Displaying 20 results from an estimated 27 matches for "listdomains".
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2011 Nov 11
Problem with listDomains() in Xen
This question concerns the usage of the listDomains(). When I run this
piece of code in KVM, it works perfectly fine but throws an array out of
bounds exception in Xen.
Connect conn=null;
conn = new Connect("xen:///", true);
int[] id = conn.listDomains();
System.out.println("lD of VM " +id[0]);
Answer I'd got:
Well, you...
2011 Nov 15
listDomains() not working on Xen
Hey all,
I've been trying to make listDomains() work on Xen but it simply returns an
array of null values. Also, while displaying the length of the array
returned by listDomains(). Upon using the same function in KVM, I'm able to
retrieve the complete array of active machines. I'm positive that active
Xen machines are running(cross che...
2011 Nov 05
Finding out if Xen or KVM is used
...ecute only that code.
While using getURI(), I need to use it as
but then I can't use conn without declaring it previously as Connect
conn=new Connect("URI");
Is there any way to get the URI used and hence the hypervisor used?
2. This question concerns the usage of the listDomains(). When I run this
piece of code in KVM, it works perfectly fine but throws an array out of
bounds exception in Xen.
Connect conn=null;
conn = new Connect("xen:///", true);
int[] id = conn.listDomains();
System.out.println("lD of VM " +id[...
2015 Jun 04
LXCs using Libvirt
....domainCreateXML(xml_config, 0)
Using the above code, I am able to start a domain but the domain is not
visible within the "lxc" list, i.e
when I use the command "lxc-ls --fancy", the domain that was created cannot
be viewed, although, when I use the function conn.listDomains(), I can view
the domain.
As a work-around if I use the "lxc-create -t <OS> -n <name>" command
followed by "conn.domainDefineXML(xml_config)", I can view the domain
within "lxc-ls --fancy"
Any one has observed this problem earlier and is there a way I can...
2009 Oct 29
[PATCH] Enables users to migrate virtual machines between hosts.
diff --git a/nodeadmin/nodemenu.py b/nodeadmin/nodemenu.py
index 16be89c..f213e09 100755
--- a/nodeadmin/nodemenu.py
+++ b/nodeadmin/nodemenu.py
@@ -26,17 +26,19 @@ from startdomain import StartDomain
from stopdomain import StopDomain
from removedomain import RemoveDomain
from listdomains import ListDomains
+from migratedomain import MigrateDomain
from createuser import CreateUser
import utils
import logging
2009 Sep 23
[PATCH node] Introduces the virtual network administration functions.
+ nodeadmin/nodemenu.py \
nodeadmin/undefinedomain.py \
+ nodeadmin/undefinenetwork.py \
nodeadmin/createdomain.py \
nodeadmin/definedomain.py \
+ nodeadmin/definenet.py \
nodeadmin/domainconfig.py \
+ nodeadmin/networkconfig.py \
nodeadmin/listdomains.py \
+ nodeadmin/listnetworks.py \
nodeadmin/nodeadmin.py \
nodeadmin/setup.py \
nodeadmin/utils.py \
diff --git a/nodeadmin/configscreen.py b/nodeadmin/configscreen.py
index 0282eee..f214aea 100644
--- a/nodeadmin/configscreen.py
+++ b/nodeadmin/conf...
2009 Oct 21
[PATCH node] Renamed files and menu items for node administration:
Makefile.am | 8 +-
nodeadmin/adddomain.py | 470 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
nodeadmin/createdomain.py | 65 ------
nodeadmin/definedomain.py | 470 -------------------------------------------
nodeadmin/destroydomain.py | 66 ------
nodeadmin/listdomains.py | 4 +-
nodeadmin/nodemenu.py | 42 ++--
nodeadmin/removedomain.py | 83 ++++++++
nodeadmin/setup.py.in | 10 +-
nodeadmin/startdomain.py | 65 ++++++
nodeadmin/stopdomain.py | 66 ++++++
nodeadmin/undefinedomain.py | 83 --------
2009 Nov 05
Rebased patches...
I've rebased these patches to ensure they're up to date.
2009 Oct 28
Refactoring of storage admin and node
This patch set supercedes the previous set, and incorporates feedback from jboggs.
There is a known issue in configuring volumes on an iSCSI pool that makes them
unsupported at the moment. This code functions identical to virt-manager in that
2009 Aug 31
Fixed patch...
This version of the patch includes feedback from jboggs at redhat.com,
including fixes to the BuildRequires and Requires in the spec file.
2009 Sep 11
Text-based node administration tool
This patch obsoletes any previous ones. This is an upstream candidate,
so I'm looking for feedback so we can push this and start using it.
2009 Sep 14
This version fixes a few bugs found by jboggs. It also includes some
logging facilities that need to be fleshed out more.
2009 Sep 16
Final push candidate for nodeadmin tool...
This patch is ready for pushing upstream.
2009 Sep 16
Replacement that includes utils.py
The previous patch was missing this file. Resending.
2009 Dec 08
Rebased patches, fixed a rebasing problem...
The previous patch set had an error and one development branch's changes
showed up twice, and two different change sets. So it was missing the bulk
of the configuration work. This patch set fixes that.
2009 Jul 31
RFC: This patch is not being submitted for ACK...
...just looking for some feedback on the direction I'm going.
The code won't get all the way to the define stage since I'm in
the middle of retrofitting it to use virtinst instead of a home
spun node definition.
2009 Dec 03
Refactored, fixed and ready to review...
This set of patches needed some reworking since they would not apply on top of
next. They are ready for review and to be pushed.
2015 Jun 05
Re: LXCs using Libvirt
> dom.create()
> Using the above code, I am able to start a domain but the domain is not
> visible within the "lxc" list, i.e
> when I use the command "lxc-ls --fancy", the domain that was created cannot
> be viewed, although, when I use the function conn.listDomains(), I can view
> the domain.
That's expected and correct. Libvirt does not use lxc tools to manage
Linux containers. Libvirt manages everything by itself and talks to the
kernel directly. Thus containers created in libvirt are not visible to
lxc tools and containers created using lxc tools a...
2010 Feb 03
[libvirt] [LXC] Tyring to locate livbvirt operations for LXC relocation
...close */
NULL, /* supports_feature */
NULL, /* type */
lxcVersion, /* version */
NULL, /* libvirtVersion (impl. in libvirt.c) */
virGetHostname, /* getHostname */
NULL, /* getMaxVcpus */
nodeGetInfo, /* nodeGetInfo */
lxcGetCapabilities, /* getCapabilities */
lxcListDomains, /* listDomains */
lxcNumDomains, /* numOfDomains */
lxcDomainCreateAndStart, /* domainCreateXML */
lxcDomainLookupByID, /* domainLookupByID */
lxcDomainLookupByUUID, /* domainLookupByUUID */
lxcDomainLookupByName, /* domainLookupByName */
lxcDomainSuspend, /* domainSuspend...
2009 Oct 12
First draft: node storage admin
This patch provides the ability to create a "dir" type storage pool, and to add
and remove volumes for existing pools.