search for: list_id

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 23 matches for "list_id".

2006 May 13
somewhat advanced question about mysql
so here is the deal. i''ve got three tables: lists, items, comments, and this is how they are laid out: lists table id title items table id list_id item comments table id list_id comment to give you some background. in order to get a list of all the lists i am making this call: SELECT, title, count(items.list_id) AS total_list_items FROM lists INNER JOIN items ON list_id = GROUP BY list_id O...
2006 Jul 02
remote form w/ evalScripts:true
...he template that I WANT to use to POST to this action: <%= form_remote_tag :html => { :action => url_for(:controller => "list_item_links", :action => "create") }, :eval_scripts => true %> <%= hidden_field ''list_item_link'', ''list_id'', :value =>> <%= hidden_field ''list_item_link'', ''list_item_type'', :value => ''List'' %> Which list? <%= select ''list_item_link'', ''list_item_id'', @lists.collect{ |l| [ l.nam...
2012 Aug 08
Creating ToDo List App
...rated scaffolds list title:string & task description:text listname:string Next, in order to link the listname for Tasks and the list titles in the Lists I generated a migration file which looks like this class AddListIdToTasks < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_column :tasks, :list_id, :integer end end I then added active record association has_many :tasks and for the Task I used belongs_to :list (, :foreign_key => "list_id)" - even though I think this last part was unnecessary). Finally I ran rake db:migrate. Now I have the table setup (checked it in SQLite Da...
2006 Sep 28
Inserting rows into linking table select the contacts using checkboxes, but I''m having some problems with the controller and model. I receive the following error message when I submit the form: Mysql::Error: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails: INSERT INTO contact_lists (`contact_id`, `list_id`) VALUES(1, 2) However, the form variables returned from the form are: Parameters: {"commit"=>"Add Contacts to List", "contact_list"=>{"contact_id"=>["4", "5"], "list_id"=>"2"}} I''m not sure if...
2006 Sep 10
why isn't :order working in acts_as_list
...s to order by the specified column. class List < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :list_items, :order => "orderby" The error I get back when trying to save the link is: Unknown column ''position'' in ''order clause'': SELECT * FROM list_items WHERE (list_id = 9) ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1 So it looks like its just defaulting to ''position'', and isn''t getting my value of orderby. Is there something obvious i''m missing here? This is getting annoying... Any help or thoughts would be great. Thanks! Jack --...
2007 Jan 05
Using RESTful routes in controller tests
Why can''t I use the RESTful route helpers in my specs? In my controller I''m doing a redirect: redirect_to list_path(:id => @item.list_id) Now when I write: controller.should_redirect_to list_path(:id => 2) I''m getting the following error: NoMethodError in ''POST on /lists/2/items should redirect to index on succesful POST'' You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred whil...
2006 Jul 08
How to handle dynamically columned tables in rails
I want to build an application that lets me (the end user accessing a web page) design a simple list with columns and add records. E.g., if the end user says I want a table that has a list of songs, he can create a list (title, date, artist, label) and then make another list of, e.g., books on his bookshelf with the necessary columns (title, author, pub_date, shelf). The end user
2006 Jan 29
counting rows via associations
Hi: I have a table called clients and each client has many lists (a has_many and belongs_to has been created in the class. What I need to do is get a count of the rows in each list for each client. I was hoping I could do something like client.lists.count but it does not seem to work. Any suggestions? bruce
2007 Mar 23
has many ( THROUGH ) confusion
...any listshares -- has many lists ( through listshares ) - list -- has many listshares -- has many accounts ( through listshares ) - listshare --belongs to account --belongs to list I would have expected that if I perform the action list.destroy, then any records in listshares with the associated list_id would be deleted too.. but they are not. If they should be, my model is wrong somewhere. If not, I can stop pondering, and code the listshares tidyup manually. Thanks Keith --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google...
2006 Jul 02
Use Rails or PHP?
