search for: leaning

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1118 matches for "leaning".

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2009 Sep 07
lean text label below barplot table
Hi, everyone: I am plotting an graph with bar plot, but the label after every bar is too long, I wanna if I can draw the label lean to an angle thanks -- Xiaogang Yang Sensorweb Research Laboratory Washington State University Vancouver [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Apr 30
lean your head to the right
jelks said: > What a dumb idea. You should > lean your head to the right about 20 degrees, > to simulate the text. that should be "stage-right", right?, so your listener will hear it right? -bowerbird -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 Apr 23
TC: Simple and complex configs interplay
Hello, From a user perspective, the simple (tcpri) and complex TC configs offers two rather distinct choices. A user can very well be OK with only using the simple way and that''s very fine. Then again, even in doing so, the more complex config options are available. What is the interplay between the two as far as having some parameters configured in both at the same time ? So far
2011 Jul 15
Traffic shaping ipv6 configs example
Hello All, I''ve search the documentation of shorewall, But I didn''t find any document about traffic shaping in ipv6. I want to do a per-ip traffic shaping of ipv6.  TIA -- -Budiwijaya- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AppSumo Presents a FREE Video for the SourceForge Community by Eric Ries, the creator of the Lean Startup
2006 Jan 10
Application Design Question
...o far: 1. Calculate when the fish is entered into the system. This seems like the easiest but if I change the scoring recalculating the scores is a bit troublesome. 2. Calculate when displayed. Seems rather intensive CPU wise and makes doing "Top 10" list rather troublesome. I am leaning towards option 1 but I wanted to ping the community to see if anyone has any brilliant ideas. TIA - Bill
2006 Nov 03
SendDTMF() behaves strangely
...exten => s,1,Wait(0.5) exten => s,n,SendDTMF(9531290) exten => s,n,Wait(1.0) exten => s,n,Set(MACRO_RESULT=CONTINUE) To test I direct the call to a live extension just to hear what's happening -- what actually happens is that only the 9 is sent, and it sounds as though someone is leaning on the button for about a second. Even if I rewrite it like this: exten => s,1,Wait(0.5) exten => s,n,SendDTMF(9) exten => s,n,SendDTMF(5) exten => s,n,SendDTMF(3) exten => s,n,Wait(1.0) exten => s,n,Set(MACRO_RESULT=CONTINUE) I get the same behaviour -- someone "leaning&q...
2011 Apr 24
Logging specific Classified packets
Hi All, I''m not convinced I have my tcrules correctly setup and looking at the counters in the mangle table''s tcpost doesn''t really help much as I can''t tell what is the final match. Is there a way to match packets in iptables based on the classifier? i.e. so I can LOG packets classified with 1:18 for example. I can''t see anything in iptables, except
2011 Jul 17
ipmasq to shoerwall
Hello, Since the ipmasq package has been dropped from debian I decided to migrate to shorewall. My setup is pretty simple: [DSL Modem] -eth0- [shorwall/gateway] -eth1- [local network] ipmasq required that I set the MTU on eth0 to 1492. Migrating to shorewall went well, but a small number of web sites would load slow or not at all. Setting the MTU on eth0 to 1492 and setting CLAMPMSS=Yes
2006 Apr 28
Emphasis or Italic?
What's the difference between: <em>emphasis</em> and <i>italicized</i> and <strong>strong</strong> and <b>bold</b> It seems to subtle for my browsers. The only "difference" I've been able to find is that according to the O'Reilly book <strong> and <emphasis> are semantic tags, while <b> and <i>
2014 Nov 12
ITSP Gateway Solution?
...SIP trunks and our customer PBXs. I love and understand Asterisk but the company I am working for is looking for a more "Commercial" type solution where we can go to a vendor for support etc. I know, we can get Asterisk support etc.. It's not my decision and I sort of get why they are leaning away from Asterisk, I just don't agree. I need to at least explore other options for more appliance products that will do the job the Asterisk boxes are doing now but, with a simple interface to add/remove trunks, DIDs etc. Integrated security and billing options/add-ons would be great. I know...
2011 Mar 04
OT: OpenSIPS vs Kamailio -- which do you use and why?
