search for: lengthfunc

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "lengthfunc".

2019 Jul 18
ALTREP wrappers and factors
...e and the package is able to define an ALTREP in pure R level, it is capable to add an attribute to ALTREP object when creating the object and has a correct reference number. The simplest example would be *CODE* ``` library(AltWrapper) inspectFunc <- function(x) cat("Altrep object\n") lengthFunc <- function(x) return(length(x)) getPtrFunc <- function(x, writeable) return(x) setAltClass(className = "test", classType = "real") setAltMethod(className = "test", inspect = inspectFunc) setAltMethod(className = "test", getLength = lengthFunc) setAltM...
2019 Jul 17
ALTREP wrappers and factors
Hello, I?m experimenting with ALTREP and was wondering if there is a preferred way to create an ALTREP wrapper vector without using .Internal(wrap_meta(?)), which R CMD check doesn?t like since it uses an .Internal() function. I was trying to create a factor that used an ALTREP integer, but attempting to set the class and levels attributes always ended up duplicating and materializing the