Displaying 20 results from an estimated 224 matches for "latticeextra".
2019 Jun 14
inappropriate warning in latticeExtra
This is still not repaired in
R version 3.6.0 Patched (2019-05-17 r76528)
> library(latticeExtra)
> a <- xyplot(1 ~ 1)
> c(a,a)
Warning message:
In formals(fun) : argument is not a function
Can we have it in R-3.6.1 that Peter just announced?
On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 4:08 AM Deepayan Sarkar
<deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 7:58 AM, R...
2010 Jul 12
errors from update.packages()
Running R.2.11.1, debian linux, I tried to update.packages as root
within R and get errors
for cairoDevice and latticeExtra I don't know how to fix.
For cairoDevice, I don't know what gtk+2.0 is;
for latticeExtra, I'm surprised that R cannot find RColorBrewer built
for R 2.10+
What to do?
> old.packages()
Package LibPath Installed Built
cairoDevice "cair...
2018 Mar 23
inappropriate warning in latticeExtra
...39;contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
> library(latticeExtra)
Error in library(latticeExtra) :
there is no package called ?latticeExtra?
> install.packages("latticeExtra")
Warning in install.packages("latticeExtra") :
'lib = "C:/Program Files/R/R-devel/library"' is not writable
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for...
2019 Jun 14
inappropriate warning in latticeExtra
On 14/06/2019 9:12 a.m., Richard M. Heiberger wrote:
> This is still not repaired in
> R version 3.6.0 Patched (2019-05-17 r76528)
>> library(latticeExtra)
>> a <- xyplot(1 ~ 1)
>> c(a,a)
> Warning message:
> In formals(fun) : argument is not a function
> Can we have it in R-3.6.1 that Peter just announced?
That looks like a bug in the latticeExtra package, not in base R. In
particular, the latticeExtra:::c.trellis...
2019 Dec 06
inappropriate warning in latticeExtra
...2019 at 3:13 AM Deepayan Sarkar
<deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 6:42 PM Richard M. Heiberger <rmh at temple.edu> wrote:
> >
> > This is still not repaired in
> > R version 3.6.0 Patched (2019-05-17 r76528)
> > > library(latticeExtra)
> > > a <- xyplot(1 ~ 1)
> > > c(a,a)
> > Warning message:
> > In formals(fun) : argument is not a function
> >
> > Can we have it in R-3.6.1 that Peter just announced?
> Sorry I have been neglecting this (and some lattice bugs as well). I
2019 Jun 15
inappropriate warning in latticeExtra
On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 6:42 PM Richard M. Heiberger <rmh at temple.edu> wrote:
> This is still not repaired in
> R version 3.6.0 Patched (2019-05-17 r76528)
> > library(latticeExtra)
> > a <- xyplot(1 ~ 1)
> > c(a,a)
> Warning message:
> In formals(fun) : argument is not a function
> Can we have it in R-3.6.1 that Peter just announced?
Sorry I have been neglecting this (and some lattice bugs as well). I
should get time to work on this after mid-J...
2018 Apr 02
inappropriate warning in latticeExtra
...information and
> 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
> Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
> 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
> Type 'q()' to quit R.
>> library(latticeExtra)
> Error in library(latticeExtra) :
> there is no package called ?latticeExtra?
>> install.packages("latticeExtra")
> Warning in install.packages("latticeExtra") :
> 'lib = "C:/Program Files/R/R-devel/library"' is not writable
> --- Ple...
2014 Oct 30
equivalete de add=TRUE (de los graficos base) para lattice o latticeExtra
Estimados, no puedo encontrar en la internet cual es el equivalete de
add=TRUE (de los graficos base) para lattice o latticeExtra. Ya vi que
con ggplot2 se puede "facilmente", pero tengo que hacerlo apurado como
para ponerme a aprender ggplot2 ahora :)
Lo que necesito es superponer algunos datos que estan en data.frames
Alguna pista ?
Muchas gracias,
Forest Engineer
Master in Environme...
2007 Sep 17
side bars on dendrograms with latticeExtra
Dear all,
I am using the heatmap representations of latticeExtra package and I
would be interested to draw color side bars representing the groups of a
factor of interest. From my understanding of :
> help(dendrogramGrob)
The 'add' argument can be used for additional annotation at the
base of the dendrogram. It should be a list with...
2012 Oct 11
dotplot in ".R" with lattice & latticeExtra: proper visualization
Dear everyone,
I'm trying to do a dotplot with the libraries "lattice" and "latticeExtra".
However, no proper representation of the values on the vertical y-axis is
done by ".R". Instead of choosing the actual values of the numeric variable,
".R" plots the rank of the value. That is, there are values [375, 500, 625,
750, ..., 3000] and ".R" plots thei...
2009 Jan 15
misalignment of x-axis when overlaying two plots using latticeExtra
Dear R-helpers:
I am an entry-level R user and have a question related to overlaying a
barchart and and a xyplot using latticeExtra.
My problem is that when I overlay them I fail to align their x-axes.
I show my problem below through an example.
