search for: konfiguracji

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "konfiguracji".

2007 Sep 03
Wanted: VoIP Engineer for Warsaw!
...atyczne - praktyczna umiej?tno?? programowania w ?rodowisku w PHP i j?zykach C i C++ - znajomo?? Linux - znajomo?? mySQL i PostgreSQL - znajomo?? zagadnie? zwi?zanych z sieciami IP, UDP, TCP - znajomo?? narz?dzi do analizy sieci np.. Ethereal - wiedza z zakresu VoIP, serwer?w i konfiguracji oprzyrz?dowania - umiej?tno?? rozwi?zywania problem?w informatycznych - znajomo?? j?zyka angielskiego w mowie i pi?mie w stopniu zaawansowanym - umiej?tno?? szybkiego uczenia si? - ch?? podnoszenia swoich kwalifikacji zawodowych - profesjonalne i rzetelne podej?cie do obowi?zk?w s...
2010 Jan 29
[FOR REVIEW ONLY] ESX work in progress
The following patches are where I'm currently at with ESX support. I can now import a domain from ESX along with its storage. Note that I'm not yet doing any conversion. In fact, I've never even tested past the import stage (I just had an exit in there). The meat is really in the 4th patch. The rename of MetadataReader->Connection was because the Connection is now really providing
2009 Dec 21
Refactor virt-v2v to be more like a 'big script'
These patches combine HVSource and HVTarget into a single Converter. This should make it more obvious where to hack without losing any practical flexibility. GuestOS remains separate. GuestOS is now a misnomer, because it's really only a Linux distro abstraction. It will be useless for Windows, for example. Functions which you'd expect to be different on a non-RH distro should live in
2010 Feb 01
[ESX support] Working ESX conversion for RHEL 5
With this patchset I have successfully[1] imported a RHEL 5 guest directly from ESX with the following command line: virt-v2v -ic 'esx://yellow.marston/?no_verify=1' -op transfer RHEL5-64 Login details are stored in ~/.netrc Note that this is the only guest I've tested against. I haven't for example, checked that I haven't broken Xen imports. Matt [1] With the exception of