search for: keyonly

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "keyonly".

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2006 May 17
Html Email Problem
Dear Rubyians, I am facing problems to send Html Email scnce one month. I changed the content type is text/html and charecter set "utf-8" I worte the html code in the confirm.heml in the action mailer folder. but mail is going with html code Exapmle: <html border="2"> <tr><td></td></tr></html> code in the confirm .html In the
2011 May 07
Problem with sieve after upgrade to 2.0
...address = postmaster at protocols = " imap sieve" recipient_delimiter = - service imap-login { inet_listener imap { port = 0 } } ssl_cert = </etc/apache2/ssl/ ssl_cipher_list = HIGH ssl_key = </etc/apache2/ssl/ userdb { driver = passwd } protocol lda { mail_plugins = " sieve" } Here's the script which doesn't do anything: require ["fileinto", "envelope", "subaddress"]; if envelope :detail "to" "test" { fileinto "Admin&qu...