#the example data frame is provided below
vec <-c(1,5.056656,0.5977967,0.06126587,0.08557778,
2010 May 25
segplot (latticeExtra)
I'm having a bit of trouble with 'scales="free"' in the segplot()
function of latticeExtra. Say we need panels for each year, showing
only those counties that are represented in each one:
---<--------------------cut here---------------start------------------->---
uscr.w <- subset(USCancerRates, state == "Washington")
2012 Nov 03
reorder() in the latticeExtra library
...0.001654299, 0.001071724)
SE <- c(0.000444123, 0.000290096, 0.000372844, 0.00197687, 0.033945128,
0.035231568, 0.001094518, 0.000423545)
lower <- plant.height - SE; upper <- plant.height + SE
x <- data.frame(group = genotype, lower = lower, est = plant.height, upper =
segplot(reorder(genotype, est) ~ lower + upper, data = x, draw.bands =
FALSE, centers = est, segments.fun = panel.arrows, ends = "both", angle =
90, length = 0, par.settings = simpleTheme(pch = 19, col = 1), xlab =
expression("nucleotide diversity " %+-% " sd"), pane...
2011 Jun 02
ylab spacing in resizePanels in latticeExtra
How can that be specified.
Toggle the two graphs to see that the ylab is identically spaced in both,
even though the panels are
differently sized.
windows.options(record=TRUE) ## We need to compare two graphs. This is the
correct statement for windows.
A <- barchart(matrix(1:10,5,2))
B <- barchart(matrix(1:6,3,2))
C <- barchart(matrix(1:8,4,2))
ABC <- c(A, B, C, x.same=TRUE, layout=c(1,3))
ABCu <- update(ABC,
ylab=list(c("AAA", "BBB", "CCC"), rot=0))
update(ABCu, main="ylab is ce...
2012 Apr 03
dendrogramGrob cuts off dendrograms (latticeExtra)
I'm using the latticeExtra package's dendrogramGrob function to create a grob with both a dendrogram and a covariate bar (via the 'add' parameter). When the dendrogram has very short branches at its leaves, it appears as a line and becomes impossible to see when placed next to the covariate bar.
For example:
2010 Mar 19
Crash of latticeExtra graph with Adobe Acro Pro/Reader/Windows/ during print only (display ok).
...that displayed perfectly on screen,
but crashed both Adobe Pro 9.3.1 and Adobe Reader 9.0 on Windows 7. Output
with Foxit Reader was flawless.
I was able to reproduce a "minimal" example, which is not really minimal but
the smallest I could get after 2 hours of wasting paper.
latticeExtra calling both
panel.xyplot(...) # both lines are required, no problem with only one
of them
panel.smoother(...) #
pch = 16 (lower number were no problem)
At least 300 data points with some overlap; I did bracket it exactly, but
200 did not show the problem. I was not able to generate...
2012 Dec 04
latticeExtra tileplot question - tiles are not all the same size, need help.
...ovided the effect is pretty minor (I'm hoping this will be an
adequate example as I had the code already created/data uploaded). However,
I have other plots that have fewer space-time strata (fewer tiles) and the
effect is very noticeable.
##You will need to load the following packages: latticeExtra, gridExtra and
#Upload data
2013 Jul 20
Different x-axis scales using c() in latticeExtra
I would like to combine multiple xyplots into a single, multipanel
display. Using R 3.0.1 in Ubuntu, I have used c() from latticeExtra
to combine three plots, but the x-axis for two plots are on a log
scale and the other is on a normal scale. I also have included
equispace.log=FALSE to clean up the tick labels. However, when I try
all of these, the x-axis scale of the first panel is used for all
three. How do I keep different s...
2005 May 24
lme4 package and importIntoEnv errors
...t; version
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch i686
os linux-gnu
system i686, linux-gnu
major 2
minor 1.0
year 2005
month 04
day 18
language R
> library(lme4)
Loading required package: methods
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: latticeExtra
Error in importIntoEnv(impenv, impnames, ns, impvars) :
objects 侊伩伣侊伩伣coef侊伩伣侊伩伣, 侊伩伣侊伩伣coef<-侊伩伣侊伩伣, 侊伩伣侊伩伣corMatrix侊伩伣侊伩伣, 侊伩伣侊伩伣matrix<-侊伩伣侊伩伣, 侊伩伣侊伩伣pdFactor侊伩伣侊伩伣, 侊伩伣侊伩伣pdMatrix侊伩伣侊伩伣 are not exported by 'namespace:Matrix'
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'lm...
2014 Jul 28
lattice, latticeExtra: Adding moving averages to double y plot
thank you in advance!
Anna Zakrisson
mydata<- data.frame(
Year = 1980:2009,
Type = factor(rep(c("stuff1", "stuff2", "stuff3"), each = 10*3)),
Value = rnorm(90, mean = seq(90),
sd = rep(c(6, 7, 3), each = 10)))
stuff1data <- mydata[(mydata$Type) %in% c("stuff1"), ]
stuff12_3data <- mydata[(mydata$Type) %in% c("stuff2", "stuff3"), ]
# make moving averages function using zoo and rollmean:
f <- function(d)