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2017 May 24
Does the INT signal will force the tinc to re-read the tinc.conf file
I mean, if I changed pingtimeout on tinc.conf, -kHUP will force the tinc to re-read that parameter into effective? If no, any other ways to make it effective other that kill the process?
for tinc 1.0.
2005 Jan 20
some questions or wishes..
- i have some nodes with a dynamic ip, how does tinc handle this? are there
keep alive pings?
- if i want to force a reconnect (for example if an ip changes), i tried
kill -ALRM
kill -HUP
but there were no reconnects, yes the manpage tells it, but a reconnect
would be nice.
- it is very important to me, that the interface does not go down.
- when will tinc 2
2015 Nov 18
Packet loss when using multiple subnet#weight entries
...st use the "tinc" command from 1.1, so you can add
and remove subnets simply by running:
tinc -n <netname> add Subnet x.x.x.x/32
If you are running a 1.1preX tincd, it will automatically get notified,
if you are running a 1.0.x tincd, you have to do "tincd -n <netname>
-kHUP" to have it update its Subnets.
Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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2017 Jul 11
Some tinc clatifications
Il 2017-07-10 18:32 Matthew Nichols ha scritto:
> 1. That entirely depends on how you have it set up (look at
> StrictSubnets and TunnelServer). It might also be recommended to have
> every node re-key itself (http://tinc-vpn.org/security/).
I've used StrictSubnets and TunnelServer (and probably will keep using
this so roadwarriors don't see eachother, though looking at the logs
2017 May 06
Show the subnets learnt and update configuration without reset?
1. Is there any tools/command, we can show the subnet where a certain tinc nodes learnt? So that I can know the weight for certain subnet(in real time), instead of go back to the node’s (who advertise the subnet) configuration file to check.
2. So far in order to change the weight of a subnet, or something else, I have to reset the tinc daemon( tincd -k -n myvpn and then tincd -n myvpn) in
2017 May 08
Show the subnets learnt and update configuration without reset?
SIGHUP (-kHUP) should reload that config for you and SIGURS2 (-kUSR2) will drop currently known subnets (etc) to syslog. This will not work on Windows.
Both of these are in the tinc manual (http://tinc-vpn.org/documentation/tinc.pdf).
From: tinc [mailto:tinc-bounces at tinc-vpn.org] On Behalf Of Bright Zhao
2017 Jul 11
Some tinc clatifications
..." enough?
The proper way is to remove the host key files of those nodes on all
other nodes. If only the "servers" have a copy of those host files, you
only need to remove it on the servers.
Note that you need to send the tinc daemons on those servers the HUP
signal (or "tincd -kHUP" for tinc 1.0, "tinc reload" for tinc 1.1) to
have them reread the host config files and disconnect any nodes for
which it doesn't have a host config file anymore.
Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
-------------- next...
2019 Mar 15
Reload subnet config with HUP signal
...nd from 1.1, so you can add
> and remove subnets simply by running:
> tinc -n <netname> add Subnet x.x.x.x/32
> If you are running a 1.1preX tincd, it will automatically get notified,
> if you are running a 1.0.x tincd, you have to do "tincd -n <netname>
> -kHUP" to have it update its Subnets.
it doesn't work. tincd doesn't reread the its hosts config file to
get the new Subnet settings.
I rewrote the hosts/<my host> file (adding a Subnet) and sent
the HUP signal. But with USR2 signal, each node and the local itself
doesn't show any...
2020 Jan 13
UDPbuffer adjustment
...tinc.conf, so what’s the udp buffer size for tinc? should I change /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default and /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_dafault as well? or prefer to set that by UDPRcvBuf and UDPSndBuf in tinc.conf?
also do I need to kill/start tincd process to make it effective, or just tincd -n network -kHUP?
2012 Nov 29
Tinc Log rotation fails
This may have already been addressed, and I apologize if it has, but here is my issue.
I have separated the TINCD log from syslog to isolate the VPN activity.
By starting with daemon with the --logfile= switch
It seems to work fine except that once log rotation takes place, the daemon does not recreate the log, nor will it write to the new log even if an empty file is put into place.
The only
2016 Jul 25
How does tinc server handle the case one client's key file is removed after connection
Hi Guys,
Say when tinc is running all good, the "server" contains all the key files
of clients.
If we remove the key file for client A during run, how long before does
server find out the key
file is gone? I see a "KeyExpire" option in the conf file, is this the time?
In my own experiment, the client will still be able to connect to the tinc
network even if the key file is
2015 Nov 15
Packet loss when using multiple subnet#weight entries
I have two servers (A and B) in separate locations. Both are connected
together via two tinc switches to provide two subnets on both servers.
This works pretty good. I can start my VMs on any server connected
to one of those bridges without changing any routes.
The subnets hosted on both servers (each in a bridge) are (mainly on A) and (mainly on B)
Now I
2002 Jan 31
signal transmission in ssh2
does somebody like this?
Index: Makefile.inc
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/ssh/Makefile.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 Makefile.inc
--- Makefile.inc 30 Oct 2001 20:32:31 -0000 1.21
+++ Makefile.inc 16 Nov 2001 12:07:22 -0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
CDIAGFLAGS+= -Wmissing-prototypes
2016 Jul 25
How does tinc server handle the case one client's key file is removed after connection
...; Normally tinc should reread the host config file each time a connection
> is made. But existing connections will normally be kept alive. To force
> tinc to disconnect peers when their host config file is removed, send
> the server tincd the HUP signal:
> tincd -n <netname> -kHUP
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
> Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
> To: tinc at tinc-vpn.org
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 18:37:20 +...