Displaying 20 results from an estimated 32 matches for "linout".
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2011 Jan 05
Nnet and AIC: selection of a parsimonious parameterisation
cpus3 <- data.frame(syct = syct-2, mmin = mmin-3, mmax = mmax-4,
cach=cach/256,chmin=chmin/100, chmax=chmax/100, perf)
CVnn.cpus <- function(formula, data = cpus3[cpus.samp, ], maxSize = 10,
decayRange = c(0,0.2), nreps = 5, nifold = 10, alpha= 9/10,
linout = TRUE, skip = TRUE, maxit = 1000,...){
#nreps=number of attempts to fit a nnet model with randomly chosen initial
# The one with the smallest RSS on the training data is then chosen
nnWtsPrunning <-function(nn,data,alpha,i){
truth <- log10(data$perf)
2006 Sep 11
Translating R code + library into Fortran?
#first train initial neural nets
#train nn.shift with error checking
#train nn.scale with error checking
2010 Nov 26
Issues with nnet.default for regression/classification
I'm currently trying desperately to get the nnet function for training a
neural network (with one hidden layer) to perform a regression task.
So I run it like the following:
trainednet <- nnet(x=traindata, y=trainresponse, size = 30, linout = TRUE, maxit=1000)
(where x is a matrix and y a numerical vector consisting of the target
values for one variable)
To see whether the network learnt anything at all, I checked the network
weights and those have definitely changed. However, when examining the
trainednet$fitted.values, those are al...
2009 May 24
accuracy of a neural net
...mple I got 980 out of 982 correct. Can anyone spot an error
crs$dataset <- read.csv("file:///C:/dataForR/textsTweet1/cleanForPC.csv",
na.strings=c(".", "NA", "", "?"))
crs$nnet <- nnet(Value ~ ., data=crs$dataset[,c(1:22,922)], size=10,
linout=TRUE, skip=TRUE, trace=FALSE, maxit=1000)
rawpredictions =predict(crs$nnet, crs$dataset[, c(1:22)], type="raw")
roundedpredictions=round(rawpredictions[,1],digits = 0)
trueAndPredicted=cbind(roundedpredictions, targets)
2012 Oct 17
Superficie de respuesta con rsm y nnet
...e es
significativa, decidà probar con una red neural artificial, usando los
paquetes "caret" y "nnet". He probado las siguientes opciones:
NN.1 <- train(R ~ V1 + V2, data = DATOS.Codificados, method =
"nnet", maxit = 10000, tuneGrid = SIZE.DECAY, trace = F, linout = TRUE)
donde R² = 0.9936, y AAD = 4.87 %, pero la forma de la superficie de
respuesta es muy irregular, nada parecida al modelo obtenido con "rsm".
NN.2 <- train(R ~ V1 + V2 + V1:V2, data = DATOS.Codificados, method
= "nnet", maxit = 10000, tuneGrid = SIZE.DECAY, tra...
2008 Jul 03
Plotting Prediction Surface with persp()
...a question about correct usage of persp(). I have a simple neural
net-based XOR example, as follows:
xor.data <- data.frame(cbind(expand.grid(c(0,1),c(0,1)), c(0,1,1,0)))
names(xor.data) <- c("x","y","o")
xor.nn <- nnet(o ~ x + y, data=xor.data, linout=FALSE, size=1)
# Create an (x.y) surface and predict over all points
d <- data.frame(expand.grid(seq(0,1,.1), seq(0,1,.1)))
names(d) <- c("x","y")
p <- predict(xor.nn, d)
zmat <- as.matrix(cbind(d,p))
Now my z matrix consists of x and y points, and the correspondin...
2003 Aug 19
On the Use of the nnet Library
...s of 20 observations with four
variables: Sex, Age, Height and Weight. Sex is treated as a factor, Age
and Weight are variables normalized to unity, as usual. I wanted to
construct a neural network, and so I ran the following code:
>net1<-nnet(Weight~Age+Sex+Height, size=2, linout=T,maxit=1000)
I repeated this thirteen times. I used the default initial parameters
unless otherwise noted. The result is as follows, where init and final
mean initial and final RSS's, and NIT means the number of iterations
before reaching convergence or noncovergence:
Run# init NIT final
2007 Jan 28
nnet question
...y code(see following) several time, but I get different correlation
coefficient each time.
Anyone know why?
In addition, How to calculate prediction accuracy for prediction of
continuous variable?
> m.nn.omega <- nnet(omega~aa_three+bas+bcu+aa_ss, data=training, size=2,
# weights: 57
initial value 89153525.582093
iter 10 value 15036439.951888
iter 20 value 15010796.121891
iter 30 value 15000761.804392
iter 40 value 14955839.294531
iter 50 value 14934746.564215
iter 60 value 14933978.758615
iter 70 value 14555668.381007
iter 80 value 14553072.231507...
2007 Mar 27
Using nnet
I have a problem when using nnet to predict the negative values. For example
X = matrix(c(1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0),4,2)
Y = matrix(c(0,1,1,0)) - 0.5 # XOR - 0.5
nn = nnet(X,Y,size=3)
val = predict(nn,X)
val # this is expected to be close to Y, but it's not !
