search for: lini

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "lini".

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2013 Aug 19
Problemas con ggsave(paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='')
...g(..., width = width, height = height, res = dpi, : unable to open file 'img/BurglaryKde2d.png' for writing 2: In grDevices::png(..., width = width, height = height, res = dpi, : opening device failed Por favor, agradezco ayuda. PD: Tengo Windows 7, 32 bits; vesion R 3.0.1 Saludos, linis. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Aug 26
Problemas con ggsave(paste('img/', plotName, '.png', sep='')
Estimado Linis, Si estás bajo Windows y no has cambiado las rutas (también dentro de las funciones) es posible que no funcionen bien. Por ejemplo la sentencia paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='') deberías cambiarla por: paste('img\',plotName,'.png', sep='') o...
2003 Jun 20
Power Law Exponents
I am having difficulty with the calculation of the power law exponent for set of nodes within a graph. Specifically, I am interested in the distribution of in-degree and out-degree among communities of web pages where the web pages are the nodes of the graph and the hyperlinks the edges. According to the literature, the distribution of incoming and outgoing links obeys a power law distribution
2013 Aug 23
A couple of questions regarding the survival:::cch function
Dear all, I have a couple of questions regarding the survival:::cch function. 1) I notice that Prentice and Self-Prentice functions are giving identical standard errors (not by chance but by programming design) while their estimates are different. My guess is they are both using the standard error form from Self and Prentice (1986). I see that standard errors for both methods are
2005 Jan 12
How to configure auth_userdb and auth_passwd?
Hi! i want to configure dovecot to use a modified passwdfile. A linie in this file looks like this: "username: <TAB> crypted_password" how i have to use the auth_userdb and auth_passwd command? Now i have: auth_userdb = passwd-file /path/file auth_passwd = passwd-file /path/file (same file) dovecot is starting normaly (i think) but a authentificat...
2004 Jan 16
ISDN30 - HW ?
Hi, Are there any hardware for ISDN30 ? if yes any problem with this ? is i out-of-box like ISDN2 but with 30 linies ? Do I need more than the cable from my teleprowider and a PCI-card ? /HHA _________________________________________________________________ Find high-speed ‘net deals — comparison-shop your local providers here.
2010 Dec 06
How to get lasso fit coefficient(given penalty tuning parameter \lambda) using lars package
Hi, all, I am using the lars package for lasso estimate. So I get a lasso fit first: lassofit = lars(x,y,type ="lasso",normalize=T, intercept=T) Then I want to get coefficient with respect to a certain value of \lambda (the tuning parameter), I know lars has three mode options c("step", "fraction", "norm"), but can I use the \lambda value instead
2013 May 02
[Attachment has been removed]Audio Mode vs. VoIP Mode
...ails: Sender: Christian.vanBijleveld at Recipients: opus at Subject: "Audio Mode vs. VoIP Mode" Time: Thu May 2 17:09:35 2013 File: AUDIOvsVOIP.emf The cleaned message body is below this line or in the attached e-mail. Die bereinigte E-Mail ist unter der folgenden Linie oder in beigef?gtem Attachment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: "van Bijleveld Christian (ST-CO/ENG1.3)" <Christian.vanBijleveld at> Subj...
2001 Jan 26
Traffic Control on ADSL
Heyas, I''m pretty new to this (more new than most of those who say ''I''m new to this''), but I have a basic understanding of what goes on though. [The situation]: A friend of mine has a linux machine running on an ADSL linie. He has given several friends accounts, so they can download faster (a temporary storage), if they are on a modem connection. The linux machine acts as a software router his private internal network, which consists of 2 PC''s for the time being. eth0 is the interface towards his LAN (with...
2013 Aug 23
Problemas con ggsave(...). Estadística Espacial
...= width, height = height, res = dpi, : unable to open file 'img/BurglaryKde2d.png' for writing2: In grDevices::png(..., width = width, height = height, res = dpi, : opening device failed Por favor, necesito una ayuda. PD: Tengo Windows 7, 32 bits; vesion R 3.0.1 Gracias amigos. Linis Guerrero. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Oct 28
How to install Wine-1.1.7 on Ubuntu 7.10
I've downloaded Wine 1.1.7 and unzipped it onto my desktop. I've printed out the readme file and have followed the quick start by running ./tools/wineinstall (I'm doing all this by mouseclicks - no terminal). A dialog box flashes and then nothing happens. I can't stop this dialog box long enough to see if there is an error msg, so I don't know what is happening, except I
2011 Sep 15
TOP and Rayman 3 wine 1.3.28 [Convey Ville's message >> ID[1672] Type[2] Set Quest: [Morpheus' Rage >> ID[1673] Type[2] Set Quest: [Morpheus Girl >> ID[1674] Type[2] Set Quest: [A man on a mission >> ID[1675] Type[2] Set Quest: [The origin of Haven 1>> ID[1680] Type[1] Set Quest: [Linis Request>> ID[1681] Type[1] Set Quest: [The origin of Haven 2>> ID[1682] Type[1] Set Quest: [The origin of Haven 3>> ID[1683] Type[1] Set Quest: [The origin of Haven 4>> ID[1684] Type[1] Set Quest: [Vexed Mary>> ID[1685] Type[1] Set Quest: [Legend of Wisdom World&...
2013 Aug 19
Error in grDevices
Estimados usuarios de R: Estoy corriendo el código de aqui: y al correr la función ggsave(paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='') resulta el error: Saving 7.32 x 4.87 in image Error in grDevices::png(..., width = width, height = height, res = dpi, : unable to start png() deviceIn