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2006 Apr 07
u32 and iptables do not work together
...ns1 rc.d]# /sbin/tc filter add dev eth3 parent 1:0 protocol ip prio 1 handle 10 fw classid 1:10 RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument We have an error talking to the kernel [root@ns1 rc.d]# Anyone knows what can I do? My full script (the one that is working fine is at the end). Att, Nataniel Klug ------ #!/bin/sh #------ # Script de QoS Cyber Nett #------ # Nataniel Klug # #------ TC="/sbin/tc" IPT="/usr/local/sbin/iptables" DL="eth3" #------ # Apagando regras antigas de QoS #------ $TC qdisc del dev $DL root 2> /dev/null > /...
2006 Jul 25
Routed network + web-cache
...e of running a web-cache (only http) using squid but I dont want that my clients go to the internet with the proxy/cache IP. Like when they enter in this site it shows only the proxy/gw server ip and not the client ip. There is some way to make this happens? Att, Nataniel Klug
2006 Apr 04
Another question (now about u32)
...s > U32 Classifier (module) It is enable as a module. Can someone help me? My box is a Fedora Core 3 using kernel PS.: Thanks all guys who have answered me about my other question (QoS). It was very useful hints. Now I think my QoS is working almost 100% ok. Att, Nataniel Klug
2006 Apr 05
QoS - Ping problem be ok. I even have tryed to make a filter for ICMP protocol (using u32 as it is writen into LARTC how-to) but it did not work. How can I solve this problem? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #!/bin/sh #------ # Script de QoS Cyber Nett #------ # Nataniel Klug # #------ TC="/sbin/tc" IPT="/usr/local/sbin/iptables" $IPT -t mangle -X $IPT -t mangle -F DL="eth1" #------ # Apagando regras antigas de QoS #------ $TC qdisc del dev $DL root 2> /dev/null > /dev/null $TC qdisc del dev $DL ingress 2&g...
2006 Jan 28
Lotus Notes 7
...quot;wine notes.exe", it shows the Notes 7 splash screen, but after that it just says "Wine exited with a successful status". What is "The Right Way" to use an apllication that was installed in Windows under wine? Is there a way to use Notes 7 in Wine? Thank you! Johannes Klug
2006 May 05
Matching interface using U32(?)
...o client) this rule works but into pppoe conection it did not work properly. Someone has some tip to match the interface that the conection is coming from? Like I wanna match all traffic coming from ppp0 and going throw eth0 to be shapped?! There is anyway to make this work? Att, Nataniel Klug
2006 Feb 08
Routing packges by destination port
...128 If I make this rule my routing tables begins to scramble all my traffic and makes it going ALL through only 1 link (eth0). There is anyway to use transparent squid with multiple routing tables and marking packages? PS.: What is this error "Icmp checksum is wrong" Att, Nataniel Klug
2005 Dec 22
control p2p upload bandwidth rate
Hi all, I am running Slackware 10.1 with Kernel includes iptables 1.3.4 with layer 7 My network diagram below: - INTERNET --- LINUX_ROUTER_FW --- PCs Below is my simple iptables script: - echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -m layer7 --l7proto applejuice -j MARK --set-mark 1 iptables -t
2006 Apr 05
Configuration of my QoS ruleset (now working fine with u32 classifier)
Hello all, As I have promised I am sending my QoS rules. This now works fine with u32 classifier (and parent 1:0 that I could not understand why it did not worked well before). Att, Nataniel Klug ------------------------ #!/bin/sh #------ # Script de QoS Cyber Nett #------ # Nataniel Klug # #------ TC="/sbin/tc" IPT="/usr/local/sbin/iptables" DL="eth1" #------ # Apagando regras antigas de QoS #------ $TC qdisc del dev $DL root 2>...
2006 Feb 01
About ip route 2 prio at tables
...add default table 222 $GWE1 dev $IFE1 My question is: wich one will get hit first? Like, when a package comes and look for a gateway it will start looking in lower prio or higher prio tables? If it looks in lower, then my rule is right. The other way I will have to rewrite it. Att, Nataniel Klug
2005 Oct 18
Two differente networks at the same ethernet pci adapter
...h0 and eth1 for backbone and eth2 for LAN): ---- SCRIPT BEGINING /usr/loca/firewall/loadbalance ---- #!/bin/sh #------------------------- # Configuracao de redirecionamento de portas para os links # Balanceamento de carga entre pontos de rede # ++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Script criado por NATANIEL KLUG #------------------------- # #---- # Variaveis de sistema #---- IPTABLES="/usr/local/sbin/iptables" IP="/sbin/ip" # #---- # ENTRADA DE LINKS #---- IF1=''eth0'' IF2=''eth0'' # #---- # Declara as redes #---- P1_NET='' P2_NET=...
