search for: kk

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 301 matches for "kk".

2009 Oct 19
loop and plot
Dear all, I am stuck at applying loop function for creating separated plots. I have coding like below: dataset.table <- table(data.frame(var1=c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1),colour=c("a","b","c","c","a","b","b") )) kk = function(f) { ls=as.character(f) pie(dataset.table[ls,],main=ls) box() } kk(1) kk(2) kk(3) By using above code, I can create 3 single plot respectively, but when I type kk(1:3), obviously it will not work. I know I have to ve...
2011 Oct 18
How to read data sequentially into R (line by line)?
I have a data set like this in one .txt file (cols separated by !): APE!KKU!684! APE!VAL!! APE!UASU!! APE!PLA!1! APE!E!10! APE!TPVA!17122009! APE!STAP!1! GG!KK!KK! APE!KKU!684! APE!VAL!! APE!UASU!! APE!PLA!1! APE!E!10! APE!TPVA!17122009! APE!STAP!1! GG!KK!KK! APE!KKU!684! APE!VAL!! APE!UASU!! APE!PLA!1! APE!E!10! APE!TPVA!17122009! APE!STAP!1! GG!KK!KK! it contains over...
2005 Aug 10
repeated - R package
Thompson's Manual to Accompany Agresti's book refers to a package named "repeated". It's not on CRAN from what I can see. I have seen rpm's for it. Where is the best place to download this package? Rick B.
2001 Feb 08
dnbinom(,size<1,)=0 (PR#842)
....0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 #wrong!! while, the correct result from Rw1011 is: > dnbinom(0:5,.9,.4) [1] 0.43838329 0.23672698 0.13493438 0.07826194 0.04578323 0.02692054 I have added a corrected dnbinom() below, which makes the program works for Rw1021. -YP- x_ c(70, 38, 17, 10, 9, 6) kk_ 0:5 n_ sum(x) dnbinom_ function(x,n,p){ gamma(x+n)/gamma(n)/gamma(x+1)*p^n * (1-p)^x } fn_ function(p){ r_ p[1] th_ p[2] ll _ -sum(x[1:max(kk)]*log(dnbinom(kk[-length(kk)],r,th))) - x[length(kk)]*log(1-pnbinom((max(kk)-1),r,th)) return(ll) } a_ nlm(fn,p=c(.9,....
2002 Mar 01
Weakness in Knuth-TAOCP RNG (fwd) (PR#1336)
...the order of the functions has changed in Knuth's original code, so the patch is longer than it should really be; - Despite Knuth's request that no change should be made to the code, the present R code (1.5.0-devel and previous) contains a change (the line "long ran_x[KK];" is commented, and ran_x is defined elsewhere in the program). The patch contains the _same_ change; I let you decide if this is acceptable in regard to Knuth's request. Frederic -- Fr=E9d=E9ric SCH=DCTZ email: Genetics and Bioinformatics...
2006 Apr 23
fsck_ufs locked in snaplk
Colleagues, one of my servers had to be rebooted uncleanly and then I have backgrounded fsck locked for more than an our in snaplk: 742 root 1 -4 4 1320K 688K snaplk 0:02 0.00% fsck_ufs File system in question is 200G gmirror on SATA. Usually making a snapshot (e.g., for making dumps) consumes 3-4 minutes for that fs, so it seems to me that filesystem is in a deadlock. Any
2010 May 13
merge for data.frame and matrix
Hello, how to merge a data.frame and a matrix by one column in the data.frame and rownames of the matrix? df <- data.frame(col1=c("kk","yy","kk"),col2=c(6,4,3)) > df   col1 col2 1   kk    6 2   yy    4 3   kk    3 m<-matrix(c(3,8,56,9), nrow=2, dimnames = list(c("aa","kk"),c("col1","col2"))) > m    col1 col2 aa    3   56 kk    8    9 the result is expected...
2006 Nov 03
difference in using with() and the "data" argument in glm call
Dear all, I am dealing with the following (apparently simple problem): For some reasons I am interested in passing variables from a dataframe to a specific environment, and in fitting a standard glm: dati<-data.frame(y=rnorm(10),x1=runif(10),x2=runif(10)) KK<-new.env() for(i in 1:ncol(dati)) assign(names(dati[i]),dati[[i]],envir=KK) #Now the following two lines work correctly: coef(glm(y~x1+x2,data=KK)) with(KK,coef(glm(y~x1+x2))) #However if I write the above code inside a function, with() does not appear to work.. ff<-function(Formula,Data,m...
2011 Oct 27
Consistant test for NAs in a factor when exclude = NULL?
...ignment with NAs from data, does not even find the NAs created by assignment, as it did in example 1. I'm running R 2.13.2 on Windows XP with ServicePack 3 Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Appreciatively, andrewH Example #1 > # Origin:<- Exclude: NULL > KK <- factor(c("A","A","B","B","C","C"), exclude=NULL) > KK[KK=="C"] [1] C C Levels: A B C >[KK=="C"]) <- TRUE > KK [1] A A B B <NA> <NA> Levels: A B C > levels(KK) [1] &q...
2006 Nov 03
[R] difference in using with() and the "data" argument in glm (PR#9338)
...te: > Dear all, > I am dealing with the following (apparently simple problem): > For some reasons I am interested in passing variables from a dataframe > to a specific environment, and in fitting a standard glm: > > dati<-data.frame(y=rnorm(10),x1=runif(10),x2=runif(10)) > KK<-new.env() > for(i in 1:ncol(dati)) assign(names(dati[i]),dati[[i]],envir=KK) > #Now the following two lines work correctly: > coef(glm(y~x1+x2,data=KK)) > with(KK,coef(glm(y~x1+x2))) > > #However if I write the above code inside a function, with() does not > appear to wor...
