Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35 matches for "lasso2".
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2007 May 18
Cross-validation for logistic regression with lasso2
Hello, I am trying to shrink the coefficients of a logistic regression for a
sparse dataset, I am using the lasso (lasso2) and I am trying to determine
the shrinkinage factor by cross-validation. I would like please some of the
experts here to tell me whether i'm doing it correctly or not. Below is my
dataset and the functions I use
a b c d e P A
0 0 0 0 0 1 879
1 0 0 0 0 1 3
0 1 0 0 0 7 7
0 0 1 0 0 230 2
0 0...
2007 Aug 28
The l1ce function in lasso2: The bound and absolute.t parameters.
Dear all,
I am quite puzzled about the bound and absolute.t arguments to the l1ce function in the lasso2 package. (The l1ce function estimates the regression parameter b in a regression model y=Xb+e subject to the constraint that |b|<t for some value t).
The doc says:
bound numeric, either a single number or a vector: the constraint(s) that is/are put onto the L1 norm of the parameters.
2010 Jun 27
Dual nw card problem again
I have had problems like this before. Probably there is something
important that I don't know about routing.
Let me introduce to you "Lasso2", a CentOS 4 www server that has been
working perfectly well for years.
Now I added a second nw card (eth1), automatically using kudzu. I cannot
get this dual nw setup to work. The first nw card (eth0) stopped at once
working properly, when I added the second card. Hw failure is probably...
2003 Jul 13
How to install a package
Dear R community:
My platform: R 1.7.0 + windows2000.
I am trying to install the package "lasso2" which I saw in the following web address: http://cran.us.r-project.org/src/contrib/PACKAGES.html#emplik. However, I failed to install it from R menu "Packages| Install package(s) from CRAN" since I
could not find this item in the list.
Thanks in advance!
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2003 Jul 13
How to install a package
Dear R community:
My platform: R 1.7.0 + windows2000.
I am trying to install the package "lasso2" which I saw in the following web address: http://cran.us.r-project.org/src/contrib/PACKAGES.html#emplik. However, I failed to install it from R menu "Packages| Install package(s) from CRAN" since I
could not find this item in the list.
Thanks in advance!
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2011 May 17
Feed a list of filenames to vim
There are some googlable ways to feed a list of filenames to vim, but I
stumble on weird results.
With my filelist, I try to do
cat list | xargs vim
...to edit the files listed in the file "list". Here's what happens:
[root at lasso2 tempdir]# ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 May 17 18:28 a
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 May 17 18:28 b
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3 May 17 18:31 c
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12 May 17 18:43 list
[root at lasso2 tempdir]# cat list
[root at lasso2 tempdir]# cat list | xargs vim
3 files to...
2007 Jul 25
question on using "gl1ce" from "lasso2" package
I tried several settings by using the "family=gaussian"
in "gl1ce", but none of them works.
For the case "glm" can work.
Here is the error message I got:
> glm(Petal.Width~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length
> gl1ce(Petal.Width~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width+Petal.Length
Error in eval(expr, envir,
2007 Nov 09
help with lasso2 package
X is a matrix and F is a vector.
F2 <- data.frame(cbind(X,F))
V1 V2 V3 F
1 -0.250536332 -1.4755883 1.9580974 -2.136487
2 -0.009856084 0.4953269 0.5486092 -2.744482
3 -0.406962682 0.7729631 0.1861905 -2.891821
4 1.938780097 0.7469251 1.2537781 -1.212992
5 -0.332370358 1.1943637 0.7114278 -1.830441
modF<-formula(F ~ V1 + V2 + V3) #no error message
2005 Nov 04
small bug in gl1ce, package lasso2 (PR#8280)
Full_Name: Grant Izmirlian
Version: 2.2.0
OS: SuSe Linux version 9.2
Submission from: (NULL) (
Sorry about the last submission, my bug-fix had an error in it because ifelse
doesn't vectorize. I'll repost with the correct bug-fix.
The option exists to include all parameters, including the
2012 Mar 27
lasso constraint
In the package lasso2, there is a Prostate Data. To find coefficients in the
prostate cancer example we could impose L1 constraint on the parameters.
code is:
p.mean <- apply(Prostate, 5,mean)
pros <- sweep(Prostate, 5, p.mean, "-")
p.std <- apply(pros, 5, var)
pros <- swe...