2006 Feb 04
Routing for multiple interfaces (marking ports)
...okup 201 202: from lookup 202 210: from all fwmark 0x2 lookup 202 222: from all lookup 222 32766: from all lookup main 32767: from all lookup default This prio reads tables from lower prio (0) to higher prio (32767) or it makes reading this the other way? Att, Nataniel Klug
2006 Dec 06
Configuring a QoS Box + Cliente Bandwidth Control
...atch ip dst ${i}/32 flowid 1:${CONT} done ----------------------------- I put thi just after the CLASS stuff. Now my clients are all full controlled, but my QoS do not work. There is some way to make this happens? PS.: In the end of this email is my full QOS script. Att, Nataniel Klug --------------- start - --------------- #!/bin/sh #------ # Script de QoS Cyber Nett #------ # Nataniel Klug # #------ TC="/sbin/tc" IPT="/usr/local/sbin/iptables" DIR="/etc/firewall/qos" UP="eth0" # wan infoconta...
2004 Aug 22
Someone with "Access Denied" from Windows pls try this test to compare notes with me
...s and from what I can see folks say Samba 3.0.2 was the last good build. If that describes you, please test this as I have come up with a way to turn the problem on/off like a light switch. (Samba team... have I got your attention????) Again, you may review how I have configured Samba PDC from my KLUG presentation. Specifically jump to pages 7 through 9, that is the critical part. I have configured the security environment to allow for independant assignment of permissions to three different areas of security: 1) Th...
2006 Apr 10
I dont want to shape a host
...d that one of my servers (that is into my LAN but has an routing ip address) did not get into the qos rules I have. So I want that all traffic coming or going to that specifc host did not get shapped by any traffic control and do not get even into a QoS class. How can I do this? Att, Nataniel Klug
2005 Oct 19
Load balance (two links in one server): why is this not working?
...oute add $P2_NET dev $IF2 src $IP2 # $IP route add default scope global nexthop via $P1 dev $IF1 weight 4 nexthop via $P2 dev $IF2 weight 1 # $IP rule add from $IP1 table T1 $IP rule add from $IP2 table T2 # #---- # Atualiza tabela de cache #---- $IP route flush cache --- SCRIPT --- Att, Nataniel Klug _______________________________________________ LARTC mailing list
2006 Jul 20
QoS doubt about network machine
...12Kbit burst 15k $CLASS 1:1 classid 1:50 htb rate 256Kbit ceil 256Kbit burst 15k $CLASS 1:1 classid 1:60 htb rate 1024Kbit ceil 2048Kbit burst 15k And them direct all traffic coming from my ns2 server (using u32 classifier and src address) to class 1:5... Is this correct? Att, Nataniel Klug
2009 Feb 21
density estimation for d>2 for the DPpackage Viel Spass beim Surfen ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Habe nun, ach! Philosophie, Juristerei, Theologie und Medizin und leider auch Volkswirtschaft durchaus studiert, mit hei?em Bem?hn. Da steh' ich nun, ich armer Tor, und bin so klug als wie zuvor! Hei?e Magister, hei?e Doktor gar, und ziehe schon and die zehen Jahr' herauf, herab und quer und krumm meinen Sch?ler an der Nase herum - Und sehe, da? wir nichts wissen k?nnen! Das will mir schier das Herz verbrennen. Aus dem Fa...
2000 Aug 21
[homes] vs [homes$] there is "browse vs nobrowse" but I specifically need to have end users map to \\srv\user$ rather than \\srv\user. -- Mark Drummond|ICQ#19153754| UNIX System Administrator|Royal Military College of Canada The Kingston Linux Users Group| Saving the World ... One CPU at a Time Please excuse me if I am terse. I answer dozens of emails every day.
2003 Oct 10
Samba - NT4DC: Unable to change file permissions via Windows GUI
Hello, I have a RH9 Samba machine (default Server/no updates) joined to an NT4DC with an XP and another NT4 box connecting and sharing files just fine. So I thought, it came to my attention that from the Windows GUI you cannot change the permissions on a file or folder even if you own the file. I have been over the smb.conf file and tried all sorts of examples with no luck. Strange thing