail when models provided are, in fact, nested. I have
2004 Nov 30
adding regression curve to xyplot
Dear R-listers, It seems that predict() behaves differently within panel.xyplot. Am I doing something stupid? Thanks, Carlisle First, without xyplot(): > lmtest <- lm(t~s,data=subset(P100,whichLon100==1 & whichLat100==1)) > lmtest Call: lm(formula = s ~ t, data = subset(P100, whichLon100 == 1 & whichLat100 == 1)) Coefficients: (Intercept) t 33.3307
2012 Jul 24
Patchy 'front-end' package installation problems using -R- 2.15.1
I think this is the fourth attempt to send this blessed message, so let's hope this gets through without any 'unprocessed' or 'ignored' in-lines on auto-reply. I wish to report to you some strange problems I'm experiencing with installing packages directly into my -R- 2.15.1 (there is an indirect solution, which I note below). First, here's some essential information:
2005 Apr 28
update: lmtest 0.9-10
Dear useRs, a new version of the lmtest package is available from CRAN. Thanks to Giovanni Millo who provided the initial versions of several new functions (and many helpful discussions), there is new functionality for the comparison of nested and non-nested linear models. For non-nested model comparisons, the Cox test, encompassing test and J test are now available. For nested model
2005 Apr 28
update: lmtest 0.9-10
Dear useRs, a new version of the lmtest package is available from CRAN. Thanks to Giovanni Millo who provided the initial versions of several new functions (and many helpful discussions), there is new functionality for the comparison of nested and non-nested linear models. For non-nested model comparisons, the Cox test, encompassing test and J test are now available. For nested model
2008 Nov 06
How to return individual equation from {aidsEst} in package [micEcon]?
Hi, R core team I am using the function {aidsEst} in package [micEcon] to do an AIDS model now. So far, everything is good. But I want to test the auto correlation and heteroskedasticity of the individual equation from AIDS demand system. How can I return the individual equation? PS: serial correlation test is {bgtest} in package [lmtest] and heteroskedasticity is {bptest} in package
2011 Aug 12
Which Durbin-Watson is correct? (weights involved) - using durbinWatsonTest and dwtest (packages car and lmtest)
Hello! I have a data frame mysample (sorry for a long way of creating it below - but I need it in this form, and it works). I regress Y onto X1 through X11 - first without weights, then with weights: regtest1<-lm(Y~., data=mysample[-13])) regtest2<-lm(Y~., data=mysample[-13]),weights=mysample$weight) summary(regtest1) summary(regtest2) Then I calculate Durbin-Watson for both regressions
2020 Oct 10
highfrequency package-jump test
Hello, My programming is as follows. library(highfrequency) library(data.table) library(xts) tm<-seq.POSIXt(from = as.POSIXct("2020-08-20 09:30:00"),to = as.POSIXct("2020-08-20 15:59:00"),by='min') data<-xts(x=data$PRICE, data <- setnames(data,c('index'),c('DT')) setnames(data,c('V1'),c('PRICE'))
2003 Nov 16
an object of class lm returned by lm?
...m returned by lm means? I assumed it mean the regression model - but I'm not sure how to enter this in. I have tried y~a+b but this is not working. I have also tried saving the regression results and entering these, but again this is incorrect. This language is from the following: lm.LMtests(model, listw, zero.policy=FALSE, test="LMerr", spChk=NULL) Arguments model - an object of class lm returned by lm listw - a listw object created for example by nb2listw, expected to be row-standardised (W-style) Any help is welcomed. Thanks. -Jill **********************************...
2004 Jul 21
Testing autocorrelation & heteroskedasticity of residuals in ts
Hi, I'm dealing with time series. I usually use stl() to estimate trend, stagionality and residuals. I test for normality of residuals using shapiro.test(), but I can't test for autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. Is there a way to perform Durbin-Watson test and Breusch-Pagan test (or other simalar tests) for time series? I find dwtest() and bptest() in the package lmtest, but it