Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30 matches for "lapoint".
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2006 Apr 05
gsub in data frame
# I want to replace the "--" by "\N" and still get a data frame.
# I tried:
out <-gsub("--","\\\\N",as.matrix(d)) #using as.matrix to get rid of factors
# But I lost my data frame
### end
Any idea?
Pierre Lapointe
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2006 Apr 24
Change the language of the labels in a graph
...ench labels by changing Sys.putenv. I should get "Mai"
instead of "May".
x <- as.Date(c("1jan1960", "2jan1960", "31mar1960", "30jul1960"), "%d%b%Y")
y <-1:4
Pierre Lapointe
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2007 Feb 11
Extract NULL column in a matrix e.g. matrix[,-NULL]
#remove column 3
#remove no column
Error in -NULL : invalid argument to unary operator
I know I could use ifelse, but it would complicate my model a lot. Is there
a direct way to specify that the number of columns to remove is 0?
Pierre Lapointe
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 May 22
Calling R from R and specifying "wait until script is finished"
...file with something like:
PING -n 1 -w 60000 >NUL (to delay 60 seconds)
But that would require that I know how long each of my scripts take.
Is there an easier way? Something like calling R from R and specifying that
the script has to be finished before continuing.
Pierre Lapointe
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2005 May 19
Arranging Plots
Dear all,
I'd appreciate any hints how to arrange some plots.
I have three plots. I would like to arrange them in the following order:
- Plot 1 and Plot 2 should be in the upper row
- Plot 3 should be in the lower row but centered in the middle.
I hope the following sketch will help understanding my problem
| === === |
|| P1| |P2 | |
|| | | | |
| === === |
2006 Jul 19
How would you export a 3-dimensional array to an SQL database?
How would you export a 3-dimensional array to an SQL database?
a<-array(1:24, 2:4)
Is there an open source DB that would be more adequate for this type of
Is there a way to reshape/flatten a 3-dimensional array?
Pierre Lapointe
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2006 Nov 06
grep searching for sequence of 3 consecutive upper case letters
I need to identify all elements which have a sequence of 3 consecutive upper
case letters, anywhere in the string.
I tested my grep expression on this site: http://regexlib.com/RETester.aspx
But when I try it in R, it does not filter anything.
str <-c("AGH", "this WOUld be good", "Not Good at All")
str[grep('[A-Z]{3}',str)] #looking for a
2006 Jun 09
sqlSave() and rownames=TRUE makes my Rgui crash
...month 05
day 11
svn rev 38024
language R
version.string Version 2.3.0 Patched (2006-05-11 r38024)
Pierre Lapointe
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2005 May 13
Lowest data level since DateX
...XP T ...
2000-12-21 2000-12-20 2000-12-29
i.e. the last date at which the stocks were trading at a lower level than
the most recent closing.
I know it has to do with min/max, pmin/pmax, cummin/cummax or rev(), but I
can't figure it out.
Any help?
Pierre Lapointe
Assistant Market Strategist
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2005 May 25
Plot: Distance between tick and tick label on y-axis
...=-1.5) #does not work
I understand from ?axis that padj will take its direction from the par(las).
In this case, padj will move labels up and down for both x-axis and y-axis.
I want my y-axis labels to be horizontal.
I can I reduce the distance between y-axis ticks and labels?
Pierre Lapointe
Assistant Market Strategist
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2005 May 26
Useful tip: Use Google to find R scripts
Ever wondered how people use a particular function in their programs? Use
Google to find actual scripts:
filetype:R boxplot
will return real R scripts using the boxplot function.
Pierre Lapointe
Assistant Market Strategist
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2005 Jun 08
RODBC question: problem importing series with blank cells
And here's the code I use:
chan <- odbcConnectExcel("C:/book54.xls") #load data
ts<- sqlFetch(chan, "Sheet1")
Pierre Lapointe
Assistant Market Strategist
National Bank Financial
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2005 Jun 14
Matrix stability problem
....290 0.52
However, solve(A,b) gives me a vector that is not close to the expected
solution: > solve(A,b)
[1,] 0.2140000
[2,] 0.2612857 # Far from 0.2
[3,] 0.5088571
Do you know any function/package in R that could help me get a result closer
to the expected one?
Pierre Lapointe
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2006 Nov 07
Gregexpr - extract results with lapply
Gregexpr - extract results with lapply
I need to extract sequences of three upper case letters in a string. In
other words, in this string:
str <-c("ABC", "this WOUld be gOOD")
The result I'm looking for is ABC WOU OOD.
With gregexpr, I can get the position and length of the sequences
[1] 1
2007 Jan 16
system(mysql... Does not recognize < as passing an attribute (No HTML)
This is my command line request: mysql -u root -ppassword -D quant
This line works from the command line in windows.
In R, when I try to use the system function, it does not work,
> system(paste('mysql -u root -ppassword -D quant
<c:/cline.txt'),show.output.on.console = TRUE)
ERROR 1102 (42000): Incorrect database name '<c:/cline.txt'
It seems
2005 May 12
Batch mode problem: figure margins too large (code corrected for word wrap)
...os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
status Patched
major 2
minor 1.0
year 2005
month 05
day 09
language R
Be nice with me. I've been a R user for only 2 weeks.
Pierre Lapointe
Assistant Market Strategist
National Bank Financial
Ce document transmis par courrier electronique est destine uniquement a la personne ou a l'entite a qui il est adresse et pe...
2006 Jan 22
Solve for x in Ax=B with vectors, not matrices
solve(A,B) won't work because A is not a square matrix
Error in solve.default(A, B) : 'A' (3 x 1) must be square
I understand that I might have many solutions but note that the sum of x is
1 and all x are positive (x are weightings in % of the total).
Pierre Lapointe
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2009 May 08
Merging two data frames with 3 common variables makes duplicated rows
...rame is called "tmv" with 6 variables and 239 rows:
> tmv[1:10,]
temps nom prenom sexe dist style
1 01:59:36 Cyr Steve H 45 free
2 02:09:55 Gosselin Erick H 45 free
3 02:12:18 Desfosses Sacha H 45 free
4 02:12:23 Lapointe Sebastien H 45 free
5 02:12:52 Labrie Michel H 45 free
6 02:12:54 Leblanc Michel H 45 free
7 02:13:02 Thibeault Sylvain H 45 free
8 02:13:49 Martel Stephane H 45 free
9 02:14:03 Lavoie Jean-Philippe H 45 free
10 02:14...
2005 May 12
How to make label in multi plot
Dear R-Help,
As a reference about multi plot,
I want to know how can I make a label for each row.
I mean like,
------------ ------------- --------------
| | | | | |
Group A | plot1 | | plot 2 | | plot 3 |
2005 May 16
Turnpoints (pastecs): How to specify a limit on the number of tur npoints?
...platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
status Patched
major 2
minor 1.0
year 2005
month 05
day 09
language R
Pierre Lapointe
Assistant Market Strategist
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