search for: kawakatsu

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 38 matches for "kawakatsu".

2005 Apr 19
building recommended packages on Windows
...rule to make target `../library/boot/DESCRIPTION'. Stop. make: *** [unpack-recommended] Error 1 What did I do wrong? In /library/Recommended I do see boot_1.2-22.tar.gz but I don't see the /boot subdirectory in /library. Thanks for any help, h. ---------------------------------- Hiroyuki Kawakatsu School of Management and Economics 25 University Square Queen's University, Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Northern Ireland United Kingdom Tel +44 (0)28 9097 3290 Fax +44 (0)28 9033 5156
2004 Jul 16
rd2dvi bug on windoze?
...RHome); strcat(cmd, "/bin/"); > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386, mingw32 status major 1 minor 9.1 year 2004 month 06 day 21 language R @windoze xp sp1 h. ---------------------------------- Hiroyuki Kawakatsu School of Management and Economics 25 University Square Queen's University, Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Northern Ireland United Kingdom Tel +44 (0)28 9097 3290 Fax +44 (0)28 9033 5156
2009 Oct 23
reg-tests-1.R failure with unstable
...TALL. If I unpack pkgA_1.0.tar.gz, 'R CMD INSTALL pkgA' from the source tree works fine. However, 'R CMD INSTALL pkgA_1.0.tar.gz' returns the error. I am wondering whether this is specific to my OS (FreeBSD). Any pointers for debugging would be appreciated. h. -- +--- | Hiroyuki Kawakatsu | Business School, Dublin City University | Dublin 9, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2004 Aug 02
help(arima) return value typo?
in ?arima (R-1.9.1), the return value component 'convergence' should be 'code'? (it's a pity there is no reliable way to check return value documentation consistency with the code, or is there?) h. ---------------------------------- Hiroyuki Kawakatsu School of Management and Economics 25 University Square Queen's University, Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Northern Ireland United Kingdom Tel +44 (0)28 9097 3290 Fax +44 (0)28 9033 5156
2004 Aug 02
help(arima) return value typo?
in ?arima (R-1.9.1), the return value component 'convergence' should be 'code'? (it's a pity there is no reliable way to check return value documentation consistency with the code, or is there?) h. ---------------------------------- Hiroyuki Kawakatsu School of Management and Economics 25 University Square Queen's University, Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Northern Ireland United Kingdom Tel +44 (0)28 9097 3290 Fax +44 (0)28 9033 5156
2007 Jun 18
two bessel function bugs for nu<0
...athematica 5.2 #fix: #$ diff bessel_y_old.c bessel_y_new.c #55c55 #< return(bessel_y(x, -alpha) + bessel_j(x, -alpha) * sin(-M_PI * alpha)); #--- #> return(bessel_y(x, -alpha) * cos(M_PI * alpha) - bessel_j(x, -alpha) * sin(M_PI * alpha)); h. -- ---------------------------------- Hiroyuki Kawakatsu Business School Dublin City University Dublin 9, Ireland Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2007 Jan 18
building R on freebsd 6.2 (amd64) ( and to somewhere "visible" like /usr/local/lib/ as well. I didn't have to do this last step in freebsd 6.1. Is there some configure setting I can use to avoid having to move the two shared object files? h. -- ---------------------------------- Hiroyuki Kawakatsu Business School Dublin City University Dublin 9, Ireland Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2017 May 24
reg-tests-1d.R fails in r72721
...ged to hex code Encoding(x1) is "unknown" while Encoding(x2) is "UTF-8". If I run this code with R --vanilla, both are UTF-8 and the assertion passes. What is make check doing differently? Or is there something wrong with my setting/environment? Thanks, h. -- +--- | Hiroyuki Kawakatsu | Business School, Dublin City University | Dublin 9, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2017 May 24
reg-tests-1d.R fails in r72721
...LC_ADDRESS=C LC_TELEPHONE=C [11] LC_MEASUREMENT=en_GB.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=C attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] compiler_3.5.0 h. -- +--- | Hiroyuki Kawakatsu | Business School, Dublin City University | Dublin 9, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2016 Mar 30
reg-tests-1a fails with r70391
...l=1e-6) > stopifnot(length(s$sdev) == ncol(s$rotation)) Error: length(s$sdev) == ncol(s$rotation) is not TRUE Execution halted Looking at stats:::prcomp.default(), it appears that s$v is truncated but not s$d (unlike in the code before r70391) for the reduced rank case. h. -- +--- | Hiroyuki Kawakatsu | Business School, Dublin City University | Dublin 9, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2004 Aug 17
suggestion for ARMAacf()
...uld argue to append 1 for lag 0 for pacf=TRUE (or start pacf=F at lag 1). however, given the inconsistency for the sample counterparts acf() and pacf(), i am not too bothered with this behavior as long as the lags are named for both pacf=T and pacf=F. h. ---------------------------------- Hiroyuki Kawakatsu School of Management and Economics 25 University Square Queen's University, Belfast Belfast BT7 1NN Northern Ireland United Kingdom Tel +44 (0)28 9097 3290 Fax +44 (0)28 9033 5156
2006 Sep 28
unable to load
...bsd6.1 system x86_64, freebsd6.1 status Patched major 2 minor 3.1 year 2006 month 06 day 01 svn rev 38258 language R version.string Version 2.3.1 Patched (2006-06-01 r38258) -- ---------------------------------- Hiroyuki Kawakatsu Business School Dublin City University Dublin 9, Ireland Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2007 Dec 14
windows rtools missing gfortran.exe?
