Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "kommunen".
2004 Jul 16
Email eller vedhæftet fil blokeret
...ktøj "Stinger" fra McAfee som findes på adressen:
Du finder en engelsk vejledning på siden!
Hvis din email eller fil derimord er blokeret ved en fejl, kan du kontakte vores Helpdesk på tlf. 70 26 30 48, som så vil hjælpe til med at få din email igennem til kommunen.
NB! Denne email kan ikke besvares !
Informationerne fra den oprindelige email er som følger:
From: samba@samba.org
To: gera@alleroed.dk
2005 Nov 04
WineProbe part II; Propaganda for Wine
...t;) about Wine and its use in the city of
B?blingen in a project we're running together with B?blingen and T?bingen
University. It was published in print this week in the magazine Kommune21
[2]. Kommune21 is a magazine about the use of information technology in
municipalities (german: "Kommunen"). About 11 000 copies are printed every
month, and I'd say the CIO of pretty much every major german city has a
They do not normally have a free online version of their contents available.
However, they provided me with a PDF of the article, which we're allowed to...
2018 Jan 14
YP listing problem
.../delete_marked_yp removed /webcam.webm from YP server http://yp.shoutcast.com
[2018-01-14 19:09:46] DBUG yp/delete_marked_yp removed /webcam.webm from YP server http://icecast-yp.internet-radio.com
[2018-01-14 19:09:47] DBUG stats/modify_node_event update "/verket" yp_currently_playing (Kommunen - "Jag ?r Inte Rasist, Men...")
[2018-01-14 19:09:47] DBUG yp/send_to_yp YP touch at http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi succeeded
[2018-01-14 19:09:47] DBUG yp/handle_returned_header server touch interval is 360
[2018-01-14 19:09:47] DBUG yp/send_to_yp YP touch at http://yp.shoutcast.c...