Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35 matches for "jsonlite".
2017 Sep 03
readLines() segfaults on large file & question on how to work around
Thank you for pointing me to ndjson, which I had not heard of and is
exactly my case.
My experience:
jsonlite::stream_in - segfaults
ndjson::stream_in - my fault, I am running Ubuntu 14.04 and it is too old
so it won't compile the package
corpus::read_ndjson - works!!! Of course it does a different simplification
than jsonlite::fromJSON, so I have to change some code, but it works
2017 Sep 02
readLines() segfaults on large file & question on how to work around
I have a 2.1GB JSON file. Typically I use readLines() and
jsonlite:fromJSON() to extract data from a JSON file.
When I try and read in this file using readLines() R segfaults.
I believe the two salient issues with this file are
1). Its size
2). It is a single line (no line breaks)
I can reproduce this issue as follows
#Generate a big file with no line breaks
2017 Sep 28
rgl crash on windows 7
....1/library/graphics/libs/x64/graphics.dll FALSE
stats C:/Program
Files/R/R-3.4.1/library/stats/libs/x64/stats.dll FALSE
c:/kw/R/win-library/3.4/Rcpp/libs/x64/Rcpp.dll TRUE
c:/kw/R/win-library/3.4/htmltools/libs/x64/htmltools.dll FALSE
c:/kw/R/win-library/3.4/jsonlite/libs/x64/jsonlite.dll TRUE
tools C:/Program
Files/R/R-3.4.1/library/tools/libs/x64/tools.dll FALSE
c:/kw/R/win-library/3.4/httpuv/libs/x64/httpuv.dll TRUE
c:/kw/R/win-library/3.4/mime/libs/x64/mime.dll T...
2017 Sep 04
readLines() segfaults on large file & question on how to work around
[1] compiler_3.4.1 R6_2.2.2 hms_0.3 tools_3.4.1
tibble_1.3.3 Rcpp_0.12.12 rlang_0.1.2
On 03-09-17 20:50, Jennifer Lyon wrote:
> Jeroen:
> Thank you for pointing me to ndjson, which I had not heard of and is
> exactly my case.
> My experience:
> jsonlite::stream_in - segfaults
> ndjson::stream_in - my fault, I am running Ubuntu 14.04 and it is too old
> so it won't compile the package
> corpus::read_ndjson - works!!! Of course it does a different simplification
> than jsonlite::fromJSON, so I have to change some code, b...
2016 Feb 11
inconsistency in treatment of USE.NAMES argument
2014 Oct 19
Writing UTF8 on Windows
Recent functionality in jsonlite allows for streaming json to a user
supplied connection object, such as a file, pipe or socket. RFC7159
prescribes json must be encoded as unicode; ISO-8859 (including
latin1) is invalid. Hence I would like R to write strings as utf8,
irrespective of the type of connection, platform or locale.
2017 Aug 17
How to install Tidyverse on Ubuntu 17.04? Getting gcc errors for -fstack-protector-strong and -Wdate-time
(as ?lib? is unspecified)
also installing the dependencies ?colorspace?, ?munsell?, ?plyr?, ?psych?,
?reshape2?, ?bindrcpp?, ?Rcpp?, ?digest?, ?scales?, ?curl?, ?openssl?,
?cellranger?, ?stringi?, ?selectr?, ?tidyselect?, ?broom?, ?dplyr?,
?forcats?, ?ggplot2?, ?haven?, ?httr?, ?jsonlite?, ?lubridate?, ?modelr?,
?purrr?, ?readr?, ?readxl?, ?stringr?, ?tibble?, ?rvest?, ?tidyr?, ?xml2?
trying URL 'https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/colorspace_1.3-2.tar.gz'
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 293433 bytes (286 KB)
2018 Sep 04
Lectura Archivo JSON
...rato y salir perdedor con la lectura
de un archivo json. Por el momento he conseguido leerlo y transformar la
parte que me interesa a data frame, sin embargo no consigo poder manipular
los datos para calcular por ejemplo la media de una de las variables.
El código que estoy ejecutando es:
json_data <- fromJSON(file.choose())
listing <- as.data.frame(do.call(("cbind"), flatten(json_data$listing)))
y me devuelve el error:
[1] NA
Warning message:
In mean.default(listing$currentPrice.amount) :
argument is not numeric or logical: ret...
2017 Jun 05
Estoy intentando descargar datos de la API de ESIOS, de REE, pero estoy teniendo problemas al introducir el token. Estoy usando httr, rCurl y jsonlite.
Alguien ha podido descargar los datos? Cómo lo ha hecho?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Sep 06
...2017-01-27 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
goodpractice * 1.0.0 2017-09-02 Github (MangoTheCat/goodpractice at 9969799)
httr 1.3.1 2017-08-20 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
igraph 1.1.2 2017-07-21 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
jsonlite 1.5 2017-06-01 CRAN (R 3.4.0)
knitr 1.17 2017-08-10 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
lazyeval 0.2.0 2016-06-12 CRAN (R 3.4.0)
lintr 1.0.1 2017-08-10 CRAN (R 3.4.1)...