2005 Aug 26
Memory leakage/violation?
...1] FALSE ## ## $nan ## [1] FALSE ## ## $inf ## [1] FALSE ## ## $ok ## [1] TRUE ## ## [1] 1 ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 53.43 53.43 53.43 53.43 53.43 53.43 ## # But, trying the following, will result in # no-reproducible error messages. Sometimes # it errors at kk==1, sometimes at kk >> 1. # Also, look at the different output for # different kk:s. for (kk in 1:100) { cat("kk=",kk, "\n") print(summary(a-c)) } ## kk= 1 ## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## -7.741e+307 -2.431e+00 9.569e+00...
2009 May 14
[LLVMdev] alias analysis results
Hi there, I am trying to understand how AliasAnalysis works out in LLVM. I used the following simple test-case (test4.c): -- void test() { int *jj, *kk; int aa = 100; jj = &aa; *jj = 300; } int main() { test(); return 0; } -- Then I did "llvm-gcc -emit-llvm -c -o test4.bc test4.c" to get bc. I tried the following 2 ways to get what I expect to get as "alias-sets": 1. opt -aa-eval -print-all-alias-modref...
2009 Dec 11
about --link-dest
...d copy I want to populate: $ ls -li total 12 1761433 drwxr-xr-x 2 envite envite 4096 dic 10 14:04 copy1 1761434 drwxr-xr-x 2 envite envite 4096 dic 11 01:18 copy2 1761432 drwxr-xr-x 2 envite envite 4096 dic 10 14:04 origin $ ls -li * copy1: total 4 1761436 -rw-r--r-- 1 envite envite 3 dic 10 14:04 kk copy2: total 0 origin: total 4 1761435 -rw-r--r-- 1 envite envite 3 dic 10 14:04 kk I use the --link-dest to avoid wasting extra space: $ rsync -av --link-dest=$PWD/copy1 origin/ copy2 sending incremental file list ./ kk sent 104 bytes received 35 bytes 278.00 bytes/sec total size is 3 spee...
2009 May 15
[LLVMdev] alias analysis results
Hi Eli, thanks for the answers helping out. I tried to understand further - got another example: void test() { int *jj, *kk; int aa = 100; jj = &aa; *jj = 300; kk = jj; *kk = 400; } int main() { test(); return 0; } bc looks like the following (only test() part) define void @test() nounwind { entry: %aa = alloca i32 ; <i32*> [#uses=2] %kk = alloca i32* ; <i32**> [#us...
2005 May 25
Samba vs ActiveDirectory Kerberos error message
Hi, When validating users on my Linux system against an ActiveDirectory, the Windows event log are filled with messages like these (Windows Event ID 675): Pre-authentication failed: User Name: linux$ User ID: KK\linux$ Service Name: krbtgt/KK.LOCAL Pre-Authentication Type: 0x0 Failure Code: 0x19 Client Address: ( is the IP address of the Linux machine, LINUX the hostname of the Linux machine). The message above comes at ever...
2010 Apr 20
problem with retreaving column from a data.frame
..."DOSDID" "SOPDID" "SPECIES" i can retreave any column with using command like "temp$STDID" but my problem is the column name i have to get from another xml its comming like "STDID" that one i assigned to a variable named "kk" like kk<-"STDID" but now while i am trying to retreave this column from dataframe temp like temp$kk or with using command paste like paste("temp",kk,sep"$") both the times its giving null result but its having values in table can any one help me how...
2010 Aug 05
difficulties with read.table applied to files from URL
...copied below. hourly.years <- c(2000:2008) hourly.species <- c('ch4','co2','co') station.names <- c('alt482n00','chm449n00','egb444n01','etl454n00','fsd449n00','llb454n01','wsa443n00','cdl453n00') for (kk in hourly.years) { for (i in hourly.species) { for (nn in station.names) { file1 <- paste(' ',i,'/hourly/y',kk,'/',nn,'',i,'',kk,'.anc',sep='') #ancillary data...
2012 Mar 14
[LLVMdev] llvm-config --cxxflags does not give the result the configuration script wants?
I got your point. Thank you, and I'd like to provide the relative message now. But firstly, what do you mean by the "relevant command generated by your makefile"? What I can tell you now is: The Error Message: make[3]: Entering directory `/home/tang.kk/ppcg/ppcg/isl/interface' CXXLD extract_interface extract_interface.o:([typeinfo for MyASTConsumer]+0x10): undefined reference to `typeinfo for clang::ASTConsumer' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[3]: *** [extract_interface] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving...
2012 Mar 14
[LLVMdev] llvm-config --cxxflags does not give the result the configuration script wants?
Jun-qi Deng <dengjunqi06323011 at> writes: >> Is it? In my experience, it isn't. Please show the relevant command >> generated by your makefile and the associated error message(s). >> > >> RTTI is an on/off option that changes per LLVM library, so setting >> -fno-rtti for using LLVM makes no sense. VMCore and Support have -frtti >> while
2000 May 19
samba->windows->cache, problem !!!
Hi! My samba and i got problem below : windows client map samba share as P: and a file "kk" locate at P: 1. at windows P:>copy kk c:\ 2. at samba server #echo abc >> kk (let kk modified at server..) 3. at windows P:>dir kk (now we can see the file size and date are changed) 4. at windows P:>copy kk c:\ (copy new kk to replac...