Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "kapetanakis".
2011 Jul 12
apply (or similar preferred) for multiple columns
Dear all,
I would like to use the apply or a similar function belonging to this
family, but applying for each column (or row) but let say for each q
columns. For example I would like to apply a function FUN for the first q
columns of matrix X then for q+1:2*q and so on. If I do apply (X, 2, FUN) it
applies for each column and not for every q columns. Is that possible with
any similar function?
2012 Feb 15
integrate (error: evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length)
Dear all,
I am trying to use the integrate function in R but it seems that it does not
work in my example and I cannot figure out why. I create a function Mu1
(which works fine) and try to integrate by the code:
n <- 100
Ctrl <- as.matrix(cbind(runif(n, -30, 30)))
W <- Ctrl + as.matrix(rnorm(n))
Rsp <- (W>as.matrix(sample(10, n, T)))*1
Mu1 <- function(x, Y=Rsp, Xc=Ctrl){
2012 Oct 05
glm (probit/logit) optimizer
Dear all,
I am using glm function in order to estimate a logit model i.e. glm(Y ~
data[,2] + data[,3], family = binomial(link = "logit")).
I also created a function that estimates logit model and I would like it to
compare it with the glm function.
So, does anyone know what optimizer or optimization method glm uses in order
to derive the result?
Thank you
View this
2011 Oct 06
sum of functions
Dear all,
I would like to create a code for semiparametric Klein and Spady's
estimator. For that I created a function that provides the log-likelihood
function for each observation (so it is a function of betas and i, where i
denotes the observation). Now, in order to maximize the log-likelihood
function, I have to sum these log-likelihood functions for each i and so to
get another function
2011 Jul 31
memory problem; Error: cannot allocate vector of size 915.5 Mb
Dear all,
I am trying to make some matrix operations (whose size I think is smaller
than what R allows) but the operations are not feasible when they run in one
session but it is feasible if they run separately while each operation is
totally independent of the other. I run the code in one session the error
that appears is:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 915.5 Mb
2010 May 26
mixture of virtual and plain users
I have a mail server (postfix/dovecot) running so far with normal
local /etc/passwd users for domain example.com.
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
passdb pam {
userdb passwd {
Is it possible to add virtual domains/users to my setup
without changing example.com to a virtual domain?
I can do the postfix part with
2012 Jul 12
apply() to a function that has more than 2 arguments
Dear all,
I created a function which it has many arguments i.e. Mu(x, Y, B, X, P)
where Mu is the function. This function works perfect but when I am trying
to use it in the apply() function in the manner apply(Matr, 1, Mu, Y=y, B=b,
X=x, P=p) it does not work and the output is: Error in match.fun(FUN) : '1'
is not a function, character or symbol
When I transform the function Mu to have
2010 Mar 14
Create vectors from a vector
Dear all,
I would like to create a number of vectors which contain the the first n
elements of an existing vector.
For example I have the vectors vnk (200x1) and vro(200x1) and I want to
create 200 vectors that contain the 1st till the n_th element of the vectors
and thus be able to create a vector s with 200 elements which are the
product of all these vectors:
i.e s1<-vnk[1]%*%vro[1]
2009 Feb 16
incl.non.slopes=FALSE does not work at predict.lm
Dear all,
I am trying to estimate the prediction from a fixed effects model and their
confidence intervals as well. Though I do not want to include in the
prediction and at the confidence intervals the intercept. For that reason I
used the argument incl.non.slopes=FALSE. But either if it is TRUE or FALSE
it does not have any difference and also the system does not provide any
warning. I really
2008 Sep 30
Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data. Warning message: In rq.fit.sfn
I am trying to estimate a quantile regression using panel data. I am trying
to use the model that is described in Dr. Koenker's article. So I use the
code the that is posted in the following link:
While this code run perfectly, it does not work for my data providing a
warning message:
In rq.fit.sfn(D, y, rhs = a) : tiny
2008 Oct 07
Mac crash- Probably memory problem
Dear all,
I am running a code using bootstraps for estimating standard errors but the
mac crashes. When I use small number of bootstraps (100) it works fine but
if I increase that number it crashes.
Thanks in advance
The code, the error and my mac characteristics are the following:
qr.1<- rq(y~factor(year)+factor(state)+x1+I(x^2)+I(x^3),
2008 Oct 06
Computationally singular [provides coefficients but not covariance matrix]
I am estimating a regression but the summary command is unable to provide me
results, while the coefficients are available from the coefficients value. I
suppose that it cannot estimate the covariance matrix. Is there any command
that I can relax the tolerance so it can estimate the covariance matrix.
The code and the error of R is:
2011 Jul 18
np package, estimating the standard errors of Klein and Spady's estimator
Dear all,
I would like to estimate the standard errors of Klein and Spady's estimator
for that I am using:
X<-matrix(c(rnorm(N,1,1), rnorm(N,0,1)), ncol=2)
BETA <-matrix(1,2,1)
L<-rlogis(N,location=0, scale=1)
Y <-as.vector(X%*%BETA+L>=0)*1
KS <- npindexbw (xdat=X, ydat=Y, bandwidth.compute=TRUE,
2011 Jul 20
np package, KleinSpady estimator, error when I estimate the bootstrapped standard errors
Dear all,
I am using np package in order to estimate a model with Klein and Spady
estimator. To estimate the model I use
KS <- npindexbw (xdat=X, ydat=Y, bandwidth.compute=TRUE,
method="kleinspady", optim.maxit=10^3, ckertype="epanechnikov", ckerorder=2)
and to estimate beta hats standard errors I use
KSi <- npindex(KS, gradients=T, boot.num=300)
This is
2011 Jul 25
error in optimization when I include constant term in Klein and Spady (np package)
Dear all,
I am trying to use the np package for the estimation of a model with Klein
and Spady's semiparametric estimator. When though, I include a constant term
( a column with 1s in X) then the following message appear:
Multistart 1 of 3...Error in optim(c(beta, h), fn = optim.fn, gr = NULL,
method = optim.method, :
non-finite value supplied by optim
So, how can I include a constant
2012 Mar 28
Local linear regression
Dear all,
I wrote a code which supposedly should create a function which performs a
local linear regression at point x (lower case).
The issue is that I have no reference to check if indeed my code performs
correctly a local linear regression. Is there any function in R that
performs a local linear regression (to give conditional expectation which I
am interested in and not graph) in order to
2010 Oct 10
rearrange command in quantreg package
Dear all,
I want to use the "rearrange" command which is based on Chernozhukov et al
paper and is included in the quantreg package. So, I run a quantile
regression in which I included dummy variables for state and years in order
to estimate the respective fixed effects quantile regression. The problems
are the followings:
1. At example that is stated in the help****, I don't