search for: l9nu40

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 61 matches for "l9nu40".

2006 Feb 06
Urgently Need Solution
I''m using scriptaculous'' SlideUp and SlideDown effects to animate a menu. Specifically, I SlideUp, make some CSS changes, and SlideDown. All works well, except that for a split second in between, the element''s display becomes ''none'' and the other menu item jump into the space. I haven''t been able to find any way to force an element to retain
2006 Mar 22
Serialized form... problems with accents
Hi, I''m working on a french website and I use the Form.serialize method to send the info through AJAX. The thing is that the accentuated letters (é,ê,à, etc.) don''t get replaced by their HTML entities and they get corrupted when retrieving the data. How could I fix that? thanks a lot, Blaise Bernie
2006 Jun 29
new idea for dragdrop library
Hi, I''ve been working on new ideas for a JavaScript drag and drop library. I haven''t found a drag and drop library flexible enough for my needs and I think I have come up with something that is generally worthwhile. I use the DOM and Event utilities from Yahoo! UI and no Prototype.js. I''m interested in any ideas or suggestions people might have. Blog
2005 Dec 14
RE: Form.serialize and Ajax.Request ->fileserialization and encoding
...vqR/] On Behalf Of Tarek Ziadé Sent: 14 December 2005 15:49 To: rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/ Subject: Re: [Rails-spinoffs] Form.serialize and Ajax.Request ->fileserialization and encoding On 12/14/05, Gregory Hill <> wrote: 1/ I am trying to send a multipart/form-data encoded form through Ajax with by calling Form.serialize, but it seems that files fields does not support this very well Is there any special mode to use ? You cannot send a file through Ajax. You'...
2006 Apr 03
Event.observe on IE
I''m working again on unloading events before making my ajax call. This code works on Firefox/Opera, but IE doesn''t seem to get the onclick events registered. Could someone with IE take a look? The js is included in that file. There''s alerts() to show when the events are registered. The idea of the code is to look for any
2006 Jan 25
Slideshow beta
Ok, I finally got the slideshow code to a state worth showing it off. The site is a very rough cut of a site I''m building for my wife''s photography, so ignore the unfinished design for now :) To see the ajax version, go to: To randomize the order the images show: To change
2006 Jun 21
scriptaculous question
Hello everybody. I''m wondering if there is away with scriptaculous to update multiple form fields with data after finishing an autocomplete request. Heres an example. Joe BlowSchmoe fills in his name and starts to type in the customer number, he selects the approprate customer number from autocomplete list, and bam the address associated with the customer number is populated into the
2006 Jun 15
RE: Yahoo!-like Eventobjectemulation/abstractioninPrototype?
This is obviously rough draft and not thoroughly tested, but it seems to work. If you''d like, give it a try (load it after you load prototype.js): Function.prototype.bindAsEventListener = function(object) { var __method = this; return function(event) { return, new SuperEvent(event || window.event)); } } var SuperEvent = Class.create();
2006 Jan 11
[scriptaculous] Intermitently Disabling Clicks
I have button that slides down a menu using Effect.BlindDown, but the function that slides it down also makes it so that the opening link now slides the menu back in. If the user double clicks the link (thuse opening & closing immediatley) the slide animation breaks, then will not extend correctly (but no JS errors). How would you go about stopping this happening? Also, is it just me or is
2006 Jan 18
7 killing IE
Hi, i am new to ajax and new to I created a blog,, using some of the features and commands. My sites works great in firefox, which everyone should be using, but if you open it in IE it kills it. It only kills it after a motion has been called and finishs it''s execution. i really like the layout and the visual
2006 Jun 15
Why such bad performance with IE ?
Regarding DragDrop I am wondering what the deal about Internet Explorer 6 is. My application is near to final and now while testing browsers all but the IE6 are running as supposed to. Any other browser is performing smooth movement while IE compared provides a very bad expirience. I''ve seen some "tuning" infos on this list but they are either outdated or not actually working
2006 Feb 08
Effect Help
I posted the following earlier: "I need a way to do a blind up that makes the element APPEAR and a blind down that makes the element DISAPPEAR. In essence, the opposite of the current blindup/blinddown. Thoughts?" I think somebody responded in Dutch. Anyone else have any ideas? -- Yehuda Katz Web Developer (ph) 718.877.1325 (fax) 718.686.4288
2006 Jan 04
Scriptaculous + Prototype shrunk to < 50Kb
Maybe I''m anal but I like fat-free JS, so I pulled the Proptotype and core Scriptaculous files into one single JS file at 49Kb. It''s "packed" so if you care about that kind of thing, it''s also "obfuscated". Download from my personal site at - Alister PS. Of course this is the current version as posted on the
2006 Jun 23
Help please-draggable
I asked the other day about this problem but haven''t received a response. Trying again: I just downloaded 1.6 and can''t get a simple draggable to work, which is weird. I know it''s not my browser since the demos are working. Here is my simple code. I''ve also had the "new Draggable" between the select tags. Didn''t change anything.
2006 Apr 10
RE: Re: Prototype Ajax - How to pass my own paramsto onComplete
> Gregory, bind() does support this. It''s my preferred technique. Ah, well, that''s good to know then. I''d always wanted to do it this way, but when I last looked into it, it wasn''t yet supported. That was a while ago, though. Thanks for the heads up. Greg
2005 Dec 14
RE: Form.serialize and Ajax.Request -> fileserialization and encoding
1/ I am trying to send a multipart/form-data encoded form through Ajax with by calling Form.serialize, but it seems that files fields does not support this very well Is there any special mode to use ? You cannot send a file through Ajax. You''ll have to submit the form normally. To mimic Ajax functionality, you could set the target to a hidden iframe, and on the server side,
2005 Dec 27
can I load javascript inside a ''try'' block?
Ok, I have a need to load the scriptaculous files inside a ''try...catch'' block in order to degrade gracefully on older browsers (IE 5.0 is one I have to support, unfortunately). I tried this: try { document.write(''<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/prototype.js"></script>''); document.write(''<script
2006 Apr 17
RE: document.getElementsByClassName (prototype) andElement.childrenWithClassName (scriptaculous) redundancy?
Isn''t the difference that the scriptaculous one only gets child nodes from the node you specify, whereas the prototype one gets all in the entire document? Still, it would be nice to just have the one, and let you pass in the document element if you wanted all of them. Just guessing, really. I haven''t looked at the code in question. Greg > -----Original Message----- >
2006 May 22
Canceling a specific effect
Is there a way to cancel a specific effect? For instance; Effects are added to the queue. Before actually processing the effect, I''d like to check a condition & cancel the effect if necessary. Here''s the code excerpt: var menu = { toggleText: function(element,toggle) { var vis = $(element+''Text'').visible(); if (toggle && !vis)
2006 Jan 04
gmail attached file field magic
Hello, does someone knows how gmail does file upload when the attached files are automatically saved in drafts ? I am trying to do it in Scriptalicious/Prototype but I don''t see how they get the file on the system using js... Tarek _______________________________________________ Rails-spinoffs mailing list Rails-spinoffs-1W37MKcQCpIf0INCOvqR/