search for: knocking

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 776 matches for "knocking".

2024 Jul 07
Request for a Lockdown option
Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <20240704180538.iV4uex29 at>: |Simon Josefsson wrote in | <87jzi1fg24.fsf at>: ||Jochen Bern <Jochen.Bern at> writes: ||> (And since you mention "port knocking", I'd like to repeat how fond I ||> am of upgrading that original concept to a single-packet ||> crypto-armored implementation like fwknop.) || ||I am reluctantly considering to use some kind of port knocking mechanism ||on some machines, however I really don't want to carry...
2024 Jul 14
Request for a Lockdown option
...025234.j3oUaPFH at>: |Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in | <20240704180538.iV4uex29 at>: ||Simon Josefsson wrote in || <87jzi1fg24.fsf at>: |||Jochen Bern <Jochen.Bern at> writes: |||> (And since you mention "port knocking", I'd like to repeat how fond I |||> am of upgrading that original concept to a single-packet |||> crypto-armored implementation like fwknop.) ||| |||I am reluctantly considering to use some kind of port knocking mechanism |||on some machines, however I really don't want to...
2024 Jul 04
Request for a Lockdown option
Simon Josefsson wrote in <87jzi1fg24.fsf at>: |Jochen Bern <Jochen.Bern at> writes: |> (And since you mention "port knocking", I'd like to repeat how fond I |> am of upgrading that original concept to a single-packet |> crypto-armored implementation like fwknop.) | |I am reluctantly considering to use some kind of port knocking mechanism |on some machines, however I really don't want to carry arou...
2009 Dec 14
Manual Chains DNAT-
I am attempting to use the from I am not having much luck making the DNAT- knock work for some reason. Anyone else using this on 4.4.4 that can verify if this still works as documented? Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return on Information: Google Enterprise Search pays you back Get the
2005 Sep 06
Knock SSHD call in and SSH call out scripts
...address to connect to specified knock ssh port (I used 32022 for my example), opens a listener for 30 seconds, then kills the listener and drops the iptable entry. #2 knock, to have the server ssh to the IP address specified, to open a back channel into the servers ssh daemon. This allows the knocking client to connect to the server over the R mapped port (I used 2022 for my example). The nice thing about this, is that the reverse mapping stays open until you kill the ssh connection. Now, my question is, where would be a good place to write this up, and share my sample scripts? Is there e...
2017 Apr 24
Log Level and Failed Authentication Attempts
On 4/21/2017 1:28 PM, Matthew Delfino via samba wrote: > Hey Samba Friends, > > Maybe the below question is too general. How about this: I’ve set my "log level = auth:10" in the global parameters of my smb.conf file. > > I then purposely failed to log into an account on my Windows 10 machine until the account was locked. > > I’ve run the following command where x
2005 Jun 26
Knocked port timeout...
I''ve been using the port knocking technique described in the Shorewall docs to control ssh access on one of our servers: It works great, but occasionally one of the admins forgets to perform the close port operation. This leaves ssh open to the world until one of us notices. I''...
2006 Jul 15
patch to add built-in support for port knocking
All, A friend gave me access to an svn(+ssh) repository the other day, and told me that I needed to do some port knocking to open up ssh. It occurred to me that it would be extremely convenient if I could add a "knock" configuration option for the host to my ~/.ssh/config file and never think about this again (rather than creating a shell script to accomplish this behavior, and remembering to use it...
2013 Sep 24
Port Knocking?
I haven't been keeping up with the internals, I'm afraid. Does OpenSSH have support for Port Knocking? I might be interested in looking into that, as a way of reacquainting myself with the current code base. --- Scott Neugroschl | XYPRO Technology Corporation 4100 Guardian Street | Suite 100 |Simi Valley, CA 93063 | Phone 805 583-2874|Fax 805 583-0124 |
2004 Sep 27
X100P knock-off price jump
Anyone know why the knock-off X100p prices have jumped? -Nate
2014 Dec 21
[PATCH] LocalPreCommand: Support for executing command before ssh connection (like port knock before ssh)
Hi guys, I've made a patch adding LocalPreCommand to ssh_config. It mimics behaviour of LocalCommand, but is executed right before the connection is opened. This makes possible e.g. to integrate ssh with port knocking. It also removes "-oPermitLocalCommand=no" from scp allowing the same functionality to be used for file transfers. Applies cleanly on vanilla OpenSSH 6.7p1. Best regards, Bartlomiej Korupczynski
2024 Jul 04
Request for a Lockdown option
Jochen Bern <Jochen.Bern at> writes: > (And since you mention "port knocking", I'd like to repeat how fond I > am of upgrading that original concept to a single-packet > crypto-armored implementation like fwknop.) I am reluctantly considering to use some kind of port knocking mechanism on some machines, however I really don't want to carry around shared...
2017 Apr 20
Log Level and Failed Authentication Attempts
Hello Samba Friends, For those of you who have had to sift through Samba logs for clues on how to determine what caused an account to lock after repeated failed logon attempts, what "log level" settings have you found to be most helpful? Thanks, Matthew ©2017 KNOCK, inc. All rights reserved. KNOCK is a registered trademark of KNOCK, inc. This message and any attachments contain
2020 Nov 07
Error Upgrading Schema
Thanks for taking a shot at helping me, Rowland. I found that someone had made this suggestion for another person in the past, so I ran this command before reaching out on Monday: > ldbsearch -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb -b "CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,$(echo "DC=$(hostname -d)" | sed 's/\./,DC=/g')" -s base objectVersion | grep 'objectVersion' | awk
2016 Apr 18
GSSAPI authentication setup
On Sun, 2016-04-17 at 21:49 +0300, aki.tuomi at wrote: > > > > Did you check your setup against > I did. ?Of course, it's possible I've still managed to overlook something.? > Also can you provide klist -k on server? I assume you mean the kerberos server: [ root at knock ~]# klist -k Keytab
2020 Nov 10
Error Upgrading Schema
In general we do not allow the removal of schema. In particular, because records in samba are stored under the attribute name, removing schema or renaming schema items describing those attributes and objectclasses can mean records cannot be processed correctly. However, if you confirm you really have exactly the entry already in the schema, you could edit the new schema not to add that
2013 Oct 10
Port knocking and DNAT rules
So I found an excellent port knocking tutorial using ONLY iptables rules that looks to be among the best I've ever seen. (warning: techno music, tough to read screen, you don't need to type it in because I post a link to script below) It works fabulously for simply opening a port...
2003 Sep 15
X100P & T100P knock-off boards
Do they fall under FCC certification if they're built to the same specifications as the ones from Digium? If I build my own T100Ps from the schematics and board layouts that are available, are they legal to plug into the PSTN?
2020 Nov 10
Error Upgrading Schema
Andrew, I feel that it is your prerogative to determine how many odd possibilities you want your tools to account for, so that they might know what to do rather than exit with an error. You have a better sense for how likely it is that someone in the wild is altering their schema and might have changed an already existing attribute, as it seems I did. If you'd allow me to impose upon your
2005 May 12
New Article at
This article describes how to implement "Port Knocking" in Shorewall. -Tom -- Tom Eastep \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool Shoreline, \ Washington USA \ PGP Public Key \