2016 Feb 08
inconsistency in treatment of USE.NAMES argument
Both vapply() and sapply() support the 'USE.NAMES' argument. According
to the man page:
USE.NAMES: logical; if ?TRUE? and if ?X? is character, use ?X? as
?names? for the result unless it had names already.
But if 'X' has names already and 'USE.NAMES' is FALSE, it's not clear
what will happen to the names. Are they going to propagate to the
2020 May 11
Segfault on read.socket with long message
...cesses using a
simple socket mechanism. The messages are rather long object stored as
R is crashing with a segmentation fault when I try to read my test
message (which is 5305 bytes long). I first send the length in bytes
and then I send the actual message.
Here is my R code:
listenerloop <- function (port) {
flog.trace("Opening Socket on port %d",port)
sock <- make.socket("localhost",port,server=TRUE)
flog.trace("Closing Socket on port %d",port)
2017 Sep 07
...ley/devtools at 91490d1)
> digest 0.6.12 2017-01-27 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
> goodpractice * 1.0.0 2017-09-02 Github (MangoTheCat/goodpractice@
> 9969799)
> httr 1.3.1 2017-08-20 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
> igraph 1.1.2 2017-07-21 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
> jsonlite 1.5 2017-06-01 CRAN (R 3.4.0)
> knitr 1.17 2017-08-10 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
> lazyeval 0.2.0 2016-06-12 CRAN (R 3.4.0)
> lintr 1.0.1 2017-08-10 CRAN (R 3.4.1)
> magrittr 1.5 2014-11-22 CRAN (R 3.4.0)
> memoise...
2017 Jun 06
Enviado: lunes, 5 de junio de 2017 3:56
Para: r-help-es en r-project.org<mailto:r-help-es en r-project.org>
Asunto: [R-es] API REE
Estoy intentando descargar datos de la API de ESIOS, de REE, pero estoy teniendo problemas al introducir el token. Estoy usando httr, rCurl y jsonlite.
Alguien ha podido descargar los datos? C?mo lo ha hecho?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Aug 29
BUG: HMTL-based help.search() on vignettes may generate error (with PATCH)
...lp_type = "html")
Error in if (nchar(Outfile)) Outfile else File :
argument is not interpretable as logical
in the browser (e.g.
Another example is help.search("tm") with jsonlite installed.
This occurs because utils:::merge_vignette_index() uses:
base[, "Name"] <- sub("\\.[^.]*$", "", basename(vDB$File))
base[, "Topic"] <- base[, "Name"]
which assumes that the 'Name' (and hence the...
2017 Sep 02
readLines() segfaults on large file & question on how to work around
...ail.com> wrote:
> As s work-around I suggest readr::read_file.
> --Ista
> On Sep 2, 2017 2:58 PM, "Jennifer Lyon" <jennifer.s.lyon at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I have a 2.1GB JSON file. Typically I use readLines() and
>> jsonlite:fromJSON() to extract data from a JSON file.
>> When I try and read in this file using readLines() R segfaults.
>> I believe the two salient issues with this file are
>> 1). Its size
>> 2). It is a single line (no line breaks)
>> I can reprod...
2020 May 12
Segfault on read.socket with long message
>> as JSON.
>> R is crashing with a segmentation fault when I try to read my test
>> message (which is 5305 bytes long).? I first send the length in bytes
>> and then I send the actual message.
>> Here is my R code:
>> library(jsonlite)
>> library(futile.logger)
>> listenerloop <- function (port) {
>> ? flog.trace("Opening Socket on port %d",port)
>> ? sock <- make.socket("localhost",port,server=TRUE)
>> ? on.exit({
>> ??? close.socket(sock)
>> ??? flog.trace(&qu...
2018 May 08
help with json data from the web into data frame in R
...read json data from is ?https? and there is a certificate warning that I have to click through from a browser. That might be my issue. Is there any way in the json package to tell it to ignore self-signed cert errors in a url?
I didn't have that issue when using the link you offered:
myJSON <- fromJSON( url("https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=ask&query=%5B%5BCategory:City%5D%5D&format=json") )
# results in a complex list (not trivially reducible to a dataframe:
List of 1
$ query:List of 5
..$ printrequests:'data.frame&...
2018 May 08
help with json data from the web into data frame in R
...is ?https? and there is a certificate warning that I have to click through from a browser. That might be my issue. Is there any way in the json package to tell it to ignore self-signed cert errors in a url?
> I didn't have that issue when using the link you offered:
> library(jsonlite)
> myJSON <- fromJSON( url("https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=ask&query=%5B%5BCategory:City%5D%5D&format=json") )
> # results in a complex list (not trivially reducible to a dataframe:
> str(myJSON)
> List of 1
> $ query:List of 5
2018 May 08
help with json data from the web into data frame in R
...read json data from is ?https? and there is a certificate warning that I have to click through from a browser. That might be my issue. Is there any way in the json package to tell it to ignore self-signed cert errors in a url?
I didn't have that issue when using the link you offered:
myJSON <- fromJSON( url("https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=ask&query=%5B%5BCategory:City%5D%5D&format=json") )
# results in a complex list (not trivially reducible to a dataframe:
List of 1
$ query:List of 5
..$ printrequests:'data.frame&...