search for: kd5ot1ntkm6zqqe7ycjdx5

Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "kd5ot1ntkm6zqqe7ycjdx5".

2008 Jun 09
Rails 2.1 and ddatetime_select
I''ve updated to 2.1 and am continuing to have issues with datetime_select helpers which worked fine previously. Example: <% form_remote_tag(:url => { :controller => ''notes'', :action => :add_booking_note_ajax, :id => @booking},
2005 Dec 19
Single Table Inheritance question
Hello, I''m having a heck of a time getting Single Table Inheritance to work in my app. I have the following models and have scaffolded out Person and Contact. person.rb class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :contacts end client.rb class Client < Person end contact.rb class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :person end phone.rb class Phone < Contact end In
2007 Jan 11
checkbox to toggle div
I''m trying to show a div if a checkbox is selected. I got as far as: <%= check_box(''foo'',''temporary_bar'',{:onclick => "Element.toggle(''temp_bar''); return false;"}, 1, nil)%> <div id="temp_bar" style="display:none;"> <%= text_field ''foo'',
2007 Jan 25
Fragment Cache in ActionMailer
I have a controller which iterates through a group of people and dynamically generates an email for each person, it is a bit DB heavy so caching would really help. Adding ''include ActionController::Caching::Fragments'' to my BookingMailer model produces this error: ActionView::TemplateError (undefined local variable or method `perform_caching'' for
2010 Apr 03
Change from attachment_fu db BLOB to Paperclip S3
Hi: I have moved from using attachment_fu with files stored in the DB to Paperclip using S3. The trick now is to migrate the files from the DB to S3. I have tried a few methods like: SThreeFile.create(:file => and @attachment = AttachmentFuFile.first SThreeFile.create(:file => ActionController::Streaming.send_data, :filename =>