search for: liers

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "liers".

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2012 May 15
how to find outliers from the list of values
Hi, I am new to R and I would like to get your help in finding 'outliers'. I have mvoutlier package installed in my system and added the package . But I not able find a function from 'mvoutlier' package which will identify 'outliers'. This is the sample list of data I have got which has one out-lier. 11489 11008 11873 80000000 9558 8645 802...
2006 May 19
Need help with a test
Hi, I have this controller method that I need to test: def link_concept_to_client concept_to_link = Concept.find(params[:concept_id]) # take all the variations for the concept for variation in concept_to_link.variations new_client_variation = new_client_variation.client = session[:active_client] new_client_variation.variation = variation
2007 Jun 16
exemple html
Bonjour, je voudrait savoir si il est possible d''aller chercher des flux rss et d''affiché les pages web avec l''exemple que vous donnez dans wxruby2: ''html'', car je cherche une bibliothèque ou autre qui puisse me permettre de faire celà. merci Sebastien _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2007 Jun 22
exemple html - RSS
alex écrit: Ce n''est pas possible d''afficher RSS/atom lui-même avec Wx::HtmlWindow. Mais vous pouvez vous servir de quelques bibliothèques ruby pour chercher RSS (par exemple ''net/http'', ''mechanize'', ''http-access2'') et l''analyser (par exemple ''rexml''). Donc, on devrait créer HTML qui répresente
2004 May 10
probs w/ make and make install
cd `dirname dlls/__install-lib__` && make install-lib rm -f libdxerr8.a && ln -s dxerr8/libdxerr8.a libdxerr8.a rm -f libdxerr9.a && ln -s dxerr9/libdxerr9.a libdxerr9.a rm -f libdxguid.a && ln -s dxguid/libdxguid.a libdxguid.a rm -f libuuid.a && ln -s uuid/libuuid.a libuuid.a cd `dirname advapi32/__install__` && make install
2006 Feb 01
package introductions
I have been experimenting with different possibilities for an "introduction" page for my packages. That is, a good place to tell users about the most important things in a package, and where to start. Recently there was a discussion about this, and a suggestion to use <foo>-package.Rd, and also a function that generates a skeleton document. My problem with this suggestion is
2014 Apr 08
Découvrez les nouveaux programmes du Grand Ouest
Si vous ne visualisez pas correctement l???e-mail, cliquez ici <> D??couvrez les nouveaux programmes immobiliers du Grand Ouest <> <> a s??lectionn?? pour vous les meilleurs programmes immobiliers neufs de votre r??gion. Achetez votre futur appartement neuf en direct avec les promoteurs du...
2002 Feb 11
Conversion to ext3 failed.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rss:/etc # 358C written rss:/etc # man mount Reformatting mount(8), please wait... MOUNT(8) Linux Programmer's Manual MOUNT(8) NAME mount - mount a file system SYNOPSIS mount [-lhV] mount -a [-fFnrsvw] [-t vfstype] mount [-fnrsvw] [-o options [,...]] device | dir mount [-fnrsvw] [-t vfstype] [-o options] device dir