Displaying 20 results from an estimated 76 matches for "lazydata".
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2013 Feb 24
New package lazyData submitted to CRAN
I have submitted a tiny new package to CRAN, lazyData. This has a single
which is designed as a drop-in replacement for base::require. In addition
to doing the same job as base::require, it supplies a LazyData facility for
those packages which have data but do not provide LazyData.
The call is the same as for base::require bu...
2013 Feb 24
New package lazyData submitted to CRAN
I have submitted a tiny new package to CRAN, lazyData. This has a single
which is designed as a drop-in replacement for base::require. In addition
to doing the same job as base::require, it supplies a LazyData facility for
those packages which have data but do not provide LazyData.
The call is the same as for base::require bu...
2017 Nov 23
Bug in R CMD INSTALL when handling invalid LazyData DESCRIPTION field
Hi, I think I've found a bug in R CMD INSTALL. When it tries to parse a
DESCRIPTION file with an invalid LazyData field, it errors out while
trying to print the correct error message:
* installing to library ?/home/example/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4?
* installing *source* package ?samplepackage? ...
** data
Error in errmsg("invalid value of ", field, " field in DESCR...
2012 Nov 06
LazyData: no / yes
Hi the list
I have package foo0 with a big dataset 'myData'.
In DESCRIPTION, if I use 'LazyData: no', then I get:
- when I open a R session : memory used=20 908
- when I attach 'library(foo0)' : memory used=24364
- then I load the set 'data(myData)' : memory used=39 668
If I use LazyData: yes', then I get
- when I open a R session : memory used=20 908
- when...
2007 Nov 14
When to use LazyLoad, LazyData and ZipData?
Dear developeRs,
I've searched the documentation, FAQ, and mailing lists, but haven't
found the answer(*) to the following:
When should one specify LazyLoad, LazyData, and ZipData?
And what is the default if they are left unspecified?
(*)Except that
1) If the package you are writing uses the methods package, specify
LazyLoad: yes, and
2) The optional ZipData field controls whether the automatic Windows
build will zip up the data directory or no: set this to n...
2017 Nov 24
Bug in R CMD INSTALL when handling invalid LazyData DESCRIPTION field
>>>>> Aaron Wells <aaronw at catalyst.net.nz>
>>>>> on Fri, 24 Nov 2017 12:46:48 +1300 writes:
> Hi, I think I've found a bug in R CMD INSTALL. When it tries to parse a
> DESCRIPTION file with an invalid LazyData field, it errors out while
> trying to print the correct error message:
> * installing to library ?/home/example/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4?
> * installing *source* package ?samplepackage? ...
> ** data
> Error in errmsg("...
2017 Jul 03
The ByteCompile & LazyLoading fields
...>From the manual the field should be a "logical field". However, authors
interpret this in a variety of ways:
# [1] NA "TRUE" "yes" "true" "Yes" "no"
# unique(tools::CRAN_package_db()$LazyData)
# [1] NA "true" "TRUE" "yes"
"no" "false"
# [7] "True" "Yes" "FALSE" "YES"
"LazyData: true" "NA"
# [13] "...
2013 May 20
Objects created by more than one data call?
Hello, All:
If I use LazyData with the Ecdat package on R-Forge, "R CMD
check" reports "no visible binding for global variable
'nonEnglishNames'", where 'nonEnglishNames' is a dataset in Ecdat used
as the default argument for a function. With LazyData, that NOTE
disappears. However, the...
2012 Jan 18
R package dev: how to export constant?
i create two constants kilo and milli in [1]. These should be available
after loading
How should i export them and what have i done wrong?
(Other suggestions for improving the package are welcome too)
The ready to use .tar.gz and the source can be found on github [2,3]
kind regatds,
[1] https://github.com/jonasstein/sitools/blob/master/init.R
2014 Sep 04
R CMD check --as-cran does not show all error messages.
...: There was 1 note.
However, the people from CRAN claim that there is a error:
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
PlotBgMap: no visible binding for global variable ?canada.map?
This function 'PlotBgMap' loads this data set ?canada.map?, that is part of
the package. And the *LazyData: yes* is set in the DESCRIPTION file. I know
that the cause of this error is because somehow, the package is not being
loaded in the NAMESPACE, but it should be there because I am using LazyData.
That is the code for the PlotBgMap function:
PlotBgMap <-function( traj, ... ) {
hySplitProj &l...
2013 Mar 29
weird error with a lazyload .RData file in a package
I added a new data file, NLSY.RData, to a package that uses LazyData: Yes
It passed R CRAN check and R CMD install worked w/o significant complaints.
* installing to library 'C:/R/R-2.15.2/library'
* installing *source* package 'heplots' ...
