search for: l161

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2009 Aug 04
NOVA AVR 625 - support?
...u tell us is there a big difference between > these models i.e. is NUT drivers mge-shut or newmge-shut > are capable to deal with "NOVA AVR 625" It looks like the suggested driver for that model is usbhid-ups: The web page seems to be slightly behind. I'll let Arnaud comment as to whether the SHUT drivers will work with that model, but the comments seem to indicate that one of them should work. -- - Charles Lepple
2017 Mar 14
llvm-stress crash
...s = %CF253 %Shuff157 = shufflevector <1 x i32> %Shuff46, <1 x i32> %Shuff121, <1 x i32> <i32 1> %I158 = insertelement <4 x i16> %Shuff128, i16 %E66, i32 1 %B159 = shl i64 %L119, %L73 %Se = sext i16 %B77 to i32 %Sl160 = select i1 %Cmp56, i16 %Sl63, i16 %B77 %L161 = load i64, i64* %Sl store i32 %B130, i32* %Sl117 %E162 = extractelement <1 x i32> %Shuff59, i32 0 %Shuff163 = shufflevector <4 x i16> %Shuff7, <4 x i16> %Shuff67, <4 x i32> <i32 5, i32 7, i32 1, i32 3> %I164 = insertelement <4 x i16> %Shuff106, i16 27357...