Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "left_join".
2017 Mar 15
Crear una función
...la[, PorcAc := cumsum(Porc)]
# Regiones
tabla.1 <- datos[, .N, by = .(etiqueta = x, Region)]
tabla.1[, Porc := round(N/sum(N)*100,1), by =.(Region)]
tabla.1 <- spread(tabla.1[, .(etiqueta, Region, Porc)], key =
Region, value = Porc)
tabla.reg <- left_join(tabla, tabla.1)
# Depdendencia
tabla.1 <- datos[, .N, by = .(etiqueta = x, Dependencia = B2a)]
tabla.1[, Porc := round(N/sum(N)*100,1), by =.(Dependencia)] # %
por Dependencia
tabla.1 <- na.omit(tabla.1)
tabla.1 <- spread(tabla.1[, .(etique...
2017 Mar 15
Fwd: Crear una función
...[, PorcAc := cumsum(Porc)]
# Regiones
tabla.1 <- datos[, .N, by = .(etiqueta = x, Region)]
tabla.1[, Porc := round(N/sum(N)*100,1), by =.(Region)]
tabla.1 <- spread(tabla.1[, .(etiqueta, Region, Porc)], key = Region, value = Porc)
tabla.reg <- left_join(tabla, tabla.1)
# Depdendencia
tabla.1 <- datos[, .N, by = .(etiqueta = x, Dependencia = B2a)]
tabla.1[, Porc := round(N/sum(N)*100,1), by =.(Dependencia)] # % por Dependencia
tabla.1 <- na.omit(tabla.1)
tabla.1 <- spread(tabla.1[, .(etiqu...
2023 Jun 29
Processing a hierarchical string name
...for your help.
Ivan, your solution worked perfectly. I didn't really understand how to
do string processing on a vector of strings, and your solution
demonstrated it for me. I modified it to work with the tidyverses'
stringr library in this way:
bg3_race_sum <- bg3_race %>%
left_join(pl_vars, by=c("variable" = "name")) %>%
group_by(variable) %>%
summarize(count = sum(value)) %>%
left_join(pl_vars, by=c("variable" = "name")) %>%
filter(count > 0) %>%
.$label %>%
str_replace("^ !!"...
2017 Sep 04
Dataframe Manipulation
...n it i can use it
in future by doing some Lil bit manipulation.
data_help <-
data_help %>%
mutate(Purchase_ID = 1:n()) %>%
group_by(Purchase_ID) %>%
cat_help %>% gather("Foo", "Item") %>%
filter(!is.na(Item)) %>%
left_join(data_help, by = "Item") %>%
group_by(Foo, Purchase_ID) %>%
summarise(Item = paste(Item, collapse = ", ")) %>%
spread(key = "Foo", value = "Item")
On 31 August 2017 at 13:17, Ulrik Stervbo <ulrik.stervbo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hema...
2018 Mar 22
Calculate weighted proportions for several factors at once
...=30)) %>% tbl_df()
# instead of doing this separately for each factor ...
df2 <- df1 %>%
group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::count(var1, wt=wt) %>%
df3 <- df1 %>%
group_by(group) %>%
dplyr::count(var2, wt=wt) %>%
mutate(prop2=n/sum(n)) %>%
left_join(df2, by='group')
# I would like to do something like the following (which does of course not work):
my_fun <- function(x,wt){
freq1 <- dplyr::count(x, wt=wt)
prop1 <- freq1 / sum(freq1)
df1 %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise_all(.funs=my_fun(.), .var...
2016 Feb 29
Juntar dos data.frames eliminando celdas con NA
Hola a todos,
Quisiera juntar las informacion de dos data.frames con una union de columnas un tanto especial. La informacion que tengo son datos de captura-recaptura de diferentes individuos, por ejemplo en una base de datos tengo:ID <- c(1,2,3,4)Fate_1 <- c(2,2,2,2)Fate_2 <- c(0,0,0,NA)Fate_3 <- c(0, NA, NA, NA)
y en otra base de datos tengo:ID <- c(1,2,3)Fate_1 <- c(0, 0, 0,
2019 Oct 07
[External] Re: should base R have a piping operator ?
> On 7 Oct 2019, at 17:04, Tierney, Luke <luke-tierney at uiowa.edu> wrote:
> Think about what happens if an
> argument in a pipe stage contains a pipe. (Not completely
> unreasonable, e.g. for a left_join).
It should work exactly as it does in a local environment.
