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2009 May 17
Chow test(1960)/Structural change test
A question on something which normally should be easy !
I perform a linear regression using lm function:
> reg1 <- lm (a b+c+d, data = database1)
Then I try to perform the Chow (1960) test (structural change test) on my regression. I know the breakpoint date. I try the following code like it is described in the “Examples” section of the “strucchange” package :
> sctest(reg1,
2009 Oct 20
Systemfit package
Dear Arne Henningsen,
I send you this message because I have question with regard to systemfit package. I hope you answer to my request.
I estimated a system of equation bu using SUR method. The function summary(xx) gives me summary of estimated equation system. However, this function does not give my the value of the durbin watson statistic for each one of my equations (to chek for serial
2009 Oct 30
Time series temporal disaggregation
This is a newbie question.
I would to be able to convert annual time series of flow data into quarterly data. I wonder if there is any existing R-function which permits to do it? In what package ?
I the archive, i found that some poeple speak about "tempDis" package for performing time series temporal disaggregation, but when I try to download it I can not found it in the list
2009 May 29
Error messages/systemfit package
Hello !
I’m trying to estimate a system of equation (demand and supply) using the systemfit package. My program is:
demand <- tsyud ~ tsyud1 + tsucp + tspo + tssn
supply <- tscn ~ tsyn + tsqn + tsksn + tsucp
system <- list(demand=eqdemand, learning = eqsupply)
labels <- list(demand="eqdemand", learning="eqsupply")
inst <- ~ tsupp1 + tsupp2
2009 May 14
Data extraction problem after importation using RODBC
Dear all,
I write this message because I have a problem in data importation. I hope that you help me.
My data base is in an Excel spreasheet. I import this data base using the following code:
db <- "C:/Users/Axel/Desktop/estimation/data.xls"
channel <- odbcConnectExcel(xls.file = db)
data <- sqlFetch(channel = channel, sqtable = "Feuil1")
2009 Sep 02
Cointegration/urca package
I estimate vector error correction model (vecm) model. I have only one cointegratio relationship. I write :
joh.vecm.rls <- cajorls(joh.vecm, r=1)
The output estimation is :
lm(formula = substitute(form1), data = data.mat)
up.d expl.d upd.d r.d
ect1 -1.34e-01 4.55e+02 6.91e+00 2.43e+03
2009 May 12
R^2 extraction and autocorrelation/heterokedasticity on TSLS regression
I'm actually I’m performing a TSLS linear multiple regression on annually data which go from 1971 to 1997. After performing the TSLS regression, I tried to extract the R squared value using “output$r.squared” function and to perform autocorrelation (Durbin Watson and Breush Godfrey) and heterokedasticity tests (Breush-pagan and Goldfeld Quandt) but I have errors messages. More