The 'val' is always positive. I tried to change the options, but the result
isn't much better.
Could someone give me an
2008 Apr 26
Variables selection in Neural Networks
...en layer to control overfitting. But, to select the best model how I can
choose the relevant variables? How I can eliminate those that are not
significant for the model of neural networks? How I can do this in R?
dataset.nn=nnet(response.variable~., dataset, subset = training, size=1,
decay=0.001, linout=F, skip=T, maxit=200, Hess=T)
What I am doing is to vary size between 0 and 1 since with a single layer it
can learn any type of function or continuous relation between a group of
input and output variables. But this only would give two different models.
The ideal would be to be reducing nonsignif...
2003 Jul 11
Nonliner Rgression using Neural Nnetworks
I am an old hand at chemistry but a complete beginner at statistics
including R computations.
My question is whether you can carry out nonlinear
multivariate regression analysis in R using neural networks, where the
output variable can range from -Inf to + Inf., unlike discriminant
analysis where the output is confined to one or zero. The library nnet
seems to work only in the latter
2004 Nov 29
R: nnet questions
...1] 413.999148 405.009358 418.679828 418.388427 419.282955 432.329471
433.448313 444.166060 447.773185 455.103503
[91] 448.588598 464.410358 465.565875 478.677403 478.306390 479.565728
487.681689 491.422090 502.468491 500.385458
i then went about to use the nnet function:
> a.net<-nnet(y~x,linout=T,size=1)
# weights: 4
initial value 8587786.130082
iter 10 value 2086583.979646
final value 2079743.529111
NOTE: the function said that four weights were estimated. This is
correct as shown below. the model can be represented as:
input ---(w1)---> hidden ---(w2)--->...
2007 Jul 15
NNET re-building the model
I've been working with "nnet" and now I'd like to use the weigths, from
the fitted model, to iterpret some of variables impornatce.
I used the following command:
mts <- nnet(y=Y,x=X,size =4, rang = 0.1,
decay = 5e-4, maxit = 5000,linout=TRUE)
X is (m x n) Y is (m x 1)
And then I get the coeficients by:
b->h1 i1->h1 i2->h1 i3->h1 i4->h1
i5->h1 i6->h1 i7->h1 ...
b->o h1->o h2->o h3->o h4->o ...
I unde...
2004 Sep 03
windowing strategies
Hello to everybody,
Does anyone has implemented a function for evaluating models using windowing
strategies, such as growing window or sliding window ones?
The aim is to evaluate regression models on a time series data. I do not use
cross-validation once data sorted in a radom way does not make sense when
evaluating time series.
Joao Moreira
2009 Jun 07
Inf in nnet final value for validation data
I use nnet for my classification problem and have a problem concerning the calculation of the final value for my validation data.(nnet only calculates the final value for the training data). I made my own final value formula (for the training data I get the same value as nnet):
# prob-matrix
pmatrix <- cat*fittedValues
tmp <- rowSums(pmatrix)
# -log likelihood
2012 Mar 01
how to change or copy to another the names of models
I would like to know how I can change the name of a model for each
trainning cycle of a model.
I work with the RSNNS package and to build a neural network, I used :
for (i in 5:30) ....
model_ANN <- mlp(X, Y, size=n,....) # where size is the number of neurons
in the hidden layer
but I need to save each time that the model that is build (the end of each
cycle), e.g., when i = 5, I need to
2012 May 30
caret() train based on cross validation - split dataset to keep sites together?
...+ tempd + tempe +
netarea + netbuffor + strmslope +
netsoilprm + netslope + gwndx + mnaspect + urb + ag + forest +
buffor + tempa7day + tempb7day +
tempc7day + tempd7day + tempe7day + tempa30day + tempb30day +
tempc30day + tempd30day +
tempe30day, data = temp.train, method = "nnet", linout=T, maxit =
MaxNWts = 100000, metric = "RMSE", trControl = fitControl, tuneGrid
= tuning, trace = T)
2009 May 27
Neural Network resource
Hi All,
I am trying to learn Neural Networks. I found that R has packages which can help build Neural Nets - the popular one being AMORE package. Is there any book / resource available which guides us in this subject using the AMORE package?
Any help will be much appreciated.
2006 Dec 03
nnet() fit criteria
Hi all,
I'm using nnet() for non-linear regression as in Ch8.10 of MASS. I
understand that nnet() by default optimizes least squares. I'm looking
to have it instead optimize such that the mean error is zero (so that it
is unbiased). Any suggestions on how this might be achieved?
Mike Lawrence
"The road to wisdom? Well,
2012 Jan 04
Error formal argument "softmax" matched by multiple actual arguments
This returns the error message : formal argument "softmax" matched by
multiple actual arguments
Here the dependent variable "custcat" is a factor with 4-levels. This error
does not crop up for any other arguments of nnet(), including entropy=TRUE,
linout=TRUE and censored=TRUE
This post :
identifies the error message formal argument "< >" matched by multiple
actual arguments...