`%foo%` <- function(x, y) {
env <- parent.frame()
# Use `:=` to avoid partial matching on .env/.frame
rlang::scoped_bindings(. := x, .env = env)
eval(substitute(y), env)
"A" %foo% {
2018 Feb 22
Filtrado de variables
Buenos díasTengo esta pequeña matriz con tres columnas. Querría saber como puedo filtrar el mes en el que todos los campos de la columna RESULTADO son NA (en este caso sería unicamente el mes 4). Gracias
| 1 | A | SI |
| 1 | B | SI |
| 1 | C | NO |
| 2 | A | NA |
| 2 | B | SI |
| 2 | C | SI |
| 3 | A | NO |
| 3 | B | NO |
| 3 | C | NO |
| 4 | A | NA |
| 4 | B | NA
2017 Aug 31
Dataframe Manipulation
...ames = FALSE)
data_frame(Item = x, Purchase_ID = items$Purchase_ID)
data_help <-
data_help %>%
mutate(Purchase_ID = 1:n()) %>%
group_by(Purchase_ID) %>%
cat_help %>% gather("Foo", "Item") %>%
filter(!is.na(Item)) %>%
left_join(data_help, by = "Item") %>%
group_by(Foo, Purchase_ID) %>%
summarise(Item = paste(Item, collapse = ", ")) %>%
spread(key = "Foo", value = "Item")
On Wed, 30 Aug 2017 at 13:22 Hemant Sain <hemantsain55 at gmail.com> wrote:
2017 Aug 30
Dataframe Manipulation
...>> table_1 <- gather(table_1, "Foo", "Item") %>%
>> filter(!is.na(Item))
>> table_1 <- separate(table_1, col = "Item", into = c("Quantity", "Item"),
>> sep = " ")
>> table_3 <- left_join(table_1, table_2, by = "Item") %>%
>> mutate(Item = paste(Quantity, Item)) %>%
>> select(-Quantity)
>> table_3 %>%
>> group_by(Foo, Category) %>%
>> summarise(Item = paste(Item, collapse = ", ")) %>%
>> spread...
2020 Sep 22
Buenas tardes,
Estoy precisando generar una nueva variable que contenga el mes en tres
letras, por ejemplo: ENE , FEB, MAR , ABR y así sucesivamente a partir de
los valores que ahora tengo en el Dataset, que son 1, 2, 3, 4 y así
Entiendo que sería con mutate, pero consulto acerca del comando completo..
2018 Mar 19
Labelling a fortified GADM map plotted with ggplot and geom_map
...mes(kids_province_data)[2] <- "Number"
# sum the data by province
kids_province_sums <- aggregate(.~Province, data = kids_province_data, sum)
# join the data to the map
names(tract)[6] <- "region"
names(kids_province_sums)[1] <- "region"
by_province <- left_join(tract, kids_province_sums)
# create the data map
kids_map <- ggplot(by_province, aes(map_id = region)) + #plots the map in by_province separating by region
geom_map(aes(fill = Number), #generates aestheticsa for the plot
2020 Jun 26
Quedarse con las muestras de una BD que están presentes otra, basado en dos variables
Buenas tardes, quedarme con las muestras de una BD (data) que están
presentes en otra (datax), cuando se tiene una variable que nunca se repite
(Key) es fácil: data <- subset(data,data$Key %in% datax$Key).
Mi problema es cuando la exclusividad viene dada por dos variables. P.e.,
las coordenadas de un mapa: lon y lat.
¿Como puedo quedarme con las muestras de una df cuya lon y lat son iguales
2019 Oct 07
[External] Re: should base R have a piping operator ?
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019, Lionel Henry wrote:
>> On 7 Oct 2019, at 17:04, Tierney, Luke <luke-tierney at uiowa.edu> wrote:
>> Think about what happens if an
>> argument in a pipe stage contains a pipe. (Not completely
>> unreasonable, e.g. for a left_join).
> It should work exactly as it does in a local environment.
> ```
> `%foo%` <- function(x, y) {
> env <- parent.frame()
> # Use `:=` to avoid partial matching on .env/.frame
> rlang::scoped_bindings(. := x, .env = env)
> eval(substitute(y), env)...
2023 Nov 04
Adding columns to a tibble based on a value in a different tibble
I think a simple reproducible example ("reprex") may be necessary for you
to get a useful reply. Questions with vague specifications such as yours
often result in going round and round with attempts to clarify what you
mean without a satisfactory answer. Clarification at the outset with a
reprex may save you and others a lot of frustration.
On Sat, Nov 4, 2023 at 1:41?AM
2017 Oct 09
Merge me agrega siempre las columnas
Tengo dos data.frames de la siguiente manera
2019 Oct 07
[External] Re: should base R have a piping operator ?
...in `on.exit()` (or through
> unwind-protection if implemented in C).
Sorry to be blunt but adding/removing a variable from a caller's
environment is a horrible design idea. Think about what happens if an
argument in a pipe stage contains a pipe. (Not completely
unreasonable, e.g. for a left_join). We already have such a design
lurking in (at least) one place in base code and it keeps biting. It's
pretty high on my list to be expunged.
If a variable is to be used it needs to be in its own
scope/environment. There is another option, which is to rewrite the
pipe as a nested call and eva...
2019 Oct 07
should base R have a piping operator ?
Hi Gabe,
> There is another way the pipe could go into base R that could not be
> done in package space and has the potential to mitigate some pretty
> serious downsides to the pipes relating to debugging
I assume you're thinking about the large stack trace of the magrittr
pipe? You don't need a parser transformation to solve this problem
though, the pipe could be implemented as
2018 May 01
how can I convert a long to wide matrix?
Hi Marna,
This is a condition that the function cannot handle. It would be
possible to reformat the result based on the time intervals, but the
stretch_df function doesn't try to interpret the values, just
stretches them out to a wide format.
On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 9:16 AM, Marna Wagley <marna.wagley at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> The data set is correct. I took two
2017 Aug 30
Dataframe Manipulation
It's not a homework neithe that is the real dataset i have signer NDA for
my company so that i can share the original data file, Actually I'm working
on a market basket analysis task but not able to convert my existing data
table to appropriate format so that i can apply Apriori algorithm using R,
and this is very important me to get it done because I'm an intern and if i