search for: kote

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 21 matches for "kote".

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2019 Apr 04
Shared printing between Linux (client) and Windows (server): NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
...nt permission granted to Everyone will be sufficient to allow the Guest account to print to the printer. Also try with, smbclient -L -m SMB2 Your problem > map to guest = Bad Password > usershare allow guests = yes > guest ok = yes > guest account = kotee So now you linux account "nobody" is kotee Remove > guest account = kotee > map to guest = Bad Password Then try again. Or enable on both windows and linux the guests, and dont map users or abuse the map to guest. Or use username/password which need to be the...
2019 Apr 03
Shared printing between Linux (client) and Windows (server): NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
...t Win7 machine with no problem. LOCAL is the name of workgroup. -------------------------------------------------- resource list cmd -------------------------------------------------- $ smbclient -L WARNING: The "null passwords" option is deprecated Enter LOCAL\kotee's password: Sharename Type Comment --------- ---- ------- ADMIN$ Disk Удаленный Admin C$ Disk Стандартный общий ресурс D$ Disk Стандартный общий ресурс F$ Disk Стандартный о...
2007 Mar 01
memdisk from 3.36 crashing on Dell PowerEdge 1955
Hello list, I had to boot a Dell Diagnostic Disk today, and tried doing this via memdisk - which was when I noticed memdisk isn't working for me at all, neither from pxelinux nor syslinux. After trying around with 'raw', 'bigraw' and the like I noticed it doesn't even do anything when just using: LABEL diag KERNEL memdisk .. when I try that: boot: diag nothing
2019 Apr 04
Shared printing between Linux (client) and Windows (server): NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
...t was produced: $ smbclient "\\\\\\hp1516" "password" -c "queue" -U user -m SMB2 smb1cli_req_writev_submit: called for dialect[SMB2_10] server[] $ smbclient "\\\\\\hp1516" "password" -c "posix_open /home/kotee/file.txt" -U user -m SMB2 smb1cli_req_writev_submit: called for dialect[SMB2_10] server[] smb1cli_req_writev_submit: called for dialect[SMB2_10] server[] Failed to open file \home\kotee\file.txt. NT_STATUS_REVISION_MISMATCH Finally, I try to upgrade SAMBA with the...
2008 Nov 27
Troubles with the format of dates
...: a<-read.table("", sep="\t", header=TRUE, na.strings=c(0)) x<-as.Date(a$DATUM) plot(x, a$P1, axes=FALSE, xlim=c(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01")), ylim=c(423,428), col="red", pch=15, type="o", ylab="Kote [m a.s.l.]", main="Dummy Plot") points(x, a$P2, col="red", pch=17, type="o", lty="dotted") axis(2, at=423:428, tck=1, col="gray60") axis.Date(1, at=seq(as.Date("2004-07-01"), as.Date("2009-01-01"), by="month"), l...
2008 Mar 13
newbie question: pxelinux.cfg/default question
Hello all, I understand that during PXE boot, it goes into the pxelinux.cfg and it states: 1. "it will search for the config file using its own IP address in upper case hexadecimal, e.g. -> C000025B (you can use the included progam "gethostip" to compute the hexadecimal IP address for any host.) If that file is not found, it will remove one hex digit and try
2008 May 31
Interest in NTFS
I have gotten a couple of probes about NTFS support for Syslinux, and I would like to gauge how serious it is. I'm considering using it as a pilot project for writing Syslinux filesystem modules in C. However, an installer, or more realistically two (one for Win32, one for Linux) have to be written, so it's still a real time commitment. -hpa
2008 Jun 18
mysteries of memdisk code
Hello, I was browsing the code for memdisk (I want to adjust it to my hardware) and noticed a couple of things that I am struggling to understand. I would appreciate if someone could clarify the following mysteries to me: 1) _binary_memdisk_bin_start[], _binary_memdisk_bin_end[] and _binary_memdisk_bin_size[]; These variables are declared (as extern const chat in 'setup.c')
2007 Jan 13
tftp-hpa standalone in foreground
Hello, I would like to use in.tftpd in standalone mode, but without having it forking off in the background (I'm using inittab) .. can you add a foreground-option? Thanks in advance! Andreas -- "The problem is not how to wipe out all differences, but how to unite with all differences intact" -- Tagore "God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
2007 Jan 16
