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2009 Feb 10
How to split a character vector into 3 vectors
Hi ,
Does any one know how to split a character vector , I have a vector X that
looks like this and each row has 3 characters
I would like to split the vector into 3 vectors that look like this
X1 X2 X3
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-split-a-character-vector-into-3-vectors-tp21939492p21939492.html
2009 Feb 10
I have a problem with ifelse(), I do not understand how it works.
> X<-c(2,2,1,1,0,0)
> str(X)
num [1:6] 2 2 1 1 0 0
> Y<-ifelse(X>0,1,0)
> Y
[1] 1 1 1 1 0 0
Can some one explain what is going on, I do not understand what ifelse is
doing in this case. Can someone explain the output Y.
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2010 Feb 26
using grep
Hi All,
I have a character vector with naems of cities in the us. I need to extract
the number that appear after the word "New York", for example,
x<-c("P Los Angeles44AZ", "P New York722AZ", "K New York20")
I want the results to be
722, 20
cab I use the grep function, if so how?
I appreciate your help, thanks,
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2008 Nov 18
counting the number of elements in a column
Hi All,
I have a column that contains values between 0 and 1. I would like to make
a table that consists of the number of elements in each category.
For example , how many elements have values between 0 and 0.1, 0.1 to 0.2,
0.2 to 0.3,etc??..0.9 to 1.
Is there an easy way to do this?
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2008 Jun 03
merge two data sets
I would like to merge ?data1 ?that contains 100 unique ID?s with another
data set ?data 2? with 150 ID?s and the age of those individuals ( the ID in
data1 is a subset of the ID in data 2) I would like to merge these data1
with data2 and have the result of the merge to have the ID ordered as in
Can this be done in R?
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2009 Feb 04
I am looking into change the numeric order in the level of the factor
> x<-c("A","B","C")
> fx<-factor(x)
> fx
[1] A B C
Levels: A B C
> factor(x)
[1] A B C
Levels: A B C
> as.numeric(fx)
[1] 1 2 3
I want to change the order of the numeric into 3 corresponds to ?A? level, 2
corresponds to ?B? level and 1 corresponds to ?C? level
So when I
2009 Dec 17
write.csv and col.names=F
Hi All,
I always have a problem with write.csv when I want the column names to be
ignored, when I specify col.names=F, I get a header of V1 V2 V3 V4 etc.
for example I tried
write.csv(mydata, file="data.csv", quote=FALSE, row.names=F, col.names=F)
Warning message:
In write.csv(mydata, file = "data.csv", quote = FALSE, :
attempt to set 'col.names' ignored
2010 Jul 29
help splitting a data frame
Hi All,
I have a dataset that I would like to split based on : or ? ( the data file
is tab delimited) for example:
Ny:23-45 AC
BA:88-91 DB
KJ:21-13 PA
And I would like the data to be splitted and the final results look like
NY 23 45 AC
BA 88 91 DB
KJ 21 13 PA
I would like to have the resulting data as a data frame so each column is a
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2008 Apr 10
subtract the mean from each column
I am new to R an dI need some help
I have a matrix of real values 100*300 and I would like to calculate the
mean for each column , then for each entry in a column i need to subtract
the mean so I will have a matrix where the columns have zero mean. any one
know how to do that . Thanks
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2009 Jan 07
breaking a loop in R
Hi All,
I was wondering if there is anything that breaks a loop in R. For example,
For (k in 1:100)
For ( i in 1:10){
If ( condition ){
Break the inner loop
In the above case, if the program runs the if statement, then I want the
inner loop for (i in 1:10) to stop looping and skip the rest of the program.
Thanks for your help
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2009 Oct 06
How to extract names from a vector
Hi All,
I have a character vector of length=700. The vector contains names and I
want to extract the names that contain the number 101. The number 101 could
be anywhere within the name.
what is the best way to do this?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-extract-names-from-a-vector-tp25773482p25773482.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2008 Aug 27
How to create additional columns?
I do have some data of dim 100*3 (i.e 100 rows and 3 columns ) stored in a
txt file. I want to read the data into R, Perform the same operation in
each row and store the result in a forth column( that I should create).
I do not know how I can create a forth column to store the result of the
operation for each row?
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2009 Jan 21
filling blanks with NA
I do have a data set with some missing values that appear as blanks. I want
to fill these blanks with an NA. How can this be done? Thanks for your help
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/filling-blanks-with-NA-tp21584278p21584278.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2010 Jan 19
problem with the precision of numbers
Hi All,
I was wodering if it is possible to increase the precision using R. I ran
the script below in R and MAPLE and I got different results when k is large.
Any idea how to fix this problem? thanks for your help
for (k in 0:2000){
for(i in 0:k){
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2009 Apr 20
Append to a csv file
I am looping over a data set and at each loop I am creating a dataframe
That I wanted to be saves in a .csv file, but I want all the results to be
saved in the same file and this is the way I do it
write.csv(mydata, file= ?data.csv?=F, append=T) . the csv file looks fine
but I always get the following warning message
Warning messages:
1: In write.table(mydata, file =?data.csv?, ... :
2009 Jan 05
prblem with NA
Hi all
I have a data set with the total number of columns =ncol, and the total
number of rows=nrow. I am trying to loop over the values and id the value is
less than or equal to 100 to be changed to 1. if the value is greater than
100 , to be changed to 0. if NA , let X[i,j]=NA. I ran into a problem where
if one row in my data set had all values =NA, then the program does not
continue working
2010 Apr 20
having more than one plot in one figure
Hi All,
I have been trying to plot multiple line plots with different colors on one
figure. in my example below I was able to plot cat vs num1 as a dot plot
connected with lines but was not able to do that for cat vs num2 and I do
not know how to add the third plot cat vs num3. below is my code
df <- data.frame(cat=1:10, num1=rnorm(10), num2=rnorm(10), num3=rnorm(10))
2009 Feb 17
printing out the summary for lm into a txt file
Hi All,
I am trying to run several linear regressions and print out the summay and
the anova reslts on the top of
each other for each model. Below is a sample progarm that did not work. is
it possible to print the
anova below the summary of lm in one file?
thanks for your help
data<-read.table("data.txt", header=T,
2009 May 27
problem with cbind
Hi All,
I have a file with two columns, the first column has the names of the
patients and the second column has the age. I am looking into creating an
output file that looks like
1-10 10-20 etc
Eric Chris
Bob mat
Where each column has the name of the patients in a given age category that
is displayed in the header. For example in the output, the first
2009 Feb 11
Linear model
I want to know how accurate are the p-values when you do linear regression in
I was looking at the variable x3 and the t=10.843 and the corresponding
p-value=2e-16 which is the same p-value for the intercept where the t-value
for the intercept is 48.402.
I tried to calculate the p-value in R and I got 0
> x
[1] 0
> G<-lm(y~x1+x2+x3+x4+x5)