search for: jun2019

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "jun2019".

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2019 Jun 14
Addheader specified field name `Reply-To:' is invalid.
On 13 Jun2019, at 23:24, Aki Tuomi via dovecot <dovecot at <mailto:dovecot at>> wrote: > On 14 June 2019 04:25 @lbutlr via dovecot < dovecot at> wrote: >> >> >> Well, progress. At least now editheader loads. Sadly that brings up new err...
2019 Jun 16
Dovecot, quota, warning, and issue with setup?
Hello, I'm having an issue or two with my new Dovecot setup. I'm running version 2.3.6 new setup, and using sdbox as the mailbox format. I'm getting the following warning: Jun 16 13:57:16 mail dovecot[9583]: lmtp(59153): Warning: quota: Namespace '' is not Maildir, skipping for Maildir++ quota Jun 16 13:57:16 mail dovecot[9583]: lmtp(username at
2019 Jun 13
Sieve logging?
On 13 Jun2019, at 02:18, Matt Anton via dovecot <dovecot at> wrote: > > Sieve logs are in users?s homes and can be configured with ? sieve_user_log ?: > > ? sieve_user_log = > The path to the file where the user log file is written. If not configured, a default location is used...
2019 Jun 14
LMTP doesn't save to +mailbox
Since switching to lmtp in dovecot, mail to user+mailboix at does not get saved in ?.mailbox? as it did with LDA, instead it gets saved into the INBOX. If it matters, these are users who do NOT have a ~/.active_sieve file. I could understand (though it would bene a bit annoying) if the save overrode this mechanism. I did add lmtp_save_to_detail_mailbox = yes in the protocol lmtp
2019 Jun 12
Updating passwords
I created some new users in my MySQL database using postfoxadmin. The passwords looked correct in the database and show the right prefix {SHA256-CRYPT} but logins were failing, so I manually created new passwords from the command line: doveadm pw -s SHA256-CRYPT -p ?a password" -u kremels at {SHA256-CRYPT}$5$ZKsovTv0Ddc9k4? I then went into the postfix database and manually
2019 Jun 14
Addheader specified field name `Reply-To:' is invalid.
Well, progress. At least now editheader loads. Sadly that brings up new errors. specified field name `Reply-To:' is invalid. if header :contains "List-id" "<>" { addheader "Reply-To:" "<>"; addheader "X-added-reply-To:" "True"; fileinto :create
2019 Jun 09
Sql user and maildirs
For many years I had the following in my dovecot.conf: userdb { args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext default_fields = uid=vpopmail gid=vchkpw mail_location=/usr/local/virtual/%u/Maildir mail=maildir:/usr/local/virtual/%u/Maildir driver = sql } Recently, I started having quite a lot of errors on one MySQL account (used as a bcc backup account) along the lines of Fatal:
2019 Jun 10
Sieve to strip html from multipart messages
Is is possible (I?m sure it is, so how) to strip multipart messages that are HTML and text of the HTML portion and leave the bare text message without also stripping other parts (like images or attached files). Or also to take messages that are only HTML and strip the HTML and replace it with a plain text version? I used to do this a long time ago with procmail and lynx, but it was never
2019 Jun 13
Sieve logging?
I am trying to create some sieve scripts to filter my mailing lists and am wondering if sieve logs anywhere, and it so where? I don?t see anything in mail.log beyond lines like: dovecot: lda(kremels at<39790><hNchChSkAV1umwAAIdGjjQ>: sieve: msgid=<267D5D71-D99C-4790-8706-C1A92BCC9F97 at>: stored mail into mailbox ?INBOX' Which doesn?t really tell me