I'm starting a new project similar to a previous project where I used OpenSER to front a bunch of Asterisk servers. Now that OpenSER is gone, OpenSIPS and Kamailio seem the likely candidates. I'm leaning towards OpenSIPS because it's in EPEL so I can install it with yum. Also, because I think the name sounds more 'professional' when discussing architecture with clients :) Which do you use and why? -- Thanks in advance, ---------------------------------------------------------------...
2006 Aug 21
lean and mean lm/glm?
Hi All: I'm new to R and have a few questions about getting R to run efficiently with large datasets. I'm running R on Windows XP with 1Gb ram (so about 600mb-700mb after the usual windows overhead). I have a dataset that has 4 million observations and about 20 variables. I want to run probit regressions on this data, but can't do this with more than about 500,000 observations before
2006 Oct 02
Calling All FS Fanatics
Now that I've been enlightened to the terrible write performance of ext3 on my new 3Ware RAID 5 array, I'm stuck choosing an alternative filesystem. I benchmarked XFS, JFS, ReiserFS and ext3 and they came back in that order from best to worst performer. I'm leaning towards XFS because of performance and because centosplus makes kernel modules available for the stock kernel. How's the reliability of XFS? It's certainly been around long enough. Anyone care to sway me one way or another? Kirk Bocek
2005 Dec 22
Plot problems: xlim
Hi, Still fresh in R, tried to figure this out, now on my second day running with no luck (and a pile of hair on my desk) so I have thrown in the towel and would like to ask for some help. Here is what I am trying to do. I am trying to plot a distribution, I have 99 points, bound in the range xlim.min: -0.0173 xlim.max: 0.02103 However, I have a value outside this range (0.2454959) which I
2003 Dec 15
Prepping for a new release (2.5.8? 2.6.0?)
...What issues remain that need to be worked out before a new release? For instance, we should probably organize a security audit of the code changes for the new version (some auditing was done recently, but I'm not sure exactly how much). - What should we call the new version? I'm leaning towards 2.6.0 because of the new features (such as --files-from) and the various large changes (such as better check-summing, fixed include/exclude matching, etc.), but I could be talked into 2.5.8. If the remaining issues are small, I'll create a test release tarball in the next day...
2017 Oct 27
RFC: Adding a JSON library to LLVM Support
We don't have a dedicated JSON library in the LLVM tree, I'd like to add one. The pressing need is for clangd, but we have other tools that read/write JSON too. I'm proposing we write a new one, rather than importing a third-party library (licensing/integration reasons), on or extending YamlParser/YamlIO (usability/flexibility). I lean towards a design that parses a full DOM at once,
2007 Apr 18
[Bridge] Bridging vlans...
<I apologize if this arrives twice... I sent it first from an non-subscribed address, don't know if that'll get to the list or not --JJ> Hi folks, I have an implementation question regarding bridging on a linux box between a catalyst trunk port and a cisco 26something w/802.1q subinterfaces. So right now, there's no vlan trunking going on on the link my bridging firewall sits
2014 Aug 09
[LLVMdev] Heuristic for choosing between MCJIT and Interpreter
...ted IR that only needs to be executed once. I've noticed for simple IR it's faster to run the interpreter on it, but for complex IR it's much better to JIT compile and execute it. I'm seeking suggestions for a good heuristic to decide which approach to take for any given IR. I'm leaning in favor of deciding based on the presence/absence of loops. -Josh -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2015 Jun 24
Asterisk 13 FAX
Hello team! I?m planning to add fax functionality to my PBX. From research it seems that there is 2 options: spandsp and Digium. I lean towards Digium app, licensing is fine. However, they don?t have download for v13 Should I just download their version for v12 Asterisk? Any other suggestions on what to use, what works best? I have a pretty good plan on what I?m going to do but unsure which one
2005 May 14
Gnome CD/DVD Burner?
Hi all, Wondering if this might be a good item for either CentOSPlus or even Extras repository. I've been looking for a decent CD/DVD burner for Gnome.... at present I load up k3b (KDE app) and thus much of the KDE environment). Someone pointed me to GraveMan ( ) which looks very good. All reports is that it's lean, mean and quite stable. Anyone else