Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "jojeda".
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2000 Mar 24
body bug?
I am not sure if this is a bug or not but it seemed estrange to me.
Following code works ok.
> cat("Hello my body is: ");body(cat)
Hello my body is: .Internal(cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels,
> cat("Hello my body is: ");body(cat);cat("\n")
Hello my body is: .Internal(cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels,
But when I
2001 Sep 25
Bug in model.matrix.default (was: [R] predict incosistency ?) (PR#1100)
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:27:27 GMT, Jorge Luis Ojeda Cabrera
<jojeda@posta.unizar.es> wrote in message
>When fitting model 'y~1', the 'lm' response is ok, but it is not possible
>to get predictions using 'predict'. May be this is a bug, at least i
>think it is somehow
2001 Sep 25
Bug in model.matrix.default (PR#1100)
...hat (which was already fixed in R-devel).
The internal code expects there to be columns in the model frame.
I have already fixed this in R-devel (by faking an unused column).
On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 murdoch@stats.uwo.ca wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 12:27:27 GMT, Jorge Luis Ojeda Cabrera
> <jojeda@posta.unizar.es> wrote in message
> <20010925.12272700@macdesp8.unizar.es>:
> >When fitting model 'y~1', the 'lm' response is ok, but it is not possible
> >to get predictions using 'predict'. May be this is a bug, at least i
> >think it is...
2008 Jan 11
Adding weights to ecdf
Thank you very much in advance, Jorge.
Jorge Luis Ojeda Cabrera
Prof. Asoc. del Dep. M?todos Estad?sticos.
Univ. de Zaragoza.
Fac. de Ciencias, Edif. Matem?ticas.
Pedro Cerbuna, num. 12.
50009 Zaragoza.
Tlf.: 34 76 762884
Fax: 34 76 761115
jojeda at unizar.es
2001 Sep 25
predict incosistency ?
When fitting model 'y~1', the 'lm' response is ok, but it is not possible
to get predictions using 'predict'. May be this is a bug, at least i
think it is somehow
> rm(list=ls())
> d <- data.frame(x=runif(50),y=rnorm(50))
> plot(d)
> d.lm <- lm(y~1,data=d)
> d.lm
lm(formula = y ~ 1, data = d)
2000 Mar 01
Congratulations for the baby !!
I would like to thank those lots of people who have made such a nice
work and who have been so generous with your efforts.
Jorge Luis Ojeda Cabrera
Dep. M?todosEstad?sticos
Fac. De Ciencias, U. de Zaragoza
Pedro Crbuna,12
50009 Zaragoza
r-help mailing list -- Read
2000 Oct 20
Local Scopes in S
I 've been working with R since last year and I am quite "happy" with R
capabilities. Nevertheless, I need to present my job to other people
(S-users) and I am facing a problem with R & S compatibility: my
R-scripts make intensive use of functions local scope, and as far as I
know(I am a new to S) S does not have this capability.
I use to do things like:
create.f <-
2009 Dec 01
Agradecimientos y felicitaciones a los organizadores...
Pues eso, me remito al Asunto, muchísimas gracias a los organizadores de
la ''I Conferencia Hispana R-Project 2009''.
Más allá del evento, el compartir experiencias, y el apoyo que esto
supone, el ambiente bajo el que se desarrollaron las jornadasfue
extremadamente ''motivante''.
Lo dicho, muchas gracias y mis felicitaciones, Jorge.