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2011 Aug 08
Run command based on OS version
I''m trying to write a script that runs command based on version of Redhat OS. For example, if the RHEL version is 6.0, it will run command. I was able to write file read script in ruby that would read file and execute but it didn''t seem to work in puppet script. Has anyone done something like this? $redhat_version_file = "/etc/redhat-release" $redhat_version =
2012 Jul 25
manifest variable with sed - problem
Hello, i have a problem in my sudo manifest file, because in the variable $name comes sometimes usernames like user.lastname, but i need for sudo (includedir */etc/sudoers.d/*) file names with no dots (like user_lastname). I need a new variable, where is the dots change by underscores. My first try was like this, but it isn''t working well. $name_underscore = "`echo $name | sed
2012 Mar 28
Could not load confine test 'operatingsystem': cannot load such file -- puppet/provider/confine/operatingsystem
Hello, I''m having some trouble. I keep getting the following warnings when trying to run: $ puppet master --no-daemonize /usr/local/build/puppet-bundle/vendor/gems/ruby/1.9.1/gems/ puppet-2.7.12/lib/puppet/external/pson/pure.rb:7:in `<module:PSON>'': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. Could not load confine test