...eroin.c -o zeroin.o gfortran -O3 -c ch2inv.f -o ch2inv.o make[4]: gfortran: Command not found make[4]: *** [ch2inv.o] Error 127 make[3]: *** [rlibs] Error 2 make[2]: *** [../../bin/R.dll] Error 2 make[1]: *** [rbuild] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 -- ---------------------------------- Hiroyuki Kawakatsu Business School Dublin City University Dublin 9, Ireland Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2009 Mar 10
r-devel tarball build failure on windows
...R_HOME/src/library/Recommended shows that none of the timestamp files .ts are generated(?) in that directory. If I manually create the empty timestamp files, build completes but -make check- failed. I suspect something with my build tools is not right but what could that be? h. -- +--- | Hiroyuki Kawakatsu | Business School, Dublin City University | Dublin 9, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2009 Sep 26
Rtools210 missing jpeg-7?
...t line) is expecting jpeg-7. Perhaps this is still experimental but either Rtools should include jpeg-7 or the makefile should default to jpeg-6b? documentation note: the bitmap dll paths R_HOME/bin/Rbitmap.dll in R-admin should be updated to R_HOME/library/grDevices/libs/. h. -- +--- | Hiroyuki Kawakatsu | Business School, Dublin City University | Dublin 9, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2008 Nov 24
make fails with no rule to make target `VR.ts'
...stamp-recommended] Error 2 This is on FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE (amd64) with ./configure MAKE=gmake CC=gcc44 F77=gfortran44 FC=gfortran44 CXX=g++44 OBJC=gcc44 R_BROWSER=/usr/local/bin/firefox3 This used to build fine until a few weeks ago. Any hints for what may be going wrong? h. -- +--- | Hiroyuki Kawakatsu | Business School, Dublin City University | Dublin 9, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2001 Nov 19
acf mis-feature (PR#1177)
Full_Name: Hiroyuki Kawakatsu Version: 1.3.1 OS: win2k Submission from: (NULL) ( the lag labels in the acf plot is screwed when the ts frequency>1. try, for example, #acf mis-feature x <- ts(rnorm(200), frequency=4); acf(x,lag.max=24); h. > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 a...
2009 Sep 08
make check fails in r49613"Defunct") Execution halted > sessionInfo() R version 2.10.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-09-07 r49613) x86_64-unknown-freebsd9.0 locale: [1] C attached base packages: [1] tools stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods [8] base h. -- +--- | Hiroyuki Kawakatsu | Business School, Dublin City University | Dublin 9, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2017 May 24
reg-tests-1d.R fails in r72721
...<- iconv(y2, to="UTF-8") > print(Encoding(y3a)) [1] "unknown" > > y3b <- enc2utf8(y2) > print(Encoding(y3b)) [1] "unknown" > > Encoding(y2) <- "UTF-8" > print(Encoding(y2)) [1] "unknown" > h. -- +--- | Hiroyuki Kawakatsu | Business School, Dublin City University | Dublin 9, Ireland. Tel +353 (0)1 700 7496
2003 Feb 25
syntax rules
hi, i lost half a day trying to figure out how r is parsing statements in multiple lines. can someone explain (or direct me to documentation) the following. consider the following statements in a program file, say foo.r: a <- 1 + 2; b <- {1 + 2}; {c <- 1 + 2}; d <- c(1, 2); if i do source("foo.r"), i get a=3, b=2, c=1, d={1,2}. according to the r language definition