ONERROR not triggered in PXELINUX 3.31 when ramdisk missing
Hello, I tested some things, and found the following: when the kernel image file is present, but the initrd image is not, ONERROR is not called, and PXELINUX stays in the prompt forever ... Other error scenarios tested okay, a down/unresponding TFTP server can lead to 15-20 minutes delay until all tried filenames timeout out ... Just to let you know :) Andreas -- "The problem is not
2007 Jul 20
Linux kernel + initrd in one file
Hello, I know this might be slightly off-topic, but I know at least hpa has an intimate knowledge of the linux boot process - and I would want to use it with syslinux/pxelinux, so I figure it might not hurt too much to ask: Is it possible to embedd the initrd with the linux kernel in a way similiar to how it works on some embedded systems? There, you provide an object file with the filesystem,
2007 Oct 07
extlinux support for root= ext2 label and/or uuid
Is it possible to specify the root device in extlinux.conf by an ext2 label or uuid? How difficult is it to add this support if it is not there? I am in a situation where this is needed and my fstab is configured appropriately, but extlinux.conf still needs to be manually updated when the root drive changes to a different scsi device (due to the number of drives on the bus and the order of the
2007 Apr 17
rsync & SSL 'for real'
Dear All, I've been using rsync with stunnel with success for a while now, but I'm not necessarily satisfied with it, i.e. having an extra layer externally and all, no authentication against SSL-subjects .. I had a look at the patch included with the source, and it doesn't quite address everything related to SSL, i.e. forcing SSL, verify options etc. are all missing - besides,
2008 Feb 21
keeppxe and using a linux vmlinuz/initrd
Hello, Has anyone thought about how one could use the "keeppxe" option with a vmlinuz/initrd? It would allow one to boot this combination, and if possible the linux kernel/initrd (assuming we have busybox in there) would not have to run udhcp and instead leverage what pxe stack information is loaded. The problem is I don't know of any PXE/UNDI linux utilities to look at the pxe
2007 Jan 12
syslinux et al misbehave severely when BOOT_IMAGE= is present on append-line already
Hello! SSIA - when syslinux sees 'BOOT_IMAGE=' on the append line, something seems to go terribly wrong (didn't investigate in detail). You don't even get to see a boot-prompt, even if you try to force it. pxelinux shows the same problem, so I figure it's something generic in the config parser ... Best regards, Andreas P.S: and thanks for this software ;) -- "The
2007 Jan 26
SYSLINUX 3.35-pre5 released -- release candidate
Hi all, I have released SYSLINUX 3.35-pre5 to the Testing directory; this is a release candidate and I intend to release this as 3.35 early next week unless I hear of any showstopper bugs, so please, pretty please, try it out. has been overloaded lately, so it might take a while to show up. Changes in 3.35: *
2007 Sep 30
more on firmware loading need
Axel and everyone Your questions are valid. I had similar question when I bought these cards. These cards in particular have no rom chip on the pci card. If you plug these into a computer they do nothing until you load them with there firmware. When vt6410 are used on motherboards not as stand alone cards the bios has this firmware and loads it into the chip set on boot making them show up
2007 Oct 02
Booting ISO images over PXE
Hi, I looked through the documentation and the mailing list archives but could not yet find out whether this could be made to work. The task I want to use that feature for is being able to collect firmware updates for servers and their components and boot those updates from a notebook with DHCP/TFTP-Server. That would greatly reduce setup time for new server installations. The problem is that
2011 Feb 17
[Bug 1213] ssh-keyscan exits in mid-way Andreas Kotes <count-mindrot at> changed: What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC| |count-mindrot at Severity|normal...
2008 Mar 06
rsync: Please add an option to ignore vanished files
Hi Everyone, The following request was received from a Debian user; could you comment on it? I think this seems reasonable, although the cron output can be fixed by writing to a temporary file and using grep -v. (The temporary file is necessary to avoid discarding the exit code, although that may not be needed in the case of rsync, since it writes that to stderr). On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at