search for: lmerfactorlist

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "lmerfactorlist".

2010 Jul 13
A problem about the package "lme4" in R-2.11.1 it to run the simulation on the Linux system, it appears the following problem. Attaching package: 'lme4' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:stats':     AIC Error in names(argNew)[1] <- names(formals(new))[[1]] :   replacement has length zero Calls: initial ... lmerFactorList -> lapply -> FUN -> as -> asMethod -> fac2sparse Execution halted However, when I use this package in R-2.11.0, it can work to run the simulation as I do in R-2.11.1. How could we fix this problem? Thank you so much. Sincerely, Joe [[alternative HTML version delet...
2011 Feb 25
linear model lme4
...f I treated it as a fixed effect. For the first case, my formula is: lmer.result <- lmer(expression ~ cancerClass + (1|beadchip)) For the second case, I want to do: lmer.result2 <- lmer(expression ~ cancerClass + beadchip) However, I get an error in the second case: > Error in lmerFactorList(formula, fr, 0L, 0L): No random effects terms specified in formula Is there any way that I can get lmer() to accept a formula without a random effect? many thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Aug 07
lmer() : crossed-random-effects specification
...del? I reviewed Baltes (2007) "Linear mixed model implementation" and learned how to detect if my design is nested or crossed, but not how to specify my model once I know it is crossed as in my case. If the previous specification is correct, (2) why do I get this error message? Error in lmerFactorList(formula, fr$mf, !is.null(family)): number of levels in grouping factor(s) 'idl:schlid' is too large In addition: Warning messages: 1: numerical expression has 30113 elements: only the first used in: idl:schlid 2: numerical expression has 30113 elements: only the first used in: idl:schlid M...
2007 Feb 20
Simplification of Generalised Linear mixed effects models using glmmPQL
...ork logLik(m1)##this does not work? ##################this does not work class(m1) <- "lme" class(m2) <- "lme" anova.lme(m1,m2) ################################# m3<-lmer(dev~env*har*treat+dens + (1|pop/rep), family = Gamma) ## this generates an error Error in lmerFactorList(formula, mf, fltype) : number of levels in grouping factor(s) 'rep:pop', 'pop' is too large In addition: Warning messages: 1: numerical expression has 1851 elements: only the first used in: rep:pop 2: numerical expression has 1851 elements: only the first used in: rep:pop...
2007 Aug 07
lmer() - crossed random effects specification
...del? I reviewed Baltes (2007) "Linear mixed model implementation" and learned how to detect if my design is nested or crossed, but not how to specify my model once I know it is crossed as in my case. If the previous specification is correct, (2) why do I get this error message? Error in lmerFactorList(formula, fr$mf, !is.null(family)): number of levels in grouping factor(s) 'idl:schlid' is too large In addition: Warning messages: 1: numerical expression has 30113 elements: only the first used in: idl:schlid 2: numerical expression has 30113 elements: only the first used in: idl:schlid M...
2007 Jan 26
R crash with modified lmer code
...y <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame()) if (is.function(family)) family <- family() if (is.null(family$family)) { print(family) stop("'family' not recognized") } fltype <- mkFltype(family) FL <- lmerFactorList(formula, mf, fltype) nFacs <- length(FL) #My insert cnames <- with(FL, c(lapply(Ztl, rownames), list(.fixed = colnames(X)))) nc <- with(FL, sapply(Ztl, nrow)) Ztl <- with(FL, .Call(Ztl_sparse, fl, Ztl)) Ztl[[nFacs]] <- t(ra...
2011 Jun 30
Analysing insecticide biossays using lmer
...or 0 to exit 1: lmer(y ~ logdose * geno + (1 | geno/logdose) - 1, family = "quasibinomial", data = dataf) 2: eval.parent(mc) 3: eval(expr, p) 4: eval(expr, envir, enclos) 5: glmer(formula = y ~ logdose * geno + (1 | geno/logdose) - 1, data = dataf, family = "quasibinomi 6: lmerFactorList(formula, fr, 0, 0) 7: sapply(seq_along(fl)[-1], function(i) isNested(fl[[i - 1]], fl[[i]])) 8: lapply(X, FUN, ...) 9: FUN(2[[1]], ...) 10: isNested(fl[[i - 1]], fl[[i]]) 11: stopifnot(length(f1) == length(f2)) S?lection : summary (model1) Enter an item from the menu, or 0 to exit S?lection : 10...