Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches for "lamboot".
2009 May 25
lam vs. openmpi
It seems that there is no lamd running on the host erin-laptop.
This indicates that the LAM/MPI runtime environment is not operating.
The LAM/MPI runtime environment is necessary for the "mpirun" command.
Please run the "lamboot" command the start the LAM/MPI runtime
environment. See the LAM/MPI documentation for how to invoke
"lamboot" across multiple machines.
I have both lam and openmpi installed on my Ubuntu 9.04. What shou...
2007 Aug 27
Rmpi and x86
Dear R Gurus:
Is there a problem with Rmpi on x86 with SUSE 10.1, please?
I've tried everything and it still won't load.
Has anyone else dealt with this please?
Edna Bell
2008 Jan 16
Rmpi on Linux x86_64 GNU/Linux
I'm having trouble with R CMD INSTALL Rmpi_0.5-5.tar.gz
lam is is installed locally.
lamboot -d (or lamboot-d and also recon) works. make -k check from the
lamtest suite passes all tests.
Is this is problem with the -fPIC compiler as in the message? Should it
be modified in the Makefile?
Any help or comments are appreciated, thanks.
* Installing to library
2006 Nov 07
snow's makeCluster hanging (using Rmpi)
...as expected. When I try
to make a cluster including another networked machine it hangs. I've
followed the suggestions at
http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/Rhelp02a/archive/83086.html and
http://www.stat.uiowa.edu/~luke/R/cluster/cluster.html but to no avail.
Everything seems to start up fine using lamboot, but then hangs when making
the cluster in R. Making a cluster with 2 slaves seems to work fine, but if
I increase the number (to use the networked machines) it hangs again.
I've tried networking to another Mac, and also to a machine running Red Hat
Linux. Both machines can set up their own lo...
2004 Mar 23
Status of Rmpi
...ous difficulties were that, first, I had to manually load the
serialize library (which now conflicts with the name of something in the
base package) and, second, that whenever I say makeCluster or
makeMPIcluster the thing just hangs up. I've tried various permutations
of running or not running lamboot first.
I am able to to lamboot and lamexec, and I also tried setting LAMRSH to
use ssh on the master. My "network" is just my dual-CPU machine.
Tony Rossini's notes
(http://www.analytics.washington.edu/~rossini/courses/cph-statcomp/cph-4.pdf) refer to SNOW and rpvm as being "c...
2008 Aug 01
Rmpi on Fedora 8
...may load and then immediately terminate R as the lam
helpfile is not found (which is not nice of the lam libs). You may need to
export LAMHOME=/usr/lib64/lam . Even if the helpfile is found, it still
terminates R if lamd is not running. (As I recall previous RPM
installations had run lamboot at system boot.)
- The final step is to start a lam configuration. I was only able to do
this by setting -prefix, e.g.
/usr/lib64/lam/bin/lamboot -prefix /usr/lib64/lam
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac...
2007 Mar 28
Rmpi and OpenMPI ?
Has anybody tried to use Rmpi with the OpenMPI library instead of LAM/MPI?
LAM appears to be somewhat hardcoded in the Rmpi setup. Before I start to
experiment with changing this, has anybody else tried Rmpi with non-LAM MPI
Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.
-- Thomas A. Edison
2005 Oct 27
installing Rmpi
...such file or directory
Error in dyn.unload(x) : dynamic/shared library
'/home/apps/R-2.2.0/lib/R/library/Rmpi/libs/Rmpi.so' was not loaded
Error in makeMPIcluster(spec, ...) : the `Rmpi' package is needed for
MPI clusters.
The Rmpi.so exists and the permissions are fine. I also did a
lamboot, and its running in the backround fine as well. Any
2008 Jun 11
Rmpi segfault after install on Ubuntu Hardy Heron
I just installed Rmpi on my 64-bit Ubuntu Hardy Heron OS and using the
following without errors:
"R CMD INSTALL Rmpi_0.5-5.tar.gz --configure-args=--with-mpi=/usr/lib64/openmpi"
Immediately at library(Rmpi) I get the segfault displayed in my
complete output below. My first thought is that perhaps I used the
wrong library for openmpi, but with my 64 bit install it seemed like a
2008 Mar 05
rsprng, snow, rmpi interactions
...ystem to a known seed, how do I do it? That is, I want
each distributed process to recreate exactly the same random numbers
that it did before; I assume SPRNG assures the streams are independent
betweeen processes.
Here's what I did, trying to stick within SNOW to avoid trouble (from
start up R
clusterSetupSPRNG(cl, seed=123)
clusterEvalQ(cl, source("mycode.R"))
r<-parSapply(cl, seq(1000), function(i) doMyThing()))
Any comments on that? For example, would sticking to Rmpi and using
parSim make...
2008 Jul 01
problem with mpiexec and Rmpi
Dear R People:
I'm having some trouble with mpiexec and Rmpi.
I would like to be able to pass in the number of "children" via the
mpiexec command (from the command line).
this is in SUSE10.1, with R-2.7.1
Here are my files:
cat eb.R
mpi.remote.exec(paste("i am",mpi.comm.rank(),"of",mpi.comm.size()))
hodgesse at
2008 Oct 15
R-help Digest, Vol 67, Issue 31
...detect the installed mpi version. It's difficult to know
> which, without more information on how the mpi and Rmpi installations
> went, at a minimum the result of R's sessionInfo() command and mpirun
> --version but likely including the output of Rmpi's installation.
lamboot -V
LAM 7.1.2/MPI 2 C++/ROMIO - Indiana University
Arch: i486-pc-linux-gnu
Prefix: /usr/lib/lam
Configured by: buildd
Configured on: Sun Mar 23 08:07:16 UTC 2008
Configure host: rothera
SSI rpi: crtcp lamd sysv tcp usysv