search for: llvmbuildstor

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2011 Jun 18
[LLVMdev] loop only executes once
...r, BB) //Protected a,b,c //a=1:b=1:c=0:d=argx A = LLVMBuildAlloca(Builder, IntType,"A")// B = LLVMBuildAlloca(Builder, IntType,"B")// C = LLVMBuildAlloca(Builder, IntType,"C")// D = LLVMBuildAlloca(Builder, IntType,"D")// One = LLVMConstInt(IntType, 1, 0) LLVMBuildStore(Builder,One,A)// LLVMBuildStore(Builder,One,B)// Zero = LLVMConstInt(IntType, 0, 0) LLVMBuildStore(Builder,Zero,C) LLVMBuildStore(Builder,ArgX,D) //If argx <= 2 : Return 1 : Goto Else IFBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, Fib2, "IF") ElseBB = LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContex...
2011 Jul 09
[LLVMdev] getting and setting array indices c interface
...ame) Arr = LLVMBuildLoad(builder,tarr,"array") tval = *fn\SymbolTable(*value\name) val = LLVMBuildLoad(builder,tval,"val") tindex = *fn\SymbolTable(*index\name) index = LLVMBuildLoad(builder,tindex,"index") ptr = LLVMBuildGEP(builder,Arr,index,0,"ptr") LLVMBuildStore(builder,val,ptr) All seems to results in is getting and setting the first element the output define i32 @Atest(i32 %a) { Entry: %a1 = alloca i32 store i32 %a, i32* %a1 %ptrMyArray = alloca i32* %myArray = alloca i32, i32 25 store i32* %myArray, i32** %ptrMyArray %x = alloca i32...