I''m new to RoR and have used PHP. I want to develop a personal organizer that allows me to add lists (tables) and search them. The ActiveRecord concept seems to allow me to set up something that works with an existing table, but I want the ability to add tables without programming. I know how to do this in PHP and I can put the SQL into queries in RoR, but does ActiveRecord let
2017 Jan 16
[cfe-dev] Your help needed: List of LLVM Open Projects 2017
The list can't ommit clang-tidy. There are many ideas about new checks on llvm bugzilla. Everything matching ".*Feature Request.*" Piotr 2017-01-16 21:31 GMT+01:00 Sean Silva via cfe-dev <cfe-dev at>: > Do we have any open projects on LLD? > > I know we usually try to avoid any big "projects" and mainly add/fix > things in...
2008 Jan 30
Besoin d'un Financement rapide ?
...en vitesse moyenne. Dur?e : 39 mois (avec report) dont une derni?re mensualit? ajust?e de 130,84?. TAEG r?visable de 18,93 %. Co?t du cr?dit 1 380,84?. Hors assurances facultatives. Pour vous d??sinscrire : [12]http://www.charlymail.comcharlynews/subscription.php?list_id=6&op=leave& References 1. 2.
2006 Jan 21
Help...why ''rake migrate'' can''t be executed on RadRails advice,please Tanks -~kota~ =================================== class InitialSchema < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :lists do |t| t.column :title, :string t.column :created__on, :time t.column :updated_on, :time end create_table :items do |t| t.column :list_id, :integer t.column :note, :string t.column :completion, :boolean, :default => false t.column :position, :integer t.column :created_on, :time t.column :updated_on, :time end end def self.down drop_table :lists drop_table :items end end ========...
2016 Aug 30
Remaining spam in Bugzilla
Hi! There were several new spam entries in Bugizlla, created from previously created accounts. I think will be good idea to delete them as well as block spammers accounts : Report IDs: 30192, 30191, 30187, 30186, 30185, 30182, 28766, 28717, 28715, 28714. Eugene.
2005 Oct 27
has_one with Single Table Inheritance - NameError : uninitialized constant
.... class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :wishlist end class List < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user end class Wishlist < List has_and_belongs_to_many :items, :class_name => ''Album'', :join_table => ''items_lists'', :foreign_key => ''list_id'', :association_foreign_key => ''item_id'' end Whenever I try to access user.wishlist I get the follow exception : g:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.2.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:198:in `const_missing'' g:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activ...
2007 Jan 27
Problems with implementation of dynamically updating scores
...find_favolist(session[:user_id]) @li=LineItem.findaddeditem(, puts fair if fair puts ''success'' @p.popular_score +=1 puts "add" @li = @li.product_id =params[:id] @li.list_id @li.likeornot =1 @li.created_at = puts "line" redirect_to_index("推文成功") --> never worked, why? else redirect_to_index("一人只有一票唷") --> never worked, why? end end -----------...
2010 Sep 29
Railroad problem with :through?
...list_subscribers has_many :list_subscribers end class Subscriber < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :lists has_many :lists, :through => :list_subscribers end class ListSubscriber< ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :list belongs_to :subscriber validates_uniqueness_of :subscriber_id, :scope => :list_id end and get the following error: railroad -i -l -a -m -M | dot -Tpng | sed ''s/font-size:14.00/font-size:12.00/g'' > doc/models.png /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.8/lib/active_support/whiny_nil.rb:52:in `method_missing'': undefined method `klass''...
2017 Jun 25
IMPORTANT: server move complete (SVN impact please read)
...cpp: // > Support/RandomNumberGenerator.cpp:// > Target/AVR/* [Unresolved > bugs]( > Transforms/Utils/SimplifyCFG.cpp: // the line - see > > Transforms/Utils/SimplifyCFG.cpp: // > > Transforms/IPO/LowerTypeTests.cpp: // Disabled on win32 due to >
2014 Jun 09
Subject tag is gone
I've actually been thinking about it almost since the beginning. It's just been annoying waste of space on my screen. And more importantly nowadays it's also breaking DKIM/DMARC signatures. So if somebody still uses Subject-based filtering it's about time to switch to List-ID header based filtering now. Another thing I'm wondering about is if I should allow text/html parts,
2017 Jun 24
IMPORTANT: server move complete (SVN impact please read)
LLVMers, We have completed the move to the new server for One casualty of this move was that was NOT enabled at this time. There is a new certificate for and HTTPS is enabled for the website. We know of a few issues with some of the webpages but will be working them out over the next few days. Please do not hesitate to contact llvm-admin at with