search for: judofyr

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches for "judofyr".

2008 May 21
Rack, Camping 2.0++
...file. For production you should create a rackup-file or setup Rack in some other way: #!/usr/bin/env rackup # Auto-detects CGI & FastCGI # Start mongrel with: ./ -s mongrel -p 3301 require ''blog'' Blog.create run Blog Some notes: * Branch: * You have to rename camping-unabridged.rb to camping.rb in order to run apps. * You''re app is also a Rack-app (aka respond_to?(:call)) * I''m using Rack::Request (@request) and Rack::Response (@response) * Status, headers and body must be set using @status, @...
2008 Jun 06
Attention Judofyr: Broken cookies in 2.0
Hey Judofyr! Fix this! When someone sets a cookie using @cookies.something = ''data'' it should be set with the path going to the camping app''s root, not with no path, otherwise only that controller with the same parameters will ever see the cookie again! Please change this cod...
2008 Jun 06
Messy Cookies
...So I took Bluebie''s code and rewrote it a bit. I moved some logic (which currently is in #service) from #call to Base#to_a. So even if you''re not using Rack, you need to call #to_a in order to clean things up. The code is available in the proper_cookie-branch: I''ve tested it with Firefox + LiveHTTPHeaders and it seems to work fine. If anyone spots a bug, please comment on a commit (or scream out on IRC)! Oh, and _why has to decide if we should make the session-system completely XSS-proof, or be a little more rela...
2008 Jul 19
Resolved: Apache + CGI/FastCGI + mod_rewrite
This is the last time I try to fix something in the middle of the night! Feel free to call me a Stupid Snake, ''cause this has been messy. Anyway, I think I''ve finally solved this. Here it is: :-) -- Magnus Holm
2009 Nov 03
Camping on Wikipedia
...ointed people to the Github repo for version 1.9. Please take a look and either make suggestions for further material for me to add (not too much... let''s keep the text Camping-tiny :-), or make a contribution yourself. Magnus FYI: except for the introductory tutorial (http:// I refrained from adding any other links that point to your server/gem repo. Dave Everitt
2006 May 23
how to pull text from database and eval it?
I''m trying to add some executable code to my blog posts. How can I include this inside of a blog post and eval it? Charlie bowman -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2009 Mar 29
Rack::Lint::LintError with latest camping and rack
I''m trying to use Camping from Magnus'' repo (1.9.300) but running the blog.rb example (or anything for that matter) gives me Rack::Lint::LintError at / Content-Length header was 0, but should be 548 Ruby C:/ruby-1.8.7/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-0.9.1/lib/rack/lint.rb: in assert, line 16 Web GET localhost/ There are no errors on the camping output so I suspect something has
2008 Jun 03
I was having some issue getting the class variables in Camping::Session to work with some old apps, so I''ve changed @@state_secret to a method. module Blog include Camping::Session def state_secret; "kxxxx" end end Also, merged some of zimbatm''s patches. And trying to revive the Junebug wiki <> since it''s still
2008 May 24
Camping 2.0 - What''s left? to "proper" Ruby and show a diff. Really useful when synchronizing the two files. camping.rb is now at 3171 bytes (77% of 4kB)! (I realize that we don''t need to target all of these issues for 2.0, we must have something left for 2.1 :-) [1] [2] vs --- Magnus "We''re missing _why in #camping" Holm
2013 Jan 02
Apache Passenger and Reloader
Hi Guys, I just started playing with camping and so far it''s pretty awesomo. After much messing around I was finally able to get Apache Passenger, Camping and ActiveRecord to PostgreSQL working. One thing I was wondering about, can I use reloader with Apache Passenger? Always having to touch/rm a tmp/restart.txt to see changes or reloading apache altogether is kinda a pain and I was
2009 Jan 24
Do we still need to be alert when on SQLite3?
Anyone knows if we still need to follow the instructions at, or if the stable release is good enough? //Magnus Holm -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2010 Aug 19
Camping 2.1 - ERB, Haml, 1.9, bug fixes, new website!
{} || || ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <= _whycake ~ Camping 2.1 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I''m pleased to announce another release of Camping, the microframework. This time we''ve focused on improving the 1.9 support, adding (builtin) support for more template engines, refreshing the homepage and just general bug fixes. gem install camping Home:
2009 Jun 05
<notextile> bug
Hey, and thanks for a great RedCloth! I have however stumbled upon a very weird bug. Have a look at this Textile file: I have two <notextile>-tags inside, but it still escapes single-quote to &#8216; in the first <notextile>-block, but not the last... Any reason why this would happen? //Magnus Holm -------------- next part