** R
** data
** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** demo
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
2006 Feb 04
Using the lazy data mechanism
Dear list members,
I'm trying to use the lazy data mechanism with the car package, so far
without success. The data sets are in the source package's data subdirectory
in the form of compressed .rda files, and I added the directive LazyData:
yes to the package's DESCRIPTION file.
I suspect that the problem is that the package has no namespace, but I've
been unable to find a reference in the Writing R Extensions manual (nor
elsewhere) that suggests that this is necessary. Is there a place that I've
missed that describes th...
2006 Sep 20
mysterious error on compile R 2.3.1
...install of R from source on x86;
make[3]: Leaving directory `/tmp/R.INSTALL.r20887/cluster/src'
** R
** data
** moving datasets to lazyload DB
Error in factor(c(1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1), :
invalid labels; length 2 should be 1 or 1
Execution halted
ERROR: lazydata failed for package 'cluster'
** Removing '/home/dylan/src/R-2.3.1/library/cluster'
make[2]: *** [cluster.ts] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/dylan/src/R-2.3.1/src/library/Recommended'
make[1]: *** [recommended-packages] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dylan/s...
2008 Oct 29
sessionInfo() error
Package: heplots
Type: Package
Title: Visualizing Tests in Multivariate Linear Models
Version: 0.8-3
Date: 2008-10-28
Author: John Fox, Michael Friendly, and Georges Monette
Maintainer: John Fox <jfox at mcmaster.ca>
Depends: car, graphics, stats
Suggests: rgl, candisc
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes
Description: Represents sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for linear
hypotheses and for error using ellipses (in two dimensions) and
ellipsoids (in three dimensions).
License: GPL version 2 or newer
Packaged: Wed Jan 31 09:23:10 2007; John Fox
What is wrong here?
2005 Jun 28
Error in compiling R
...---------- Making package datasets ------------
adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
installing R files
installing data files
preparing package datasets for lazy data loading
Error in load(zfile, envir = envir) : input has been corrupted, with LF
by CR
Execution halted
make[4]: *** [lazydata] Error 1
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: *** [pkg-datasets] Error 2
make[1]: *** [rpackage] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2
Chad Jenness
Electronic Payment Business Services
Office: 612-667-9782
Email: Chad.P.Jenness@WellsFargo.com
"This message may contain confidential and/or p...
2016 Feb 10
Method from package dependency is not updated due to lazy load?
...oes (one line, title case)
Authors at R: person("First", "Last", email = "first.last at example.com",
role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
Depends: methods
License: What license is it under?
LazyData: true> createA('v2')Creating package 'pkgA' in
No DESCRIPTION found. Creating with values:
Package: pkgA
Title: What the Package Does (one line, title case)
Authors at R: person("First", "Last",...
2011 Jun 22
Package warnings
...ge in documentation object 'FILE.PARAMETERS' but not in
I actually have a few instances with the same issue. I have a handful of
data objects, things like URLs
and some file parameters ( like column widths etc). These are declared in an
R file and then loaded
(lazyData no)
There are help files for all these objects, and some of them get used in the
code as defaults for when
functions are called
foo <- function( x, y=FILE.PARAMETERS)
So why do I get this warning? is it one I have to fix? and should I be
asking this on the dev list?
Thanks again for all your...
2007 Jun 12
PATCH: install inst/ before doing lazyload on Windows
...Pkg -s $(DPKG)/demo $(DPKG)/exec $(DPKG)/inst $(DATA)
ifeq ($(strip $(LAZY)),true)
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f $(RHOME)/src/gnuwin32/MakePkg -s lazyload
- @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f $(RHOME)/src/gnuwin32/MakePkg -s $(DPKG)/demo $(DPKG)/exec $(DPKG)/inst $(DATA)
ifeq ($(strip $(LAZYDATA)),true)
@$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f $(RHOME)/src/gnuwin32/MakePkg -s lazydata
Seth Falcon | Computational Biology | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
2011 Nov 02
How do I use the new 'ByteCompile' field in R-2.14?
I would like to the use the 'ByteCompile' field in R 2.14. However,
"Writing R Extensions" only describes this field, but does not say
what value it should be set to. How should i use it? Do you have
Is it the same as "LazyData: yes"?
Thank you,
2013 Mar 23
sysdata.rda vs. rda files in data directory
Dear developeRs,
my package FrF2.catlg128 holds large catalogues and is supposed to gain
additional ones. All the catalogues are intended for the user.
So far, the catalogues were stored in the data directory, and LazyData
was "no". I understand that this is not considered wise any more (if it
ever was), so that I want to change to LazyData "yes" with the next
release (which will also get some additional catalogues).
I have tried out using separate data files in the data directory (like