2003 Dec 08
trouble with predict.l1ce
Dear R-help,
I am having trouble with the predict function in lasso2. For example:
> data(Iowa)
> l1c.I <- l1ce(Yield ~ ., Iowa, bound = 10, absolute.t=TRUE)
> predict (l1c.I) # this works is fine
> predict (l1c.I,Iowa)
Error in eval(exper,envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "Yield"
And I have similar trouble whenever I...
2004 May 11
How to use c routines in the exiting package?
...c routine “lasso” in the functions
of “gl1ce()” . However, I have following troubles. First, I can not
find the routine in the local directories of this function (or package).
Second, if I found the routine, could I call it just like this way, say,
fit <- .C("lasso", …,PACKAGE = "lasso2") in my own functions. My system
is Windows98 with R1.80.
Rui Wang
Phone: (403)220-4501
Email: rwang@math.ucalgary.ca
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Calgary
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2006 Aug 18
apply least angle regression to generalized linear models
Hello list,
I've been searching around trying to find whether somebody has written such
a package of least angle regression on generalized linear models, like what
Lasso2 package does. The extension to generalized linear models is briefly
discussed in the comment by D. Madigan and G. Ridgeway. Is such a package
available? Thanks,
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2006 Sep 15
LARS for generalized linear models
Is there an R implementation of least angle regression for binary response
modeling? I know that this question has been asked before, and I am also
aware of the "lasso2" package, but that only implements an L1 penalty, i.e.
the Lasso approach.
Madigan and Ridgeway in their discussion of Efron et al (2004) describe a
LARS-type algorithm for generalized linear models. Has anyone implemented
this in R?
Thanks for any help.
2006 May 09
Question about match.fun()
Dear all,
I was recently contacted by a user about an alledged problem/bug in
the latest version of lasso2. After some investigation, we found out
that it was a user error which boils down to the following:
> x <- matrix(rnorm(200), ncol=2)
> var <- "fred"
> apply(x, 2, var)
Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "fred" of mode "function" was not...
2005 Feb 11
Help concerning Lasso::l1ce
...so, I get
an error "Matrix build from transformed variables has
a constant column". Why?
And how can I constrain the constant term?
Finally, could anyone explain to me the difference
between relative bound and absolute bound? Which is
the actually bound adopted?
I’m new to R and the lasso2 package, please help
me out, thank you very much.
2009 Apr 02
all subsets for glm
Dear R-users,
For the purpose of model selection I am looking for a way to
exhaustively (and efficiently) search for best subsets of predictor
variables for a logistic regression model.
I am looking for something like leaps() but that works with glm.
Any feedback highly appreciated.
Harald von Waldow <hvwaldow at chem.ethz.ch>
Safety and Environmental Technology Group
Institute for
2009 Feb 17
Subset Regression Package
Dear all ,
Is there any subset regression (subset selection
regression) package in R other than "leaps"?
Thanks and regards
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2009 Feb 07
Output results to a single postscript document
...to output them separately then piece them
back together into
one document..
Thanks in Advance for any help!
options (scipen=999, digits=7)
tdata <- ts(read.table("C:/tmp/data.csv" ,sep = ",",header=TRUE))
res <- function(dep, indep, fn, env = parent.frame()) {
depnm <- deparse(substitute(dep))
indepnm <- deparse(substitute(indep))
fo <- sprintf(&qu...
2002 Jun 03
R 1.5.0 packages for SuSE i386
checking for package ellipse ...failed!
checking for package ROracle ...failed!
checking for package XML ...failed!
checking for package subselect ...failed!
checking for package locfit ...failed!
checking for package RQuantLib ...failed!
checking for package agce ...failed!
checking for package lasso2 ...failed!
checking for package Matrix ...failed!
checking for package rpvm ...failed!
checking for package tree ...failed!
checking for package RmSQL ...failed!
checking for package VR ...failed!
checking for package wle ...failed!
checking for package e1071 ...failed!
checking for package mda ......